
Chapter 3

My spine trembled with fear and my jaw dropped as a surge of shivers rippled through me, causing goosebumps to spread over my entire body. 

The overwhelming terror was so intense that my legs involuntarily dragged behind me. 

The thought of being rejected was unbearable, and I desperately hoped it was all just a prank. I waited for the punchline, but it never came. 

Trying to compose myself, I approached him and gently touched his face, hoping for some reassurance. 

With tears streaming down my face, I whispered, "This is just a joke, right?" 

But my hopes were dashed as he angrily pushed me away, shouting, "Don't touch me!"

I nearly lost my balance but managed to stumble and regain my composure. The shove lacked full force, but was filled with a deep sense of revulsion and repugnance.

Glancing up at his face, I regretted it instantly, as his countenance was consumed with animosity, for reasons unknown to me.

"I'm struggling to comprehend the lies you're spewing. You saw what we did in the room. Is there an issue with it?" He queried, embracing her slender waist and pulling her closer to his body. Her head rested on his shoulder.

Tyler's words struck me so intensely that my legs buckled once more, and tears streamed down my cheeks with greater intensity.

"Tyler, can you not perceive my scent?" I asked, gasping for air as if I were about to lose my composure at any moment.

"I can smell your pre-scent, which is precisely why I despise you. It was a mistake for us to become mates. Our parents forced us to be together since we were kids. I do not have feelings for you," he paused and sneered.

"Moreover, I am committed to her, the Beta's daughter, and not even the fact that you are my mate will make me abandon her. Therefore, feel free to seek love and protection in someone else's embrace, as you will never find it in mine!" He spoke brusquely while his fingers toyed with her hair.

Overwhelmed by anguish and intense despair, I felt my strength drain, and a wretched sob escaped my lips.

His circle of friends chuckled and observed with amusement as if we were performing a comedic skit for their entertainment.

As Tyler sported a smug expression, I bore the pain of his actions.

Despite everything seeming real, I hoped for him to reveal it was just a joke. I couldn't recall ever causing him harm or opposing his desires. I had given him my body, soul, spirit, and everything else within me.

Where had I made a mistake?

The music, intended to muffle his words, had abruptly stopped, intensifying his hurtful words and shattering my heart into fragments.

"She's really obsessed." came the words from the beta's daughter, followed by a derisive laugh as she clung tightly to Tyler. The sense of worthlessness within me was overwhelming.

I attempted to speak, to retaliate with harsh words or tough posturing, but my mouth remained silent. Instead, all I could manage was a gasp. It was clear to me now that my aspirations of being with the future Alpha were nothing more than wishful thinking, leaving me feeling dejected.

"Tyler, maybe you could have expressed yourself more delicately," Jaxon interjected, shaking his head and running his hand through his hair as he looked at me with sympathy.

"I don't care!" Tyler retorted, causing my wolf to let out a pained cry as she curled up into a ball.

I whirled around and stumbled towards the exit, cursing the day I crossed paths with him. Tears streamed down my face, particularly when I recollected how he had just declared our lifelong relationship to be coerced on his part.

"As you leave, could you do me a favour and grab those flowers you left in my room?" Tyler sneered, but I refused to comply.

Never again would I venture into that room. I was utterly shattered and wrecked. It would have been preferable if we had never met. The rejection and ridicule in front of his cohorts were agonizing beyond words.

School was set to resume tomorrow, and I had recklessly assured my friends that I was Tyler's mate, the hottest Alpha Prince in the werewolf school.

Due to our strong bond and constant companionship, my friends readily believed me.

Can I ever move past this heartbreak?

As I shut Tyler's door with a resounding thud, the harsh reality of the situation hit me in full force: I had lost him.

He had rejected me in favour of someone else, leaving me confused and unsure of what to believe or how to feel.

How would I be able to face my friends at school?

After a long, tearful walk, I returned home to find my parents lounging on the couch, happily teasing and joking with each other like the loving mates they are. My mother's laughter echoed through the room as my father entertained her with his witty humour.

As I stood on the doorstep, the scene unfolding before me seemed to glue my feet to the ground. My heart weighed heavy with sorrow as I watched them.

If only I had never entertained the idea of a happy ending with Tyler, my beloved mate. Perhaps then, the pain I felt now wouldn't be so intense.

Tyler possessed all the qualities I had ever desired in a man, and I had often fantasized about our future together. But now, that dream had shattered.

My mother's voice shattered my daze as she called out my name. I flinched, entering the house as if I hadn't been lingering outside.

Through tear-filled eyes, I struggled to greet her, unable to even discern whether it was morning or afternoon. My cheeks were constantly wet with tears that refused to cease.

My mother darted towards me, wrapping me in a tight embrace with a troubled and perplexed expression etched on her face.

"What's the matter?!" she exclaimed, her gaze fixated on me with deep concern. My father also sprang into action, leaving the couch behind to join us.

"Tell me everything, did someone lay a finger on you?" he demanded, his hunter instincts kicking in as a muscular and well-trained wolf.

In that moment, I longed for a physical blow to ease my pain, but it wasn't that simple.

My tears resulted from a problem they couldn't fix, rendering their efforts futile.

"Please, darling, confide in me," my mother urged, caressing my hair with one hand while wiping my tears away with the other.

Despite being an adult, my parents continued in treating me like a child. All they wanted was to see me happy and comfortable, but this time they were unable to provide that. I wondered if they could help me bring Tyler back to my life.

"I'm the rejected fated mate of the Alpha's son, who has chosen the Beta's daughter as his mate," I declared. They both recoiled and their expressions turned sour.

My dad seethed with anger while my mom gritted her teeth. Their fists were clenched as if they were ready to pounce on someone.

"To make matters worse, he warned me to keep my distance so his new mate wouldn't feel uncomfortable," I choked up and fought back tears.

"There's nothing we can do," my dad said as he made his way to the bar, grabbing two bottles and settling onto the couch. He took a swig straight from the bottle.

"We can't force him to choose differently or question his decision," my mom added.

"Mum, please talk to him or ask his dad what I did wrong," I pleaded.

Maintain your distance from him and refrain from getting too close. It's best not to rile up the Alpha by bothering his son," Dad snorted before taking another swig of his drink.

"So, mom, for real? My mate is gone? He didn't exactly reject me, so maybe we can still be together?" I sobbed, my nose running from my tears.

"He may be waiting to do so in public to make a scene out of it," Dad responded solemnly, pouring himself another drink in frustration.

"I'm truly sorry for your pain, but it's essential to prepare for rejection, come to terms with it, and move forward. You'll find someone even better," Mom consoled, giving me a hug and rubbing my back.

"A vampire?" Suddenly, my dad jumped up from the couch, causing the bottle in his hand to fall and shatter on the ground.

As Mom and I moved away in shock, we couldn't help but stare as Dad's face registered his utter astonishment and fear.

It seems that a message was sent through the mind link, but unfortunately, I don't possess the necessary permission as I am yet to attain the rank of an authorized hunter. Therefore, I am left in the dark, clueless about the situation at hand.

My mother cried out, "There's a vampire in the pack!" and my father joined in with a fierce howl, they both swiftly transformed into their wolf forms.

"Quickly, retreat to your room and remain hidden. We'll return shortly. An uninvited vampire has trespassed and penetrated our pack!" Mum managed to say before they bolted away at incredible speed.

My parents are skilled hunters within the pack, and their determination to protect their kin from any intruder is unyielding.

For ages, werewolves and vampires have been sworn oppositions, with their paths never to cross without a deadly outcome. I can't help but wonder what brought this lone vampire into our pack.

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