
Chapter 10

A touch of my mental powers drove him higher. His hands held my head as he thrust into my face, balls slapping my chin and, with one last flash of heat, Levi came, ramming his cock all the way in to shoot his cum straight into my waiting belly.

His hands fell to his sides and I looked up to find his head back against the arm of the sofa, mouth open and panting, "Marina."

I let his cock slip from my mouth and land on his belly without a trace of his cum left behind. "Look at me, Levi."

He raised his head up slowly and gazed at me with heavy lidded eyes. "Beyond this point and until you wake, Levi, you will not remember anything that happens."

I saw the dazed look I needed cover his eyes as he said, "Yes, Marina."

Quickly I spread his legs apart, my eyes zeroing in on just the right spot to bite. I trembled as my canines extend once again. "I'm sorry, Levi. It's been so long since I've had warm human blood. I just have to taste you. Please forgive me."

Gently as possible I bit into his thigh. The first rush of blood was hot and the flavors burst upon my tongue. The heat and the power in his blood moved through me so fast and so strong that my orgasm slammed into me with a force unlike any I'd ever known. I took another deep pull and my body shook almost violently as the intense pleasure filled me.

Not daring another taste I pulled away from him, the saliva I had left behind already at work to seal and heal his wounds. I lay my head on his stomach as my canines retracted. Tremors racked my body as the long denied passion for warm human blood was finally fulfilled.

I jerked against his body when I felt Levi's surprising touch upon my head. His hand brushed over my hair before he combed his fingers through the long dark strands.

"It's all right Marina. I understand.", was all he said to me. For the longest time I lay there, unable to pull away from his soft touch. With each gentle caress of his hand I felt a little more of my heart cracking. Long forgotten feelings were coming back, rushing over me. Memories of what it was like to be held and touched so long ago rushed over me and my chest filled with the need to sob.

I pulled away abruptly and stood beside the sofa looking down at him. Not able to be around him a moment longer I gave a quick mental command to his mind and watched as sleep took him. After covering his naked body with his blanket I gathered up my clothes and head down to the basement.

As soon as I opened the basement door guilt crashed down around me when my eyes landed upon the coffin Dante and I used to share. Dropping my clothes, I went over and ran my hands along the old gleaming black surface before climbing in and shutting the lid. I took Dante's pillow in my hands and held it close to me. "Don't hate me for what I've done Dante. I never thought, nor did I ever intend. to be with anyone else again. I still love you with all my heart."

I kissed his pillow and hugged it close to my heart. Closing my eyes, tears streamed from my eyes as Dante's image filled my mind and stayed there till sleep took me.


I woke with an anger so deep that it was almost beyond my control. I threw the lid back on my coffin with a loud bang, not bothering to check for any danger and really not caring if their was any. I by-passed the cold blood that waited for me and instead cleaned up and went straight upstairs.

Rose was at the kitchen sink washing the dishes from dinner and jumped when I slammed the basement door. "What the..." she gasped when she turned around and found me there, my eyes filled with anger and hunger. I watched her hand go to her throat as she stammered, "Marina, what, what's wrong?"

I didn't bother to answer her question. "Where's Chad?"

She fidgeted with the dishrag in her hands and her voice trembled. "He's uh, he's outside."

Without another word I stepped onto the deck through the kitchen doors and heard the sound of wood being chopped at the side of the cabin. I turned the corner to find Chad watching over Levi as he swung the ax down with a resounding crack, splitting the wood in half with one try. My gut ached at the sight of him with one of Chad's shirts clinging to his body and his hair damp with sweat. I tried to bank the glow from my eyes and relax the muscles in my face but I knew I failed from the look on Chad's face when he turned at the sound of my voice, "Chad, I need to speak with you. Now!"

As Chad walked toward me I looked over his shoulder and stared at Levi as he sat the ax down and wiped his face on his shirt before looking at me and smiling. His smile faded quickly when he took in the look on my face. I saw his confusion and his fear as they spread across his features before I turned my back to him and started toward the woods once Chad reached my side.

"I don't care what you have to do Chad but I want him gone tonight. I don't care if you can or can't get him to his grandmother's. Drop him off in town and pay for his room if you have to, just have him gone before I return tonight. Is that clear?" My voice growled out the last few words and my hands curled into fists.

Chad looked at me for a few seconds, his expression changing from friendly, to worry and then kind of fearful. "If that is what you wish Marina, I will see that he is gone as soon as possible."

I then turn moved into the woods and once I was sure that Levi couldn't spot me I let my powers take over and sent such a burst of speed to my legs that I barely touch the ground as I ran down the mountain side. Before long I reached the edge of town and slowed down to normal speed. The run had help lessen the red glow of anger from my eyes.

I strolled along the streets watching the tourist and listening to all the different accents, When a couple from England stopped me in a candle shop I felt the rest of my anger drain away as their voices brought back fond memories of home and my family.

After a couple of hours I started on my way out of town. When I turned onto one of the small empty side streets I picked up the feeling of fear pouring out from a dark alley. With no one around I zipped to the edge of the alley and heard someone begging. "Please, no! Don't hurt me."

Carefully I peer around the corner and spotted a man standing in front of a young teenage girl. The fear rolled off the her in waves and my anger intensify rapidly.

In the shadows I made my way closer to the pair. The man's menacing laugh filled the air as he ripped her blouse open. The girl tried to pull away from him but he was much to strong for her, easily shoving her down to the ground.

Before he could even think of getting on his knees I reacted. In a split second I came up behind him and grabbed him by his ski jacket and threw him against the brick wall, his body dropping to the ground.

"Get out of here. Run!" I growled deep in my throat at the girl. She scampered to her feet and took off around the corner without ever looking back.

The man staggered to his feet and I seen his blood running down the side of his face. My canines had reached full length and the scent of his blood caused my gut to ache from were I had not fed before leaving the cabin.

"Why don't you pick on someone who can fight back or are you to big a pussy for that?" I asked, as the anger took hold of the jerk in front of me. Suddenly he lunged forward and tackled me. I could have easily moved and made him crash into the other wall, but I was looking for a fight.

I grunted as he rammed me backward, turning over trashing cans as he pushed me against the wall behind me. I laughed as only a twinge of pain went up my spine. I then raised my fists high into the air over my head and slammed them down onto his back, knocking him flat to the ground.

"Is that the best you can do? I'm surprised that that young girl didn't knock you down." I can't help but taunt him, wanting him to get back up and fight.

He slowly rose to his hands and knees then finally to his feet, but still bent over at the waist. Out of nowhere he swung his arm out, metal flashed from a knife blade before it slashed across my stomach, cutting through my sweater and deep into my skin.

Shafts of pain ripped through my belly and I howled. My eyes glow deep crimson and everything in my vision turned blood red as I backhanded him across the face, sending him flying down the alley.

"Get up!" I growled, taking my time walking toward him as he struggled to his feet.

I got close enough that he took another swipe at me with the knife but this time I'm was prepared and moved, grabbing him by the wrist and squeezing. The bone shattered beneath my grip and he screamed out in pain, dropping the knife onto the pavement. His shoulder popped as I jerked his arm behind his back and dropped him to his knees. I then quickly picked him up and threw him over my shoulder and ran off out of town.

Deeper and deeper into the forest and up the mountainside I climbed. The man cried out as tree limbs and branches hit him almost continuously along the hidden trail that I took. A few minutes later I came to the top of a deep ravine and dropped him to the ground, gaining much satisfaction from his scream of pain.

I pulled him up by the hair at the back of his head and walked him to the edge, pushing his head down so he could see in the pale moonlight just how far it was to the bottom. The man through, broken cries of pain tried to speak. "Please, whoever you are, let me live. I'm sorry, really. I promise, I wasn't going to hurt her. I just wanted to have some fun."

My body grew weaker by the second from the loss of blood due to the wound in my belly and his whining voice only angered me more. I twisted him around to face me and caused him to scream in fright as I opened my mouth wide baring my long teeth with evil intent.

"Why should I show you any forgiveness bastard? You would have hurt that innocent girl, even through she was begging you not to, if I hadn't of stopped you." I pulled him to me then, my hand at the back of his head and fingers wrapped in his hair. His screams echoed as my teeth shined in the moonlight before I slammed them into his neck. The popping sensation in my mouth, as I sank into his jugular, sent a burst of energy through my veins. Hot tasty blood filled my mouth as I suckles, twisting my head and sinking my teeth in deeper.

I tuned out his screams, listening to his pounding heartbeat beginning to slow. My strength began to build as more and more of the man's life force filled me. Once drained, I finally let go of him, his body weighted pulling him to the ground caused my teeth to rip from his throat, making it appear as if a wild animal had ravaged him. I tilted my head back and stared up into the night sky, blood running down my chin, growling so loud that the sound carried into the forest causing birds to fly off in fright.

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