
Chapter 3: A Wish for Love

Brenda gripped Amber's hair as she refused to clean up the mess she made. Amber accidentally dropped a plate of pastries that was meant for dinner. 

She has just came home from work and Brenda demanded her to serve the food. 

"How dare you drop that plate!? Is it really hard to carry one plate? That is an expensive ceramic and you broke it! You'd better pay for that, little maid." Brenda shouted at her.

Before Brenda could land another hit on Amber. Arnold's voice shouted over requesting for Amber to see him. 

Amber obediently went to the main hall with her head lowered down. Stephanie's evil smile never escaped from her eyes. Something must have happened while she was in the kitchen. 

"What is it?" she faced her father. 

"Amber, thank goodness you're here. I need your help and only you can save our family." Arnold begged.

Amber was taken aback. This is the first time her father asked for help and she did not believe him. There is something else more to this. 

"Why should I believe you?" she replied. 

"I'm sorry for all of the things I've done to you in the past. You are my daughter and I wish that you'll forgive me. Valencia and Stephanie are willing to apologize to you." 

"We're sorry for all of our wrong doings, Amber." Valencia and Stephanie's heads slightly bowed down, showing their genuine expression of regret. 

Amber pursed her lips. Why are they being weird all of a sudden? 

"I have suffered in this family for years and you're asking help? I don't think so." 

"Then let's do this in my way. We have discovered that you're planning to leave this place and this family. So we confiscated your money and your clothes." Valencia smirked. 

"Y-You what!? That is not confiscating that's stealing!" Amber couldn't believe it. All of her plans is ruined!

"Help us first then you can leave this place for good." Arnold said. 

"Fine. I don't care whatever." 

Stephanie and Valencia grinned evily inside. Amber took the bait! They never intended to apologize anyway. This is only to trap Amber into accepting the marriage!

"Wonderful! You will be married tomorrow and Brenda has already prepared the gown in your room." Arnold said cheerfully.

Amber froze. What did he say? Get married tomorrow? How could she be stupid? She became overwhelmed of their apology that she didn't even bother asking. 

"Dad! What are you saying? I don't want to get married and I never agreed to this!"

"But you just did, Amber. You will marry Max Easton tomorrow and that's final! Save our family by marrying him!" 

She heard of Max Easton's name before. He is cold and ruthless just like the rest of the Easton family. How can she live in a loveless marriage? And most of all...a man that she does not love.

Amber's knees gave up and she kneeled on the floor. They trapped her into an arranged marriage she never knew! 

"Oh, lucky you, sister. You're getting married to a man that everyone fears. I wonder how he will treat his new wife tomorrow. Meanwhile, I'll be married to Gavin and bear his beautiful children." Stephanie smirked. 

Amber shakes her head. No, she won't accept this fate! She grabbed Arnold's pants and begins to cry.

"! Please, don't do this to me! I'll do anything even if it means becoming a maid. Just don't marry me off to a man I don't love! Didn't you love mom too? And to think that you're doing this to her daughter, your own daughter!" 

"Have you forgotten what I've said, Amber? You are not my daughter! Not even my own flesh and blood! She was already pregnant before we got married. We never loved each other because she was forced to marry me! And you will go through the same fate as what your mother did!"

This revelation broke her heart. He is not her father? Then...who is her real father? 

Amber locked herself in her room and waited until the day of her wedding. All hope is lost in her heart. No one is by her side. No one to love her and take care of her. A husband she never met and she does not love. 

She closed her eyes, resting her tired body on her bed. The bed where she grew up in. Where her mother cradled her to sleep, scaring away the fear in her heart. 

She has always expected others to love her, but has she ever seek for someone to love her instead? Sleep slowly consumed her mind drained out from worrying so much. 

The wedding will be held at the Easton family's humongous garden. Amber's hopes completely died and could only sigh in despair. 

Rowen Easton visited the Miller family to meet the bride in advance. However, he was shocked to see Stephanie cuddled up to Gavin Westley. He became furious. He was expecting Stephanie to be the bride! 

"What is the meaning of this, Arnold!? Why is your daughter not ready for her wedding? And why is she with Gavin Westley?" Rowen growled. 

"C-Calm down, Mr. Easton! You didn't exactly say which daughter of mine will marry your son. Stephanie is engaged to Gavin Westley that's why she was not chosen."

"Isn't she your only daughter? You dare to trick me!?" 

"Mr. Easton, Stephanie isn't the only daughter of my husband." Valencia immediately stepped in. 

"What? You have a second daughter?" Rowen was surprised. "Did you know?" he asked his assistant, Draven Harvy.

Draven shrugged. He never knew about Arnold having another daughter. 

"Let me see the bride!" Rowen demanded. 

Amber heard everything. Her back was facing Mr. Easton all this time. She turned around to face him and politely greeted him. "It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Easton. My name is Amber." 

Rowen stopped in his tracks and assessed his son's future wife. Amber, huh? She is indeed beautiful! Stephanie's beauty paled compared to hers. However, there is this deep sadness within his future daughter-in-law's eyes. 

This girl seems to have been through hard times and did not seem to be spoiled. Rowen assumed that she was not treated well in the Miller family. He knew this because this is a common thing among wealthy families in Aurum City. 

"May I talk to you privately, dear?" he offered. 

Amber nodded. He took her in one arm and led her to a different room, away from prying eyes and ears. He gestured at Draven to make sure that none of the Millers will eavesdrop.

"I know that you don't want to marry my son, dear." he began.

"Then why did you ask me to marry him even though you know that." Amber sighed in defeat. 

"I thought Arnold will have Stephanie marry my son and I never knew that he has another daughter. In the end I approve of his choice. You seem to be much better than Stephanie."

"Much better?" Amber laughed bitterly. "More like my life isn't getting better. This marriage will be my end game and god knows what will happen to my life from now on. I only wished for love and being in a loveless marriage with your son isn't what I pictured." 

"A wish for love, huh? Even a parent like me wishes for his son to find love. I wanted someone to take care of him once I leave this world. He does not know what is love and it is my fault for failing to show him love." 

"What do you want me to do? Be a faithful wife? Clean all of his clothes and do household chores?" Amber scoffed. 

"You will know once you meet my son. The answer is in your heart," Rowen smiled. "The wedding will start now. I wish you the best." 

Amber frowned. The answer is in her heart?

She situated herself at the entrance as people scurried around to position themselves for the wedding ceremony. 

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