
002: save me once again

I yelled like crazy and desperately hoped that someone could hear me, even though this place was far from busy. Hot tears have long been running down my cheeks. I desperately tried to move to push Jakob off me, but unfortunately that didn't do me any good. On the contrary, I rather had the feeling that he was squeezing tighter and tighter.

Why did I actually only get psychopaths? The guy was really not normal anymore! Why was he after me? There was nothing special about me. Okay, I might have been rich, but so was he! As far as I knew, he had more money than I did. So it couldn't be because of that.

As time went by, the air became increasingly scarce. Jakob had long since nipped my screams in the bud. I was like a doll that didn't move by itself and you could do whatever you wanted with it. In my case, it was Jakob Di Izmir, the womanizer par excellence, who did exactly what he wanted with me.

I looked into his green eyes, which were still flashing with anger. I wondered if a thunderstorm was raging inside. "You're going to do what I want!" he suddenly yelled at me, which made me wince. If that was possible at all. When I shook my head, he cursed wildly.

Of course, in my hopeless situation, it was anything but right to oppose the perpetrator, but I also had something like pride. Italian pride that kept showing up. Stupid only if the attacker also came from Italy. Or at least half.

My thoughts wandered to Krystal, who had also been in the situation I was in now. Unlike me, she was lucky enough to get help. I couldn't hope for that. And yet I was saved. All of a sudden Jakob was pulled away from me and pressed against the wall across from the alley. I, on the other hand, fell to the ground and clutched my neck.

My rescuer immediately knelt in front of me and I was startled. "You, but what are you doing here?" I asked completely in a trance and almost coughed my heart out. Titian replied: "I seem to be somehow very popular to help women out of trouble". The corners of his mouth twisted into a small grin, although I could see the concern in his eyes.

But the next moment it was me who had to warn him. "Behind you!" I yelled, amazed that my best friend could react so quickly. He immediately put Jakob in a headlock, who was visibly angry about it. "Not you again!", the younger of the men snorted, whereupon the older one asked: "What did you want from Lia? Isn't it enough that you treated my Krystal so badly?".

Yes, he was right. That's when I remembered that he wanted her bad first. Now it was probably my turn. Not with me! "You'd better watch out for her and especially for the cell cluster that's growing inside her!" Jakob Tizian threatened, whereupon everything fell silent in the next moment. Of course, it had spread like wildfire that the wife of Tizian von Falkenstein, a well-known nobleman, was expecting a child by him.

Titian paused critically before he asked quietly but just as menacingly: "Excuse me?". I could see just how furious he was and struggling to contain himself. Jakob seemed to take it quite lightly, because he laughed out loud and freed himself from Tizi's grip.

Then he straightened his clothes and said with a laugh: "You're such a guy, my big brother!". Did he want to provoke Titian? This couldn't end well, I already knew that. After all, I was there when my best friend beat up him and Justin.

I eagerly awaited what they would say next. It was Jacob who spoke again. “Are you making good use of them? I can only advise you to do so from experience. Once she loves you, she'll eat out of your hand. Oh yes and how!” he said, dragging my girlfriend into the dirt.

I couldn't leave that uncommented! "You're sick!" I snapped at him and saw the men staring at me in astonishment. Apparently they had forgotten me. "Oh baby, I'll have you too. Don't worry about that," Jakob whispered softly, but I knew that he didn't mean that in a good way.

I pursed my lips and said sweetly: "It's good that I alone have to decide who I'm in the box with or not and you clearly don't belong in my prey scheme". It felt good to embarrass him in front of Titian, but somehow I also felt sorry for him. But I couldn't show him that under any circumstances, otherwise he would just think that he could have me after all.

Jakob looked at me with dilated pupils, but I still said: "You seriously think you're the best, but you're just a small number, a wannabe Casanova!". "Where she's right, she's right," Titian supported me. I looked at his little brother, who was just staring at me.

Oh dear, I thought, did I say something wrong again? Actually, the man was quite sweet, that is, in appearance. He was taller than me, about two meters, and had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. His blond hair was slightly yellowed and he also looked well-groomed. His body was well built and I liked what he wore too.

The ripped pants made him look like a rock star, as did the leather jacket he was wearing. He must have had so many women wrapped around his finger. But I didn't want to be one of many. Definitely not. He could still knock out so many jokes and threaten me again and again. I wouldn't give myself to him.

After what felt like an eternity, Jakob said something again. "So what? I'll still fuck you if I have to drag you to my bed to do it!” he cursed wildly. I stared at him in horror. "Why are you looking at me like that again? I told you before that I'm not forcing anyone!" the man yelled at me, which only scared me more.

Luckily Titian was there, who immediately placed himself in front of me to protect me. "It is enough! Just stay away from Giulia! You've noticed all too well that she has absolutely no interest in you, so make sure you win some land!” he said sharply to his brother, whose eyes had settled on me inquiringly.

Tears welled up in my eyes again, which I tried to blink away. Too bad that Jakob was still looking at me. "You're hiding something!" the man said to me, whereupon I quickly shook my head. What secrets should I have?

Because of my modeling career, I was as well known as Titian. Maybe even more since I've been featured on the covers of various popular magazines time and time again. It was probably Jacob alone who was a mystery and not me. Definitely not.

The situation seemed to be getting more and more precarious as I could hear Jacob seething with anger all too clearly. Again and again he let out a mighty snort as if he expected an answer from me. Or at least a statement.

At least Titian intervened again. "Jake, what's that supposed to mean now? We all have our skeletons in the closet, even you,” he said to his brother, whose eyes widened. With clenched fists he replied: "What did you just call me? There's only one person who can call me that and it's not you! And you know all too well about skeletons in the closet, don't you?".

Well, my best friend had a really cruel childhood and youth, after all I noticed one or the other thing myself, but deliberately poking around at other people's deep wounds really wasn't nice. "It wouldn't surprise me in the least if you treated Soraya just as badly as all the other women and you don't have the faintest idea about my past," Tizi put him in his place.

In the next moment, Jakob's face went white. It amazed me that he could show such emotion. “So-Soraya? Keep my mother out of this!” the man stammered, still visibly upset, but still sounding very angry.

Apparently Titian had hit his sore spot, which I didn't think was right. But what should I do? The only thing I could do now was just listen to the conversation between the two. I was also glad that Titian had taken me out of the line of fire.

I eagerly awaited what my best friend would say about it, but then Jakob approached him more and more. In a flash he had taken Titian in a headlock, so now it was the other way around. "You bastard have no idea!" he yelled at Tizi, whereupon I backed away. I was afraid of what would happen next.

Amazingly, Titian remained calm and laughed. Yes, he laughed. Bitterly angry, but on the other hand also quite hilarious. “Of course I'm a bastard. We're both partially of the same blood, interesting isn't it?” he breathed, and I wasn't sure which way this encounter was going.

Well, by now I also knew about his bad past, but I avoided this topic as much as possible. And what did Jacob do? Ride on it, of course! Just understand the men! Said man was about to slap his face when my best friend stopped the blow in time. As if that wasn't enough, he had freed himself from his brother's headlock with a skilful movement.

Why was their relationship so bad anyway? I just couldn't make sense of it. Jacob was very angry with Titian when he had taken away the intended company from him. Tizi, in turn, found his behavior towards women unacceptable. But I was - for whatever reason - very sure that there was more to it than that.

Inwardly I admonished myself very severely. Instead of thinking, I should focus on the current situation. Sometimes I wasn't quite there. "If it weren't for you, Tiziano would never have left Soraya!" Jakob spat contemptuously.

Oh, those were completely new sounds that the blond was making. But Titian had nothing left for that, because he said, visibly unimpressed by the previous words: "You should be happy about that, you dud!". Tizi was definitely alluding to his past, because I was glad that I didn't have such a broken family as they did. After all, they were brothers after all. Differences aside, they couldn't deny their relationship.

After all, it was not known in the media that the two had any connection to each other. That was a good thing, because otherwise the reporters would just piece something together and that wouldn't be very nice. Because there would be power struggles between them or whatever.

My thoughts were cut short when I felt two strong arms wrap around me. I looked around in dismay and inhaled an unfamiliar scent. Lime and chocolate, a bittersweet combination. "What...?" I started completely off track, but was stopped by a tight grip around my neck.

It was Jakob, this rowdy, who had drawn me into a moment of inattention. “Let her go!” Titian shouted at him and wanted to approach us, but his younger brother reprimanded: “But, but, big brother. You wouldn't want anything to happen to your best friend, would you?" To give his words impact, he pressed his arm lightly on my neck, which made me gasp.

Now it had the desired effect, Tizi stopped abruptly. "Ian, that's how small you really are," Jakob said scornfully, but loosened his grip on me. But it made me immediately suspicious that he had called the dark-haired Ian. I had never heard that in all the years I was friends with Titian.

"Can't breathe," I murmured, and found my perception of my surroundings slightly muffled. "Thank your best friend," said Jakob and made no move to release me. Then I had to try it myself, but how?

Compared to the blond I was just a small fish, as big as he was. It didn't do me any good that I had a model size of almost six feet. An idea came to me spontaneously. I rammed my fingernails into his hands in a flash, biting his arm that was next to my mouth and kicking around. Totally surprised by this, the giant staggered so much that I managed to get back to Titian, who immediately placed himself in front of me again to protect me.

"You damn bitch!" Jakob cursed so hard that I almost regretted breaking free of him. "Leave me alone!" I snapped at him as well, hoping he would start to understand that I didn't want anything to do with him. Or something like that. Actually, I was happy to see him again, because I just couldn't get the kiss with him out of my head.

No, he seemed to be really following me and secretly I had wanted nothing more than to see him again. Now that that had finally happened, I wondered why I was thinking about him so much. In fact, the guy wasn't worth it at all. I was sure that I deserved someone better than him.

The situation took another turn, this time it was the most violent. "She's not a slut!" Tizian defended me without hesitation, adding, "What can't be said about you, Jake." Jakob's pupils widened drastically again, even if his facial expression was still indifferent. Then he asked: “Are you trying to provoke me?”.

After this question, a victorious smile appeared on Titian's lips. He replied: "I would never think of that". "Enough!" Jakob yelled and ran towards him. Already knowing what was going to happen, I took a few steps back.

Of course, my little premonition came true. The men clashed again. "I'll finish you off!" Said the younger of the two, although I had my doubts. Well, Kobi, as I called him slightly mockingly, was visibly taller than Tizian, but the latter had more power.

So it's no wonder that Jakob had to put up with a severe blow to the stomach. "Actually, I just wanted to get something for Krystal, but thanks to you, I'm late, thank you very much!", the dark-haired man snapped annoyed and gave his little brother a chin rake.

Oh my, I thought, where is this going to lead? I was just surprised that nobody noticed anything about the noise we were making here. It was kind of idiotic too. They were grown up and they fought like little kids or young adults. But they were no longer teenagers.

Well, Kobi was the youngest among us, but I assumed that at twenty-two you were a bit more mature. With him you came across granite. Absolutely no. On the contrary, he still seemed to be going through puberty. Or he had a crack in his psyche. Oh, I didn't know anything about him. At least at this point.

Said man was just telling my best friend that his stupid little scarecrow would have to wait. That wasn't clever of him, because I knew exactly how sensitive Titian was when it came to Krystal. I couldn't blame him in any way, after all, after all the arguments and the secrets that had come out, she had become his wife.

To my deepest amazement, however, Tizi reacted fairly calmly. "Unlike you, I don't just look at the outside and she's beautiful by the way, but I realize that you don't see that. All that counts for you is a big butt, equally big breasts and blond hair!” he countered very skilfully.

It hurt somehow to hear that Jakob liked it. I, on the other hand, was different. Well, I've been up there with some butt and boobs, but I wasn't blonde. Absolutely not and I had no intention of becoming one. My hair fell over my shoulders in soft curls and an exotic shade of brown. Some also said they were maroon.

"Get out!" Titian snapped at his brother when he still didn't say anything. He looked at me again. I was so uncomfortable that I looked in a different direction. He had nothing better to do than to give me lecherous looks in such a dangerous situation.

It wasn't until Jakob felt a heavy blow to the back of his head that he realized he should stop. "I just wanted to go to Giulia!" He tried to justify himself, sounding like an offended child. Such a hollow nut. I rolled my eyes annoyed and said: "Yes and now you were with me and can go again! Have a nice day and see you never again!”. After that I just stomped away because I didn't feel like going to this kindergarten anymore.

"Wait," I heard Kobi mumble softly and stopped abruptly. "What shoud that? I have to go to a photo shoot!” I snapped at him. In the meantime Titian had taken him in a grip from which the blond could no longer free himself. “But I want you! Now. Immediately,” he said. Please? I had misheard! The guy really had one on the swatter!

Shaking my head, I moved further and further away from what was happening and only heard Jakob being hit. Apparently he had tried to run after me after all. "We'll meet again, I swear to you!" I heard him yell before I could tell he was running away. With a sigh of relief, I finally slid down a nearby wall and buried my face in both my hands.

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