
Not Lion Tonight

The night passed by uneventfully. The loud drunkards had thankfully gone by the time my ride on the London Eye ended, and I made my way back over the river. I headed back to my hotel room and laid down on the bed to watch some TV. Nothing too interesting was on, but it made for a relaxing evening. I wondered if it was worth going out again after a nap.

I didn’t want to overwork myself trying to find my mate, and even if I didn’t meet them in person, their scent would have lingered around long enough to know they had been around either way. I realised I would need a lot of rest after a long day of travelling and not to mention all the sightseeing I planned for tomorrow.

I turned off the tv and got changed into something more comfortable for the night. I then headed to the bathroom to get ready for bed. As a werewolf, I had more stamina than a human, but I soon realised just how tired I actually was. It had been a long day, even if I had taken it fairly easy.

As soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell into a deep sleep. When I woke up again, it was morning. I stretched and glanced at my phone for the time. It was just gone eight, and I felt well-rested enough that I didn’t bother lazing in. I wanted to visit Buckingham Palace at the very least today, so after brushing my teeth, showering and then getting changed into a tank-top and shorts, I headed downstairs for breakfast.

Buckingham Palace was as beautiful as I thought it would be. I had seen it on TV and in photos before, but the real thing was so much better! I took another selfie of myself and sent it off to my mother with a good morning message. After that, I checked out the Tower of London and the National History Museum.

I took a lot of pictures and met a lot of wonderful people that were also visiting London. I noticed many other supernatural beings, but none of them were werewolves. Now and then I picked up a scent of one or two distinct groups, but they were usually a day old. I didn’t think too much about it. As long as my presence did not threaten them, then there was no trouble brewing for me.

After a good long day, I visited a local shop to pick up a sandwich and a drink and headed to one of the nearby parks to rest and recover for the rest of the afternoon before I had to return to the hotel to get showered and changed for the nights show I was going to watch.

I sat near a large lake and stretched out on the grass. I could hear the birds chirping all around me. It was peaceful and enjoyable. I closed my eyes and let myself doze off for a few minutes. I could feel the warm sun on my skin, and it was easy to forget that surrounding me was the hustle and bustle of London life.

I woke up about an hour later and glanced at my phone for the time. I wasn’t late, but I knew I had to head back to the hotel now or else I wouldn’t have time to shower and eat both. Sure I had eaten a snack earlier, but I didn’t want to buy snacks for the show - they were always so overpriced!

Yawning, I stretched out my arms and casually made my way back to my hotel. I grabbed something to eat first and then headed to my room for a shower. I could enjoy city life if it was like this all the time, but I knew that working somewhere so chaotic was not as enjoyable every day compared to just visiting.

After getting cleaned up, which included a shave - I took out a rather fancy outfit. It wasn’t an expensive one, but it was a smart shirt and pants, which were coupled with shiny black shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror. My bronze skin looked smooth, and I slicked my hazel brown hair back into a smart style.

I put just a small dash of citrus cologne on. Enough to make me smell great, but not enough to be overpowering to the heightened smell my kind had. I looked absolutely handsome if I didn’t say so myself! If I ran into my mate tonight, I would be ready to show off.

The show I was going to see was the ever-popular The Lion King. I had never gone before and although my mother enjoyed watching Disney movies with me; she had never taken me to a live musical before. I felt almost bad that she wouldn’t be here to enjoy it with me but I had saved up enough money so I made sure I had enough to get some sort of souvenir for her.

I made my way to the theatre where the show was to be put on. I was early enough that I could get in without too long of a wait, though I could already tell the place would be full tonight! The atmosphere was pretty excitable as people from all walks of life had come here to enjoy the night.

One worker there led me to my balcony seat. I had saved up more money to enjoy the night to the fullest. Had I been with a small group I might have enjoyed it more with all the other people down below, but being on my own I had worried about Hunters and others that would be uncomfortable by my presence and had decided to just sit alone. It wasn’t overly common, but not unusual enough that I would stand out.

As the show started, I settled down to enjoy it. Of course, being on my own meant I could sing along to the familiar songs without bothering other people around me. It didn’t take me long to get into the show. Even the bits that were made only for the musical had me entertained. I would absolutely have to bring my mum here next time!

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