


We left the packhouse, Alpha Killian, nowhere to be found. Maddox said he had pack business to deal with. I placed Lucy in the back seat, and buckled her in Laura Lucy's birth mother Slid in, and placed Lucy's head on her lap. Lanie, my Mate, with her feet on her lap. Maddox was driving, and I took shotgun. We had two warriors in front in an SUV and a warrior and Liza in the back in an SUV. Maddox said those were Killian's requests if Lucy, his Mate, came to the mountain moon pack. As we left on the dusty road, we saw a large black wolf standing on the mountain ledge. He let out a heartbreaking howl. I recognized the wolf as Diesel Killains wolf. He was hurting. I could not imagine letting Lanie leave for months, even if it was for her own good. They had been through so much. I was excited to get to Mountain Moon pack and start our family. Now that Lucy was coming with us to train with Liza, I felt like my family was whole. Even if it was only temporary. I really did think it was best for Lucy to be close to me while she healed. I really thought she had moved on from everything. It wasn't until we interrogated Jacob did I see how wrong I was. 


Jacob was the first to speak. He hung tied to the cellar wall. Killian stood in the corner, sharpening a kitchen knife, not saying a word, just sharpening and looking deranged. 

"I didn't know any better back then. I was just a kid. I have tried for years to do penance for my part. I have worked undercover with the Academy to take them down from the inside." 

"that's what you are going with? You poisoned and manipulated the sweetest girl that ever lived. You tied her up in your basement and experimented on her. That is not what decent people do!" Killian screamed, and it shook the cells. 

"I have no excuse, I'm just sorry, and I want to help Lucy get back at the academy." 

"you know she still has nightmares? They are so intense she shakes in her sleep, Screaming for anyone to help her. She didn't know anything about wolves. Her parents abandoned her as a small child. You and Axel were all she had, and you destroyed her. That's what you not having a backbone has done to my Mate." 

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Lucy screamed. I had never heard her yell before. 

"Killian, I am not broken. I had a terrible, tragic thing happen to me. Yes, Jacob lied. He poisoned me and manipulated me, but he also was used, and I forgive him. Let him go. 

"NO! I want him dead!!!" Lucy screamed? Or was it Astrid? I was holding my breath because I didn't know what to do. I watched in horror as Lucy and her wolf Astrid verbally fought. I have never witnessed something so terrible and heartbreaking. Two parts of one being at odds with each other. 

"you are weak! You are pathetic! How did I get such a spineless human counterpart" Lucy or Astrid began to shake violently. I wanted to reach for her, but I was frozen in place. Killian was also not moving, but I could see the devastation on his face. He couldn't help his Mate: this was her battle to fight against herself. Lucy began to speak slow and confidently. 

"I am not weak! I have spent my life trying to rein you in! You are weak. You act only on emotion. You have no self-control. You murder, you lie, you don't care who you hurt. You may think I am weak, but I am stronger, even human than you will ever be because you are selfish!" Lucy's eyes glowed red, and then she collapsed on the floor. Only then can Killian and I move to her, realizing Astrid used her telepathy to hold us in place. 


As we approached the pack territory, the mountains and lakes and small cottages came into view. It was a breathtaking place. The water was so calm it looked like glass. We passed by a small church and a cafe which was now closed due to it being past midnight. 

"Wow, there it is... It feels strange to be back here after so many years." Laura spoke softly as if only to herself. Lanie reached over and squeezed her hand. 

"it's okay, mom. You aren't alone anymore. We are here." 

I had known Lucy most of my life it was still surreal to me that her sister turned out to be my Mate. As much as Lanie completes me, we are still learning each other. Lucy, on the other hand, is my real family. We would kill for each other and have. My first kill was protecting Lucy. I had no idea how strong and capable my wolf Liam would be. 

We came to the same packhouse we had found Lucy at when Lanie was shot with wolfsbane. Lucy was right. It was Astrid who was weak. I never thought about it, but every bad thing Astrid did was a response, not an emotion she couldn't handle. All while Lucy remained calm and focused. If Astrid wasn't a blessed wolf I don't think she would gain control nearly as much as she does. I slid out of my seat and stretched my legs. I helped Lanie out of the car and up the steps to the pack house. I kissed her on the forehead and went back to get Lucy. The sedation should be wearing off soon. I climbed the two flights of stairs and put Lucy in the bed in the guest room. I wish I knew how to help her. I turned on the ensuite bathroom light because Lucy is still afraid of the dark, and went to make Lanie a snack before bed. 

once I figured out where everything was I made Lanie some apples with peanut butter and some salami slices. I brought her up her snacks and went back to the kitchen, I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd make some bread and busicuts. Baking always helped me clear my head. Lucy had taught me when she was working at the bakery. Felt like a lifetime ago, our simple life. I wish Lucy and Killian could have it as easy as Lanie and I. My train of thought was interrupted by Laura coming in for some tea. 

"you can sleep either?" She asked. 

"Not a wink... a lot on my mind. Lucy should be up soon and will be hungry. I made Shepard's pie, Lucy's favourite. What's your favourite food?" 

"haha you know Lucy well, I'm glad she had you. You like cooking?" 

"cooking is my love language as my mother would say. He get it from my dad he owned a restaurant my whole life and was always cooking and feeding everyone." 

"it's a great love language to have." We laughed together then sat in silence. The shepherd's pie finished just in time for Lucy to walk into the kitchen. 

"Ax.... you didn't have to do that." She laughed and shook her head but I knew this was her comfort food and she would need a lot of comforts to be away from Killian. I dished her up some food and made her some coffee since it was now 6 am we would be up for the day. I was a little nervous having Laura watch how we interacted. Since everyone always thought we were too close when we had mates. 

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