

Agnes POV

I was dragged to the king’s castle, a total of six guards with had previously participated in hunting me down, accompanied me, the villagers looked at me in shock as i was soaked in blood, my body was battered from the beating i had received along the way,

i was barely on my feet, bruised and molested on my way to the kings castle, most of the commoners left their different daily activities and watched the guards drag her like a piece of dirty cloth, the onlookers were curious as to what this i had done to deserve such a downgrading treatment, i was dragged to the center of the castle where all the commoners could see her clearly.

The loud horns went off as it signal the arrival of the king

“All hail King Crowell the first. The Crown jewel of ahuwa and Ruler of the ahuwa Empire” one of the guard spoke in a very loud voice, the guard seemed to be held at very high esteem, he was not dressed like the regular guards that chased down the lady, his armor was nicely shaped and made from heavy metal and his cape made from fine golden material, his armor covered his entire body as one could barely see his face.

I was dragging to the drowning pit, a structure mainly for the execution of witches, 20 feet deep, numerous witches met their end here and after being executed their remains were thrown into this pit, I knew there was nothing I could do to escape death, I was going to fall just like my sisters did a fore night ago,

“You have being accused of witchcraft and sorcery, how do you plead?” King Crowell asked with his deep voice echoing through the area, for a moment the entire vicinity was as silent as a graveyard.

“Accused? I didn’t…. I didn’t harm anybody…. I didn’t choose…. (Sobs) I didn’t choose to become a witch, I was born this way…. But it’s right for you to condemn my type regardless of no serious crime being committed, just because you are king, all you locals hear me you will never be safe, your children will never be safe as long as this tyrant rules over us” I said feeling disgusted about how things had played out so far.

The king takes a deep breath and shakes his head

“I king Crowell first of his name, king of ahuwa find you guilty of all accusation, you are hereby sentenced to death by the drowning pit, let this serve as a warming to everyone within these walls, magic and sorcery is punishable by death.”

The king said his final words as he made his wake to his chambers, his words struck my heart like an arrow piercing through silk, I was not surprised tho but the thought of execution ran a cold feeling through my veins.

“You will never know peace, you will die like a coward” I said in a loud voice enraged by fear and anger, i cursed him loudly, the locals just stood and watched, they knew what the king was doing was not right, witches and humans had lived peacefully for centuries before his reign, but nobody was willing to stand up to this nonsense. But I was not going to die like a pathetic coward.

“movimento” with my hands stretched out, I casted a spell on one of the guards, uprooting him from the ground and throwing him 7 feet above and landing him on one of the houses nearby, such show of power sent an aura of fear among the locals and I could feel how frightened they all were, the king who was on his way to his chambers on hearing the noise from the action , walked back outside staring from afar

“Guards!!! Seize her!!!” The king said in a very loud voice

The guards tried to surround me but I was observant as the first unlucky guard tried to grab me from behind but I reacted quicker

“brucia in cenere” I spat out almost instinctively and immediately he turned to a pile of ash, I swerved my head slowly as I looked eye ball to eye ball with the king, other guards seeing their comrade turning to a pile of ash and dust without her even laying a hand on him, sent a cold chill through their spines and they were reluctant to risk their lives to please their king again.

“Stay back and I will not harm you, it is not my intention to hurt you, let me go and we will have no bloodshed.” I tried to negotiate my way out of this mess, but little did I know that the devil doesn’t bargain

“And then what? You regroup with your sister and attack our city while we sleep?” King Crowell thunderous voice echoed through the area

“We have never attacked anyone, ever in our life… you and your men out of no where started attacking us and burning us like we are some kind of abomination” I replied still looking at the guards just incase it was a ploy to make me lose focus.

“Your father ruled for years and never had problems with us, we both coexisted in harmony… with war, chaos or anarchy of any kind, but you bloodthirsty bastard, you have killed over a thousand witches in just months since your coronation.” I added and but of the locals who were present were beginning to agree with me.

“Yes… my father trusted you witches and where did he end up? Dead. Killed my you lot and your spells, I would not rest until they rest of you rot in hell.” The locals gave a loud and collective gasp at the accusation that was been presented.

“We…. I…. No… it’s not…. Possible.” I was short of word as I could not even phantom what he was saying and if a witch did kill his father. Who actually did it

“Guards seize this abomination of nature” king Crowell commanded as his guards tried to encroach my space, the guards tried to outsmart me by trying to attack at the same time, and it almost worked out for them but they were no match for a sorcerer of my caliber, as four of the guards tried to get closer to me, I lifted my head to the sky and spoke inaudibly as I chanted my spells repeatedly

“Renderli sordi…. Renderli sordi… Renderli sordi…” I continued

The guards began to fall to their knees as they felt the wrath of my spells, they felt a sharp pain through their temples as none of them could stand up straight again, this excruciating pain tormented them even more as time went on, I have exceeded the boundaries now, I had to, it was my only chance of survival, I have entered into a different realm all together, I tapped into black magic, black magic is the most aggressive type of magic and it’s said to be contagious, witches over the years are forbidden from using black magic.

My eyes were coated with blood, as the black magic consumed my soul and made me more powerful and hungry for blood.

“Maledico tibi hodie ... cum bestiis quas veneris me, maledico tibi, et adiuro te ad has bestias hodie et in omnibus quindenis, fies bestia, quam venaris me". I cursed them with my spelling binding their essence with that of the beast the used in hunting me. The spell seemed to have no effect at first but in no time, the kings guards began to show some signs of discomfort as they struggled a bit with their breath even the king was experiencing the same symptoms, their veins were visible than usual and had darks lines on them stretching all the way from their hands to neck

“my king??? What is wrong with you?” The special kings guard who was very close to him asked seeing the difficulty he was passing through.

I kept on chanting my spells repeatedly, the sky had turned dark, the sun was covered by thick dark clouds caused from the black magic I was using, all the locals were scared to death as most of them took to their heels and ran away, some of them were courageous enough to keep watching but not in the open as they hid behind furnitures peeping and trying to see the outcome of this confrontation.

Some of the guards were on knees, and the became to grow facial hairs like wolves, with fangs and claws, the bones began to break aggressively

“Ahhh…. Oh…. Help….. help me…..” the king cried out as he was not left out for the traumatizing pain his comrades were feeling, his eyes turned golden like that of wolves on a full moon, some of his guards already had the look of a part wolf and part human, they looked like monstrous beasts, as the continued to experience this transformation process

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