
Chapter 3

Andrew and Samantha walk home,still feeling happy and giddy.As they’re walking,they’re both thinking about how great the night as been. But then,they see something that changes everything.

They see small kitten huddled in a doorway,shivering and looking scared.

Without even saying a word, they both stop and rush over to the kitten. They can see that it’s cold and hungry. Andrew picks it up and start purring.

Samantha says “We have to take it home with us.”

Andrew nods and they hurry home.When they get there,they give the kitten some food and eats hungrily and then curls up and falls asleep.

The next morning,Andrew and Samantha wake up and find the kitten asleep on their bed.They both smile and get up to start the day.

But then,they hear a strange sound coming from the bathroom.When they go to investigate,they find the kitten in the sink,splashing around in the’s making a mess,but they can’t help but laugh.

After cleaning up the mess,Andrew and Samantha decide to take the kitten to the vet.They want to make sure it’s healthy and doesn’t have any diseases.When they get to the vet,the kitten no s very curious about’s exploring the room and jumping around,clearly excited.

The vet says that the kitten is perfectly healthy,but it needs be neutered.

Andrew and Samantha decide to have the kitten neutered.They want to make sure it doesn’t reproduce and end up in a shelter.The vet tells them that the kitten is probably around eight weeks old.Andrew and Samantha decide to name the kitten “Mittens.” When they bring Mittens home,they find that it’s very playful and cuddly.

It’s loves to play with toys and chase after things.

Over the few weeks,Mittens becomes a beloved member of the spend its days playing and napping,and it always seems to be happy.But one day,something changes.Mittens start acting differently.It seems lethargic and doesn’t want to play or eat.Andrew and Samantha are very worried.They take Mittens back to the vet.

The vet tells Andrew and Samantha that Mittens has a fever and that it’s probably a virus.

The vet says that Mittens needs to be kept warm and hydrated.Andrew and Samantha agree to do whatever it takes to make Mittens feel better.

They give Mittens medicine and kept it warm and comfortable.Slowly,Mittens start to get better.

After a few days, Mittens to its normal self,playing and running around.Andrew and Samantha are so relieved.

One day,Andrew and Samantha come home from work to find that Mittens nowhere to be found.They search the house frantically,but they can’t find it anywhere.They start to panic,imagine the worst. But then,they hear a faint meowing from the basement.They race down the stairs and there’s a Mittens,trapped under a pile of boxes.

When they find Mittens,Andrew and Samantha let out a collective sigh of relief.They gently remove the boxes, being careful not to hurt the kitten.As soon as they free Mittens,it jumps into their arms and start purring.They are so happy that it’s okay.

They bring Mittens upstairs and it some food and water.

Andrew and Samantha are so grateful that Mittens is okay, that they decide to go make some changes around the house.

They put baby-proof locks on the basement door so that Mittens can’t get trapped down there again.

They also buy some pet-proofing supplies to keep Mittens from getting into trouble.They put away anything be a danger to the kitten.

After a few weeks,they feel confidence that Mittens is safe and sound.

A few month pass, Andrew and Samantha decide to adopt another kitten.They visit the animal shelter and find a tiny black kitten with a white patch on its’s the cutest thing they’ve ever seen.They adopt it and name it “Shadow.”

Shadow and Mittens quickly become best friends.

They play together and sleep together. It’s like they were always meant to be together.

One day,Andrew and Samantha come home to find that Shadow and Mittens have completely torn up the living room. Pillow are shredded,the curtains are pulled down,there’s stuffing everywhere.

Shadow and Mittens are hiding under the couch,looking guilty.Andrew and Samantha can’t be mad at them,though.They’re just kittens after all.

Andrew and Samantha decide to get some toys for kittens,so they won’t be bored and destructive.They get scratching posts,toys,and even a cat tower.The kittens are thrilled with their new toys and start playing with them right away.

One day,While they’re playing Shadow accidentally knocks over a vase.It shatter on the floor,making a huge mess.

To Andrew and Samantha’s surprise,the kittens looks genuinely sorry about the broken vase.

They both crawl over to Andrew and Samantha,meowing and pawing at their legs.

Andrew and Samantha can’t help but laugh at the kittens’ remorseful faces. “It’s okay boys,” says Andrew . “Mistakes happen.” The kitten purr and rub up against his legs. They seem to feel much better after hearing that.

After the kitten have calmed down,Andrew and Samantha decide to take them out for a walk.

They put on harnesses and attach lashes. The kittens are a bit nervous at first ,but they soon start to enjoy the walk.They sniff at trees and bushes,and chase after leaves blowing in the wind.Shadow and Mittens seems to be having time of their lives.

It’s getting dark,so Andrew and Samantha decide to head home.They put kittens back inside and give them some treats.They both collapse on the couch,exhausted from the day’s events.

As time goes on,Shadow and Mittens form a tight-knit family.They spend their days playing,napping and exploring the house and backyard.

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