


I slowly opened my eyes the moment I heard Everleigh’s soothing voice. My hand automatically touched the temple of my head, it was throbbing heavily and my whole body feels numb. I tried to move a bit, which is a bad idea, it just worsened my suffering. Everleigh rushed into me as she heard me groan in pain.

“My, don’t force yourself.”

Her eyes and voice were full of worry as she approached my bed and sat beside me. I can’t help but chuckle a bit as I saw panic written all over her face. Adorable. “You made me feel better, Everleigh. Thank you,” my voice sounded so hoarse and strained.

She sighed disappointedly and decided to just stroke my hair, “You really are a child,” I closed my eyes in comfort.

We stayed like that for a long time, savoring the peace and comfort between us. Sometimes, I think of Everleigh as a snow flower; soft, beautiful, and soothing. She has that glow in her, her smile, and a voice of an angel that can calm the most savage monster there is. An epitome of purity and innocence.

I smiled at the thought running through my mind. I’m just so glad she’s here right now.

“You made us so worried, Luna.”

Everleigh’s voice sounded so serious, opposite of the soft strokes she was doing in my head. I opened my eyes and tried to lift myself, “Careful,” she whispered as she held my back and helped me up.

  “And whose people are in that us?” I stared at her and teasingly smiled.

Her brows furrowed yet she still smiled, must be confused why I’m acting cheerful all of a sudden, “Me, your father, and of course… Giovanni.”

Honestly, I feel like a heavyweight has been lifted upon me after everything that had happened. My mind is so clear, and I feel so light despite my physical condition.

All because of that one enchanting night in Iunae Lumen… with the blue-eyed wolf.

“You look happy.”

I felt like my excitement just doubled with what she said. I moved closer to Everleigh and giggled like a child, “Everleigh… you wouldn’t believe what I just did.”

My smile widened when I saw her face lit in intrigue. I continued,

“I met a werewolf.”

“YOU ARE a werewolf.”

A huge creature with jet-black fur and sharp nails looks exactly like a huge dog with a pair of blue eyes. He is one sexy wolf.

I know I shouldn’t be feeling this way, especially since werewolves are vampires’ natural enemies, but there is something about him that makes me feel at ease. Maybe because it is the fact that he saved me, or it’s because he doesn’t feel that dangerous at all. Besides, I just witnessed him shifting from being a man to a wolf. There is no room for fear or confusion with the overwhelming amusement I’m feeling right now.

My eyes followed his every moment, as If he will just disappear any moment. He walked over to the bushes and came back with something in his mouth, a piece of cloth clasped in his fangs.

“Oh,” I looked over myself and just realized then that I’m still swimming in the water, naked and bare. I lifted my face and caught him looking at me with his intense gaze, biting my dress and offering it to me. “T-Thank you…” Who would’ve thought that the wolf is this thoughtful?

Though a bit cold, the cloth gave me enough warmth to go on. I walked over to him slowly and finally got to see him properly with the full light of the moon shining on him. He looks more beautiful in near sight.

“I guess we’re even now,” I whispered while stroking his cotton soft fur and staring right into his majestic orbs, “I saved your life first then you saved mine.”

I thought that it was just me, but the more I stare at him the more I keep on getting certain that he is the same wolf that I met in the woods of Aerith a few days ago.

He groaned silently in response. His eyes are closed and it looks like he’s at peace with the pat I’m giving him. He must’ve liked this gesture so much, I remember him reacting the same the first time I did this, “Good boy,” I chuckled. Well, I can’t blame him. I like it also when Everleigh gives me head pats.

“Oh!” and he nibbled at my fingers just like what he did then. It tickles so I laughed so hard like a kid.

He played with my fingers for like a minute when I remember something. “What’s your name?” then he stopped. His eyes looked at me like it was saying something to me again. This time, I understood.


“LUNA, GRAVIS ESSE es?!” [Luna, are you being serious?]

Everleigh’s reaction got me laughing so hard that I made her sigh disappointedly again. Of course, I know she would react this way. Everyone will. A vampire petting a werewolf is not a sight to see. But I trust my friend, she’s shocked but she will never turn me in.

“Calm down, Everleigh.”

We’re told to head to my father’s place. It’s a tower in the left part of Octavian’s castle. Luckily, we are not surrounded by guards so I can talk freely with her. It’s also funny that I can’t even feel a bit of nervousness heading to Father especially since I haven’t even talked to him ever since I came back.

“You’re going back to that place tonight?!” Everleigh whispered hysterically as we took a turn in the aisle full of uniformed guards. I shushed her down instantly.

“He’ll wait for me.”

I heard her stomp her feet and then stop walking. I looked over at her and chuckled at her face full of sheer disappointment like she believe her eyes right now. “Everleigh, nothing will happen. He’s just…” I walked over to her and held her hand. “… a dog.”

“A werewolf, Luna.” she really emphasized the word werewolf at that point.

“A werewolf?”

The both of us jumped in shock at the sudden appearance of two men with the same clothing as us. A black heavy cloak with a red diamond sword symbol on the left. A sign of a Valentin-Octavian Sanguine member.


He stared at us like he can see the darkest secret we were hiding. I felt Everleigh's hand sweat and so is mine. His brother is scary! “You were talking about werewolves?” He uttered the word werewolves like it was a disgusting spit in his mouth.

“We’re just curious. I heard that this place is known for numerous werewolf dens.”

Everleigh’s grip on me tightened. I fought his intense gaze with mine, no one is backing out. But then I can’t be more relieved when he first retrieve his stare first.

Id est verum, domina mea luna, [That’s true, my lady Luna,] There sure a lot of werewolves wandering in this kingdom.”

Thaddaeus, an Octavian child, and Giovanni’s cousin, playfully kissed my hand and then looked at me straight in the eye. “Sometimes they’re already in front of you, and you don’t have the slightest idea.”

He is also one of my childhood friends, though not as close as Everleigh, I know what he’s like. Thaddaeus is a smart, yet playful guy with a slight smirk he’s always wearing. We used to tease each other back then since both of us are the most childish in the group.

“You are heading to Lord Prometheus’ tower?” Giovanni’s thunderous voice caught all of our attention. The glare he gave Thaddaeus also didn’t escape my eyes, the latter just laughed. My brows furrowed in confusion. He’s still so weird all this time.

“Sic, mi frater. Luna and I just received the order to do so.” Everleigh responded, now calmed.

“Then, you’re late. The meeting is done and the announcement is already being held in the Quadratia.”

Quadratia is a place where officials held public announcements to the people of Aerith. If it’s held in there then it must be a very important matter. Everleigh and I looked at each other with confusion. Then what are we going to do now?

“What a coincidence, we are too. That’s why are we heading there now, right, mi amice?” Giovanni just ignored Thaddaeus’ playful remarks and continued walking.

“Let’s go.”

THE FOUR of us were in awe of how crowded the Quadratia is. Children, old people, the middle class, and elites are gathered together.

Which is a problem for us. We need to get to the stage as soon as possible where the others are already sitting; the complete family of Valentin-Octavian Sanguine. Our fathers look like they’re so ready to announce whatever the announcement is.

“We need to hurry,”

I never knew that this already big crowd can still get bigger. The people are increasing each second and our place keeps on getting narrower that I can already feel Giovanni’s hands on me. I tried to glare at him, but his attention seems to be somewhere else.


“Where are they?” His already long neck craned as if he can see all of the corners of this huge place.

“Who—” I gasped in realization. “My, where are Everleigh and Thaddaeus?”

Suddenly, a loud sound of a horn surrounded the whole place, then came a loud voice.

"Salvete omnes populi Aerith. Octavian et Valentin Sanguine est ultra—" ["Greetings for all the people of Aerith, The Octavian, and Valentin Sanguine is beyond—"]

I was not able to hear whatever the town-crier is saying as Giovanni dragged me along, making swift movements to make our way through the endless crowd of people. His furrowed brows are amusingly still visible despite the cloak’s hood covering our faces.

After examining his face, I looked at our clasped hands. His grip is gentle yet so strong that it cannot be separated by anything. There’s something about our hands that overwhelms me.

Then I remembered something.

"Hic collegimus te invitare pro grandi pila in celebratione Lunae Valentini et Ioannis Octaviani nupcias venturas." [We gathered here to invite you for a grand ball in celebration of Luna Valentin and Giovanni Octavian’s upcoming wedding.]

The engagement.

I was so preoccupied and careless that I didn’t notice it slipped my mind.


And my hand slipped from Giovanni’s, too.

My eyes were full of confusion, uncertainty, and fear that they mirrored his. He looked at me like he already know what I’m trying to do next, yet he will never let me do it again.

“Try, Luna.” His voice turned deadly as he saw my feet slowly moving backward.

“Try to run and I will never let you walk again.”



The Characters and Events mentioned in this book are purely fictional and are not to be construed as even remotely inspired by persons and events known and unknown to the author.

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