
Chapter 3

"She has that thing! What am I supposed to tell them now? That we lost her?!"

A loud bang from a gunshot aroused my consciousness. I suddenly gasp for air!

I growl while holding myself not to scream from pain. My whole body was covered in mud, and my visions went blurry. I was holding my wounded chest while suppressing the blood that flowed endlessly from it. It hurts a lot!

I remained silent as I crammed myself into the big tree while observing their movements, but I could not bear the pain anymore! I must find a way out here before these people kill me!

Suddenly, the atmosphere went silent.

I took a deep breath and tried to sense the presence around me, but I could only hear the crickets and the noise coming from the trees' swaying branches. Trying to hold my balance, I crawl towards splashing water, which I assume is a waterfall not far from where I am.

"Ahhh!" I startled when someone aggressively pulled my hair, causing me to twist in pain!

"Do you really think you can outsmart me, Luna?!"

A man pulled me closer to his body and strangled me as he whispered in my ears. I can smell his stinky breath and sweat!

I wanted to scream! I tried to plead, but I could not seem to find the strength to utter some words! What's wrong with me?

I heard him pulling his pistol then pointing it towards my temple. I froze for a moment. I felt helpless and scared. I know I can fight him, my nerves are sending me adrenaline, but my body was frozen and would not give a damn to cooperate! 

"Ahhhh!" I suddenly flip from bed while gasping for air to fill up my lungs.

What was that? Who are those people in my dreams? Why are they chasing and trying to kill me?

I lowered my head and covered my face with my hands. I can feel the dizziness, maybe because I was lying in this bed for I don't know how long.

I surveyed the entirety of this room, and all I could see were machines found in the hospital. Am I in the hospital? Maybe not. Because the other side of the room was filled with stuff for a woman. There is a large vanity mirror on my left side, bags of clothes maybe, and flowers in large vases.

I tried to recall things that could help me think where I was, but my mind was empty. There is no trace of a single memory!

Realizing the whole situation, I covered my mouth with my hands.

"My… my name. Who.. ahh!" tears fell down on my cheeks as I realized that I couldn't seem to remember my name!

I quickly stood up and went straight to a small room which, luckily, I found was a bathroom. Hurriedly, I faced the mirror and touched my face.

As I saw the reflection of myself in the mirror, I wiped out the tears and smiled.

Like, come on! I was this gorgeous?! I giggled and scoffed at refraining from laughing.

I decided to jump myself in the bathtub when I saw it was filled with water and soap with flowers. Did they have known I gained consciousness?

I smirked and played with the bubbles on my body, caressing each part like I missed being touched for a long time. I was about to scrub my arm when I noticed a small tattoo on my left hand's wrist.

A tiny tattoo of a moon made my heart flutter a bit.

"Luna…" That must be my name! I remember that man from my dreams calling me by that name!

I took a deep sigh and decided to get up and rinsed my body in the shower. The closet was filled with clothing, so I wore simple white dress and dried my hair.

I never knew what was waiting for me on the outside of this room. I remember the guy earlier. I heard him talking to himself!

"Please tell me I'm not in a home for crazy people." I was praying to myself while opening the door of my room for the first time. I guess.

My brows went both ways when a noiseless hallway was exposed in front of me.

"Hello?" my voice echoed, but no one seemed to hear me!

The hallway has the vibe of sophistication and wealth. The high ceiling has white and golden patterns, and each wall was filled with abstract paintings and furniture.

I almost tiptoed, scared that I might leave a speck of single dust on the shining marble floor.

I halted my steps when I felt the breeze enveloping my body. It was coming from the balcony at the end of the hallway, so I continued walking in that direction. As I was approaching, the salty smell of the wind was dancing in my nostrils.

I gaped in awe when my eyes landed on the vastness of the ocean! The moon was illuminating the water, and it sparkled back to the heavens. I felt relieved for a moment. My feelings have been going roller coasters since I woke up. I cried for a moment when I realized that my memory was like an empty shell, and I laughed when I saw my reflections. Then now, somehow, I felt at ease. Mother nature is a stress sucker, after all.

I stopped admiring the scenery when I felt someone was sizing up my existence. I could sense a strong aura that suddenly turned the atmosphere into something I could not withstand.

I slowly turned my body at the entrance and found myself flabbergasted when I saw a towering sturdy man staring at me intently! Both hands were inside the pockets of his pants, looking like a proud prince coming from war, facing the moon like he was bragging about his victory!

"Uhm, hi. I was just. I'm sorry if I.." I stuttered and couldn't find a word.

What the hell, Luna! Get yourself together!

"Who are you! And why are you in my territory?!" He spoke coldly but with a stern attitude.

I let out a sigh and backed away a little bit in case things turned out bad. But in case, where would I go?

I slowly peek my head to examine how high I am from the ground.

My eyes went wide! There is a hundred possibility that I would be dead when I fall from this heights! I would instead let him eat me alive than jump from here!

"I don't know. I woke up and found myself here. I can't remember anything." My voice cracked.

What territory is he referring to?

I can tell that he was furious by just looking at him clenched fists.

"Did you see the machines in your room? Those things saved your life. Found you half dead in my territory. Now, who the hell are you!"

He grabbed my shoulder that nearly took my soul away out of fear, and pinned me into the wall.

His face was inches away, and his deep eyes were glued to mine, that it caused my knees to weaken.

I can feel my cheeks heated up! I propped my elbows against the wall to sustain support for my body.

 "I really don't know! But, can I just at least say thank you for rescuing me?"

With a panicking voice, I bit my lower lip. His brows furrowed. The confusion was evident as he turned around, facing the darkness.

"Thank me, huh. Really? Are you stupid?"

I was about to answer him but then again took back the words that nearly spilled when I saw him reaching a gun from his back.

A while ago, my knees were weakened due to his powerful and appealing aura. But this time, both of my knees and feet were trembling, terrified from this man.

Is he holding a real gun?

I remained calm and did not even move. I don't want him to put that thing on my head… just like how that man from my nightmare showed no hesitation in pulling the trigger.

He calmly stood in front of me and waved the gun at my face.

"I could kill you right now. Are you aware of that?" He threatened me.

"Yes." With all honesty, I replied.

"Why are you in the forest that day?" He asked again while playing with the bullets from the pistol.

I closed my eyes and tried to collect a single memory. But everything was wiped out. I don't even remember what happened before I got here.

"I can't remember a single thing. I don't even remember the name of my parents! Or my birthday! The only memory that is left in my head is my name!" I shouted in frustration.

I did not even notice the tears falling from my eyes this time. The picture of loneliness and this man's questions make my head want to burst without the effort of those bullets from his pistol.

He forcefully grabbed my arm. I let out a shriek while trying to pull my arms from him, but his tight grasp was piercing in my flesh.

"Then how did you obtain that thing? Where did you get that?!" He asked emphatically.

"What thing?" I asked back.

Am I carrying drugs when he found me? What 'thing' is he referring to? And why was I almost lifeless when he found me?

His phone suddenly rang. He let me go from his grasp and pushed me to the floor.

He turned his back on me and answered the phone call.


I felt a burning sensation from my knees and saw the skin had a small scratch, leaving traces of blood.

I heaved a sigh and turned my gaze on him.

"What?! Then why the hell did you forget to tell me?! Yes, and I nearly killed her, and now I wanted to kill you too. If not for the fact that you are my uncle!" He tweaks himself in annoyance.

I don't know exactly what to think of this man. Is he like those men who are chasing me from my nightmare?

I touched chest and tried to calm myself. That dream seemed real, that it's giving me an eerie feeling until now.

What if those were real, and it has something to do with what happened to me?

When I woke up earlier this day, my mind wandered back and forth, wondering why those machines were connected to my body. Nurses were scattered, attending to everything I needed. They did not ask questions. They just let me rest, which is why I seemed not to care earlier.

I woke up the second time when someone entered the room and found the man talking to himself. I decided not to move and pretended to sleep.

I was shocked in disbelief. I remember his voice! That man who came into my room earlier is standing in front of my sight now!

I lowered my gaze when he caught me looking at him.

I bit my lower lip when I realized a smile was forming on my face.

Why am I seem affected by his eyes! He could kill me right now, but I still find him sexy in some ways!

"You look stupid." He said in a bored voice.

Again, even in that kind of tone, my soul wanted to embrace the moon.

"What? Are you just going to sit there?"

With all the courage that was left in me, I looked up and met his gaze.

"I really can't remember anything. I'm sorry. Could you give me a day?"

This is the last offer I can bargain before he can decide to blow off my brain.

He turned his back on me and walked his way out.

I hurriedly stood up and chased him.


My hand had its own mind and grabbed his arm but released afterward when he suddenly turned his body on me. Oh touched him, I nearly burned myself and that was my hand’s fault.


I bit the nails of my two thumbs.

What should I do? What will I say? God, he is driving me crazy!

"Uhm, hi! My name is Luna. The surname was nowhere to be found."

His brows creased. I assumed he was holding a smile? Or not.

"Luna. Luna is my name." I pointed to the moon tattoo on my wrist.

He was still looking at me intently, waiting for the following words to be spilled.

"And, and the only thing that left in me is—

I paused when I saw his expression become serious.

—beauty." I continued and placing both of my palms on my face.

He let out a sigh and massaged his temples.

What? Am I wrong?

He walks straight to the telephone on the table and rings someone.

Tss. Look at him ignoring my presence.

"Prepare foods that could fill up an empty brain. Anything! Yes, now!"

He dropped the telephone and turned his attention on me with an annoyed face.

"You better eat up and fill that empty brain of yours, lady."

Then he left. Now I'm the one who is pissed.

"Hey! I said I lost my memories, but it doesn't mean I got no brain!"

I shouted in irritation before stomping my feet heading to the elevator.

But wait, where is the kitchen?

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