
Chapter Four

After a long day of sitting down at the long conference table, listening to old men who happened to be the board of directors, speak about the things he already knew, for hours, Asher was more than due for a break. He knew he'd already begun to accomplish more than his father had as CEO, and the constant get togethers were just excuses to remind him of his superiors.

He'd had to stay. He couldn't bear them going back up to his father and giving the old man a reason to see him sooner than he needed to.

Strangely, after the meeting, Asher did not feel like partying or seeing anyone. That was not all true, though. He felt like seeing one person, but he doubted she'd ever agree to come if she knew it was him, judging from her actions the last time.

He came up with an idea. A few hours after he'd placed an order, a different one this time in order not to raise any unnecessary suspicion, he'd placed the delivery address to a different mansion of his which he rarely used.

There was really nothing spectacular about her, he told himself. He'd just not had anything or anyone this challenging in a while and well, he was bored. He needed something new to get over his lately predictable life.

He heard the doorbelll ring and his chest pounded in excitement. He chuckled. No one had him this excited to see them, but then again, no one had ever torn apart a check of twenty million dollars he'd drawn up for them.

This girl was his challenge, exactly what he craved, what he needed to get back some semblance in his life.

He sat smugly as he waited for her to come in. He wondered if she'd bolt again once she saw him or punch him this time like she'd obviously wanted to before. He even imagined she'd get on her knees and beg for the check she'd previously rejected.

Her footsteps were light and unsure as she got into the living room. He saw the recognition hit her and she bit her lips slightly and swallowed.

"That will be forty dollars plus delivery." She said with an edge to her voice.

He smirked. "You must be tired after all the deliveries you must have done today," he knew he was her only customer, "would you like a drink maybe? At least sit down."

She eyed the couch for a moment, as if weighing the pros and cons of accepting his hospitality.

"No thank you. I just need my money if you don't mind," she spat.

He tried to keep himself from laughing out loud. This was even better than he'd expected. At least she hadn't bolted through the door immediately she'd seen him so they were getting somewhere.

"Well, I'm afraid there's a bit of a problem. I rarely have cash in the house. I'll have to call someone to get it. You have to sit. It could take a while", he said, taking his phone.

She looked like she'd just swallowed a lemon. "You don't have up to forty dollars? Just forty dollars? Why didn't you call this person before I got here!"

"Well, you wouldn't blame me. I didn't think you'd come. I know you have a thing about delivering to people in houses like this."

"I don't have a problem delivering to people in mansions." She said, getting redder. "It's you I have a problem with!"

He pretended to look hurt.

"Oh wow, I didn't know you felt that way about me. I don't even know how to feel."

She softened up. "It's not…that's not what I meant."

"Maybe if you sit and accept my hospitality I wouldn't feel so bad about it anymore."

She looked between him and the couch for moments before sighing and squeezing her body into the edge. He could barely keep from laughing out loud. Holding in his emotions was something he'd learned for a long time. To her, he appeared uninterested.

"Well, are you gonna make the call or not?" She muttered, staring staright ahead with her arms folded across her big chest. Even though the rest of her had thinned down, her breasts had grown even bigger in size and he couldn't stop staring at them, especially when she crossed her arms under them and made them appear even bigger.

"Oh. I almost forgot. I'll go get you something while I'm at it."

He didn't give her a chance to protest as he left to the next room where he poured them both two glasses of wine. When she tried to refuse, he feigned answering the call.

He gave her the drink with the phone still in his ear and she took it with a frown on her face.

When he was done with the call, he sat down beside her, closer than she was before and noticed her squeeze herself even closer to the edge of the sofa.

He didn't remark on it, just sipped his wine slowly, knowing she was uncomfortable. At least she was drinking his wine.

Watching her try to avoid him showed him just how much she'd changed. Years ago, she'd always tried to find an excuse to be around him, make him hear her voice, notice her. Now she was the opposite, avoiding him like he had some kind of disease.

He had to confess. That made him feel kinda bad.

"Is this what you do?" She asked, snapping him out his thoughts. "Change houses every week."

He smirked, this time without hiding it. She was finally looking at him. The wine had loosened her up.

"I don't change houses every week. I just happened to be staying here for the moment."

"Really." She didn't seem to believe him.

"I just happened to be here. I promise. "

"So it had nothing to do with me." She said, crossing her legs and finally relaxing on the sofa.

He got a good look at her face up close. She looked tired, stressed even, but that innocent beauty she'd always had remained. Those deep black eyes which had always intrigued him stared right up into his, holding him under a spell which rendered him unable to look away.

"I'd be lying if I said it didn't.The things a man must do to get what he wants." She glared at him. "The cupcakes, I mean."

She chuckled and he did a double take at the sound. This was the first time she'd let herself be free around him again. He made a mental note to always give her wine whenever she came around.

She stretched her legs on the table and yawned. His eyes remained on her long legs and followed them up, leading to the disappointing hem of her skirt. He felt the surge between his thighs.

He placed a hand on the visible part of her thigh and rubbed, marveling at how soft and supple her skin was. His eyes went to her chest, imagining how those buds would feel in his arms.

She didn't push him off. In fact, she stared at him with a glazed look on her face, her lips slightly parted. This reminded him of his first time, with her. She'd been so willing, so trusting, even when he hadn't really known what he was doing.

His hand kept going up, under her skirt, hoping to reveal the miracle underneath when all of a sudden, he stopped. There was something weird about her expression.

Those eyes were unnaturally still. She was drunk.

But with only one glass? She had to have the tolerance of a baby.

He quickly got his hands off of her body. He'd never been one to take a woman against her will. In fact, he only ever gave a woman pleasure when she begged for it and he wouldn't change that now.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Marena John Lambrou
Him! How does it feel to be rejected?!
goodnovel comment avatar
Marena John Lambrou
Oh goodness Asher will trap her one way or another

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