
Chapter 3

The percentage result was ultimately won by the Wilco Company. This means that Audrey's company has successfully cooperated with the Albert Company.

    After the presentation ended, Mr. Joyce did not forget to congratulate Audrey, as CEO of Wilco Company.

    "Madam. Audrey, I congratulate you on your cooperation with my company. Hopefully this collaboration can advance our respective companies and bring good luck," said Mr. Joyce who was always smiling with happiness.

    “Thank you, Mr Joyce. I believe this cooperation will bring great benefits to our company. Now, let's say goodbye, sir,” after feeling that there was nothing to talk about, Audrey said goodbye to go home.

    "Please Miss Audrey," replied Mr. Joyce kindly.

    When Audrey, Edward, and William had passed before him, Mr. Joy immediately called his messenger named Johannes. What happened was that he was already in the car park because during the presentation, Mr. Joyce had sent a message to Johannes to observe the car William would drive.

    Johannes is Mr Joy's errand boy for nine years now, looking for his son. However, John's efforts have stalled in the last two months due to exhaustion in searching for William.

    Until finally, today, Mr. Joy found his biological son who he had longed for, even though he had spoken directly with William but did not dare to tell the truth if he was his biological father.

    After receiving the order, Johannes immediately launched his action following the car driven by William. While on his way, he made plans to easily meet William.

    After a while, William's car stopped at a giant and spacious house. John also stopped at a considerable distance. He immediately got out of the car to walk towards the house where William lived.

    Johannes thought that he wanted to disguise himself as a gardener at home. When he reached the gate, the house guard stopped his steps.

    "Excuse me sir, do you have any business with the owner of this house?" asked a burly man who immediately stopped in his tracks.

    “Yes sir, I am here with the owner of the house. Please let me in,” John answered pleadingly.

    After thinking for a moment, the burly man immediately invited himself into Audrey's house.

    When he set foot, John was amazed by the house in front of him. The house is big and also very spacious, the owner of the house is also kind and friendly.

    As soon as his footsteps reached the terrace, Mrs. Hans, who was sitting leisurely in the garden of the house and saw her, immediately got up and stepped behind him.

    "Excuse me sir! I am Hans, the owner of this house. Do you need me?" asked Mrs. Hans with a slight smile on her lips while observing the clothes stuck to John's body which he thought was a descendant of royalty because his clothes were so neat and branded.

    “Sorry ma'am, I just came here to apply to be a gardener in this house and my name is Johannes. Is there a job vacancy for me who is unemployed? Full,” replied Johannes who deliberately pretended to say something untrue because he wanted to investigate William first inside the house.

    Instantly, Mrs. Hans' facial expression turned sour when she saw John because he felt cheated by John's appearance, which he thought looked like a rich man.

“Okay, you can work now. But remember, as long as you work, you have to follow the rules in this house. When I first saw you, I thought you were a descendant of a tycoon from your clothes, but my guess was wrong. It turns out that you are a poor man begging for work. I gave you a job! Now, change your clothes like Daniel. You just go to the kitchen to meet him and ask for the gardener's uniform. Usually, he's in the kitchen!” said Mrs. Hans hastily.

      Hearing Mrs. Hans' words made John's heart hurt a little because her words were so arrogant. He did not expect that the owner of this house that was considered kind and friendly turned out to be the owner of such a proud person.

      After Mrs. Hans was out of sight, she immediately walked to the kitchen to meet Mr. Daniel and asked for a uniform and asked about William while he was in this house.

      This large and spacious house has several corner rooms. Even to go to the kitchen, John had to walk for a quarter of an hour before reaching the kitchen.

      There he saw an old man sitting with a cup of coffee. In her heart, she said that she was the one Mrs. Hans meant. With quick steps, Johannes walked towards Mr. Daniel.

      "Excuse me, is your name Mr. Daniel?" asked Johannes who was already standing right in front of Mr. Daniel.

      "Right. I'm Daniel, why sir? Who are you?" Mr. Daniel asked John again.

      "I'm Johannes, a new gardener, may I have the same uniform you are wearing?" John asked again before asking about William.

      Mr. Daniel just smiled as he moved from in front of John to take the uniform in question. After John got what he wanted, only then did he ask about William.

      "Mr. Daniel, may I ask about William? Is he a chauffeur?" John started asking about William, whom he had been waiting for a long time.

      William is Mr. Audrey's husband. He was always humiliated here and was never considered a husband by the Madam, neither Audrey nor Hans.

      When listening to Mr. Daniel's story, there was hatred in John's eyes. He wanted to know more about this family. Not long after, Audrey's voice shouted at William.

      "William! Where did you lose the other file! I don't want to know, you should be responsible for the loss of the file which I will present again tomorrow. You have to create it now. You are a careless and stupid person . Audrey's harsh words sounded so clear  in John's ear.

      "All this time I was just a fool Madam, I can't seem to do it," said William, looking through the files in Audrey's suitcase. He hopes to be found soon.

      But Audrey didn't respond to William's words and left right away. Johannes who is currently peeking from the kitchen because Audrey has just scolded William in the dining room, he immediately walked towards William.

      "William.  Can I help you with the files?" said Johannes from behind while patting William's body which startled him.

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