
Chapter 1 - Blinding

"Didn't your daughter died?" The gossips of our neighbors grew louder as they surround my mom and me. "Why is your son wearing girl's clothes?" They all looked at me with judging eyes as Mom pulled me to her side. 

She laughed at them as if what they said was a joke. "No. My daughter's alive, as you can see. Lia, greet them." Mom forces me to smile at our neighbors and greet them happily while they feast at me as if I'm something out of place. 

"So, did your son died?" 

I looked up into my mom's face as she smiles at them. "Yeah, he did." 

The loud sound of the alarm clock woke me up from that recurring dream. I could feel the warm sunlight on my cheeks which made me twist and turn on my bed. 

"That dream again." As I closed my eyes, I could see my mom's face over and over again. Why do I have to dream about that again? I'm already stressed out because of that guy

"Ion! Wake up! You're going to be late for school!" I could hear my older sister's loud voice coming from outside the room. I haven't tidied up my room yet, and the clothes I used for yesterday's work are all lying on the ground. 

It's still early in the morning, but it's already humid, which makes me annoyed because my room's air conditioner broke down the other day. 

Oh, that's right. Today would be the first day of school. I'm now in my first year of high school, and I enrolled in that famous Academy. The Ravenwood Academy, notable for being a former all-boys school. 

"Ion?" I heard my sister Lean knocked on the door. "Are you still sleeping? If you don't respond, I'm going to kick the door." 

"I'm awake." 

I stared at the empty wall for a few more minutes before I finally got off the bed. Like my usual routine, I tidied my bed and went to the bathroom to get a cold shower. Since the weather in the Philippines is quite hot. 

"Ion! When are you coming down? Your breakfast would get cold." Hearing Lean shouting made me sigh. She's too excited for my first day back to school as if she's the one going there. 

After taking a shower, I wore my black trouser pants partnered with the buttoned-down white shirt with black lines on the collar and sleeves. 

Ravenwood Academy's school uniform looks like one of those typical Japanese school uniforms. Since it's an International School mainly owned by a Japanese School Director. There's also a black tie for men that goes with the uniform. "Ion!" 

"I'm coming down," I said as I quickly picked up my bag and went out of the room. As I walk towards the stairs, Chewy, our ragdoll cat, greeted me and made me crouch as I pat her head. 

"Ion! How many times do I have to call you?" I let out a sigh as I was reluctant to go down to the dining room. It's not like I'm really excited about school. I just wanted to be part of Ravenwood's Ravens. 

Their boys' volleyball team went to Japan before to fight in the nationals as the Japanese Branch's representative. And I'm joining that team soon because that's also her dream.

"Finally, here I prepared your favorite bacon and eggs." Lean smiled as she pulls up a chair. Another pleasant morning, or so it would seem. We used to be a family of seven, but now... it feels incomplete. 

I sat down beside her. "Where's mom?" She flinched upon hearing me ask that. It's rare for a mom to not eat with us. 

"Wait!" 'She's planning to change the topic.' "Are you going to school with that long ass fringe? Can you even see anything?" She tried to touch my hair, but I gently swat her hand away. 

It's just me, dad, and Lean on the dining table. 'Did Alina went to the dorm already?' 

"Alina said that she'll be busy this semester. That's why she wouldn't be able to come home often," Dad said as if he noticed what's going on inside my head, even though he couldn't see my eyes. 

"When you're done eating, get your belongings, then go to the car. I'll take this phone call first." Lean said as she went to her room, leaving dad and me inside the dining room. 

Awkward silence surrounds us as I resumed eating while Dad's reading the morning newspaper. It's been a long time since we've been together like this because I would often work with Lean and go home late. 

Only the sounds of the utensils could be heard. My eyes wandered through the cabinets as I don't want to look in Dad's direction because it'll make me feel more awkward. I don't know how to act in front of my parents anymore. We fell apart, I guess?

"Alexis, I know your mom's been telling you this… but you can stop that now." My hands stopped moving after Dad said that. 

I gulped as I pretended, not knowing what he's talking about. "I'm going to be late. I'll go to Lean's car now." As I excused myself, Dad said something that got imprinted on my mind. 

"You don't have to do that anymore." 

But I deliberately ignore those words. 'After all this time?' I wore my black leather shoes and made my way to my sister's car. It's an old car that she's been keeping because my sister loves vintage things. It belongs to our grandparents before, and now it belongs to her. 

"Let's go?" Lean came out of the house wearing her favorite pink pencil skirt and a sleeveless blouse tucked inside. She quickly curled the ends of her hair as she smiles at me. 

I nodded and opened the door to the shotgun seat and sat quietly. "Should I cut your bangs for you? You look like a protagonist from a hentai anime." Where did she even get that? Does she watch those things?

"I like it this way." 

Hearing that makes my older sister let out an audible sigh. "Just buckle up and enjoy your youth. You'll regret it if you don't do the things you like." She said as she started the car while I deliberately looked at the window to avoid conversation with her.

However, that doesn't make her stop talking. "You're joining the volleyball team, right? I knew you love it since you were a kid." 

"Lia loves it, that's why." 

She stiffened after she heard me say that. Lean smiled as she changes the topic again. "Oh, I forgot, today would be the last day of your work. I mean, I already informed the others about your hiatus, so don't forget to go to the office later after school." 

I just nodded as I continued watching the people walking on the sidewalk. The busy street and the sounds of the beeping of the cars filled my ears. It's the usual traffic on the road we take every early morning. 

I yawned as I close my eyes. It wasn't even an hour passed as we arrived at the front gate of the school. Many students are coming in with their friends, some are alone, just like me, and some are with their parents having a hard time saying goodbye. 'They're going to see each other again after school anyway.' 

"Maybe we should cut your bangs after all." I quickly went out of the car before Lean could even use her persuading method on me. 

As I took a step inside the gate, someone shouted, making me feel startled. "I'm going to reset everything!" A tall young man with brown hair said while raising his hands in the air, grabbing all the other students' attention. He looks like nothing could faze him as he started walking as if nothing happened. 

"Amazing," I muttered as I sauntered towards the bulletin board to find my name and section. It would be a hassle to be late for the first day of class, which would make me the center of attention in our classroom. 

When I learned where my name is and what section I belong to, I immediately walked to the hallway. The students' voices filled my ears as they look like they're all having fun greeting one another as if they already know each other. 

Almost all the voices belong to boys, making my heart thump louder as I feel uncomfortable walking alone in the noisy and chaotic hallway.

I kept my head down as I walk, not until a person bumped to my back and made me fall to the ground. "Oh shit! I'm sorry!" 

"Help him already." The man reached out his hand and helped me stood up. "I've been telling you that we're in the wrong building, you stupid!" His friend whacked his head, making him laugh. But why does his voice sounds so familiar?

Even though my bangs were in the way, I could see how bright his smile was. His round hazelnut eyes stared at me as if they were sparkling. 

"I'm so sorry!" He said, and his smile widened than before. It was blinding as if he's telling me that he has what I don't, happiness, that is. I just nodded because I didn't want to talk to him. He's too blinding and energetic. 

However, he grabbed my arm, stopping me from walking away. "Don't your fringe get in the way? Can you even see anything?" He waved his hand in front of me like I'm some blind boy on the street. 

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