
Chapter 1: Alone

Chapter 1: Alone

I knock before entering the room.

"Good morning, sir"

I bow not looking at the man in front of me. I always feel intimidated when I am in the same room as him, even his silhouette scared the hell out of me. Because I know that if I encounter this man, what will happen next to me is guaranteed. I became nervous as I saw his movement in my peripheral vision.

"You stupid woman!"

His voice reverberates as he shouts at the top of his lungs and at the same time, he throws the snifter in me. I heard the sound of the shattered glass beside me while the other shards got into my skin. It hurts but I stand still because I have no rights to fight for myself.

"You are so useless! Get off my face!"

He shouted once again while pointing at me, reminding me that I am worthless and futile.

"Yes, sir"

I lowered my gaze and bowed inches before the floor before getting out of his room. As I closed the door, my hand started to shake. I hold my chest as my heart skips a little, it is too tight for me and I couldn't even breathe properly. Do I really deserve this? I guess it is really my fault as I forgot to give the food for Big, my master's dog.

I sigh when I saw the blood gushing into my feet. I'm used to these, that's why I couldn't even feel a single pain, indeed.

I started to walk downstairs and I noticed that everyone was looking at me. Disgust was pasted on their face and some pitied me while whispering to each other.

Nothing is new, I am used to physical pain but the way they stare at me? Why am I hurting? But who am I to complain? 

I do not even belong to the system. I am lower than the lowest, lower than a peasant. Even if I died at this moment, no one will care, no one will notice as I was nothing but an extra.

While I'm in the middle of the stairway, we all look at the woman walking angrily while holding something.

"Good day, Madam!"

We simultaneously greet the daughter of the sir and bow slightly. She looked around like she was looking for something, perhaps someone. Her eyes landed on me and she burst out of anger. She began to climb the stairs while looking at me intently, the reason for me to bend my head and clasp my hand in front of me. The clank of her stilettos can be heard in the four corners of the mansion as everyone becomes silent.

Everyone was holding their breath and before I could react I tumbled on the stairs and bumped my head into the handrail. 

My head was spinning and I couldn't hear properly. I felt that something was dripping on my face. That's why I wiped it using the back of my hand. It's blood and I think that is from the slap I got a while ago, she didn't bother to take off that ring huh.

I slowly get on my feet even though every part of me is aching, outside and inside. I have to be strong, I need to. What did I do?

" Look at my dress! Why can't you even iron this properly!"

I looked at the dress she was holding and I couldn't even utter a word when I saw a single line of crump in it. 


Before I could say anything she stopped me by throwing the dress exactly at my face.

" Oh shut up! Don't you ever give me excuses you ugly b*tch!"

She started to shout and curse like a crazy lady while stomping her feet. She walked closer to me and held my hair tightly while looking at me intently.

"Did I say that you can talk? I told you before that you cannot speak while you are here!!"

She shouted into my face and spit on me like a garbage. She gripped my jaw and I felt her sharp nails dipping into my skin. She pushed me and started to slap me, her hands landing in every part of me. I tried to stand still but I fell on the floor as I lost my balance. I have no strength and in any moment, my consciousness will eat me.

"You have no right to talk! You are nothing, you're so useless! You should be thankful that we let you live in our house! Die you wench!"

She said and began to kick me anywhere she wanted. I cover my face with my hands but it's useless. I want to cry, it hurts. I wanted to depend on myself but I couldn't do anything. 

" Stop"

I whisper, hoping that someone can help me but who am I joking? I have no one to rely on, I am on my own. 

"People like you should disappear! Why can't you do even the smallest and simplest task! You're worthless!"

She dragged me using my hair and I shouted, I could not suppress my emotion. I thought I'm used to physical pain? What now? I held my hair where she was holding it to ease the pain even just a little bit. She drags me outside of the mansion and I crawl because I cannot bear the pain anymore but she's still pulling me until we reach the wicket gate.

" Get out of here! I don't wanna see your ugly face ever again!"

She pushes me outside and I slide onto the road leading to a scratch on my knees and elbow. She bangs the door of the wicket gate and that's my cue cry.

Where are the walls that I build inside of me? I'm used to these, I'm used to these pain, I am strong and I can do everything on my own but what happened? I don't know that in just a simple slap and kick I will go back to  the person I used to be.

But I think it is for the greater good, for almost two years of being held inside this hell house. I got to finally see what is beyond this place. Million of times that I tried to escape but I always ended up inside a room, accepting my punishment. This is the chance I was looking for, this is the time to escape from my suffering.

I got a glimpse of the sir scolding her daughter probably because of me. I tried to stand up even if my body was aching. I need to get away from this house as soon as possible. I saw the knights of the noble begin to act and I tried to walk even though I felt dizzy. They are making their moves.

I run unsteadily but I have no choice. I saw that the knights move using their horses. Thankfully I saw a bush encircling a tree. I decided to hide and fall flat on my stomach. I inhaled sharply as I felt the soreness of my body.

"No one will go back until you see that woman!"

Addressed the man with a terrifying bawl. It looks like he is the one holding the troops. The group of knights shout as they move, whipping their horses. I bent facing the grassland when I saw that the leader looked around inspecting his surroundings. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that he left and followed his troops.

I quickly stand as there is no time to waste, I run fastly as I can to nowhere until I cannot see even a sight of the mansion. I'm in the middle of a roadway where no house can be found. It was full of large trees and the atmosphere was dark. Where am I?

I felt tired and weak as I crawled to the trunk of a tree. I lean to it and look at my body. I'm in the worst scenario of my life where I couldn't imagine myself in this kind of situation. Oh erase that, it is my fate that no one can get rid of. It is my doom being alive I mean.

I tried to remove the broken pieces of crystal glass in my feet. My breath became heavy as I closed my eyes tightly and bit my lower lips to prevent myself from shouting from this pain.  I feel numb, I can't even feel my body. My tears begin to flow and I quickly wipe it using my broken hands. But it is useless, it continues to flow that later becomes a sob. It was so painful. My heart is aching, am I going to die? For all the hardships that I've been through I realized that even if the world turns upside down, it is my destiny to feel this way. To die in not a single  person would know. No one cares, no one will notice as I don't even exist in their life.

Being alone really sucks.

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