
| Brothers



Within half an hour, we were at the club and Daniel parked the car outside, but as I was about to get out, Antonio turned in his seat to face me. "Tonight is special, Vanessa. Could you at least try to behave yourself tonight?"

My mouth dropped open. "Oh, my God, Antonio, are you serious right now?" This is un-fucking-believable.

"I'm dead serious, Vanessa. Make sure you stay close to me all night. I don't want you out of my sight at all. That's how serious this is."

I crossed my arms and pouted. Yes...I pout. Sue me. "Fine, bodyguard. Anything else? Would you like me to duct tape my hip to yours? Or maybe I could put a big flashing neon sign on my forehead that reads 'I have no life!'"

Antonio rolled his eyes. "Grow up, Nessa. And stop being so dramatic."

"Grow up, Nessa, and stop being so dramatic," I mouthed in a mocking tone, making sure to use Antonio's 'I'm the boss' voice.

Antonio got out of the car, and Daniel turned in his seat to face me.

"What?" I gro
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