
Chapter 3

Was I sure if what I just saw? Was it a dream or was it reality that was playing right in front of me? I decided not to conclude yet because I really can't tell if it was Ned, besides, his mask was covering his face.

I knew I was deceiving myself again. My heart knows that it was Ned I just had a conversation with, but I don't want to believe it. Suddenly, tears dropped from my eyes. I ran into the restroom to put myself together before I came out to Join others to party.

Soonest the master of the ceremony stepped on the podium to officially welcome Mr. Ned that everyone was waiting for.

" We have all been gathered here for the official launching of the Nora's wine that is  proudly brought to us by Mr. Ned. By now, I want to believe that everyone has had the taste of the Nora's wine.

Yessssss. The crowd cheered as they accompanied their response with an applause.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present the face behind the Nora's wine; Mr. Ned.

The shout and cheer from the crowd made this moment the most wonderful moment in the event.

Ned walked on to the stage as he waved at the audience. " Good evening everyone, he started. First of all I want to appreciate everyone of you that is here, it's not easy for someone to leave all that he has just to attend this opening event of my wine.

Nora's wine is a dream that has come true. I had this vision for a very long time but time and the condition I have been through didn't permit me to pursue my dreams.

Although, everything was not in my favor but I never gave up, I patiently played my cards and waited for this day to come. Today, my dream has come true.

As he tried to continue, they was shout of congratulations and cheering from the crowd. Nora's wine is a result of my hardwork, determination and my consistency to make my dreams come true. I want to use this medium, to encourage everyone out there that there's. O limit to what you can do. When the time is right everything is fall into pleasant places.

But everything to fall into places, you have to take power into your hands to fulfill that dream in you. And I want to assure you that as you consistently pursue, one day you will reach the sky. Ned said this and handed the microphone over to the master of ceremony.

" But his mask is still on, why don't he remove his mask so that we can see his face, I thought silently within me.

As he was about to leave the stage, he turned , took about 4 steps forward and unveiled himself. The moment I saw his face, I prayed that the ground should open up so that I can jump Into it and end it all. The person right in front of me is my eternal lover.

The one I have promised to love till eternity, from the look of things here, he hasn't gotten another lady. I guess he has been waiting for me all these years he was away but I couldn't wait for him.

I could not hold myself anymore, I ran outside to let the world that I have failed. I have betrayed the trust of the one who lived me the most. I was so bitter inside of me and I could do anything stupid.

A taxi immediately parked in front of me and I jumped into it. I headed straight to the plantation to meet the devil called Ryan. I arrived at the plantation, and for the first time since I returned from the honey moon, I discovered that the plantation was almost turning to a forest, as I took a step into our house, my eyes caught the image of my father.

I went closer to look at it, Ryan has made a portrait of him and has kept it in his favourite sitting position outside the house. I walked closer to the portrait and bent, I used my hands to walk through the portrait as tears flowed ceaselessly from my eyes.

" I wish I can join you in the place that you are, I Know you are resting and I would love to rest also. I can't face the world and tell them what I have just done. I have committed an unforgivable crime against my other half.

I was too impatient to wait for him, I was so senseless to believe every lie that I was told. My elder brother told me all sorts of lies so that I can believe that Ned has left me. Three years is a long time but that was too short for me to jump into conclusion. 

My life was mine and I have a say in what happens in my life but I was so foolish to realize this. I don't have anyone to pass the blame to. I just have myself to blame. Please be by my side Dad because at this point, I am just so unfortunate that this is reality, but I wish this was a nightmare.

" It's no nightmare kid sister, Ryan said from behind me. You have a good life,Even if Ned is alive, that doesn't mean that you have made a mistake. I never wanted you to be with him because I never liked him. I decided to tell you that he was no one since he wasn't coming for you.

If he had truly loved you, he would have looked for an opportunity to come in search of you or even sent a message across that he is still very much alive. I thought he died after the torture I have to him. He wanted to say more but I immediately grabbed him by his collar.

I don't wanna care if you're my elder brother or not, I don't want if you're the only family I have. I just want to tell you that you should stay away from me. You're a devil, not even a devil but the devil himself, you are capable of taking someone's life and misleading people. 

Ryan,. listen and listen very well. Don't you ever, I mean ever in your entire life call me your sister. You're not my brother and I can never be your sister. I said this and ran out with tears.

I never knew that the moment I left, Ryan called my husband and informed him of what was happening. When I got to our compound, I thought he wouldn't meet me outside but I was so surprised to see him sitted outside.

" Where the hell are you coming from? He asked me in anger. Since I got married to him, I have never seen him in this manner. I made him believe I was scared, on his own part, he became sensitive to call himself to order.

" My darling, he started again. I'm so sorry for using that tone with you. I was already missing you. Where have you been, I woke up and discovered that I was the only one in the house. Did you attend Ned's official opening of Nora's wine?

Immediately I heard his question, I became frozen. What the heck? How come did he know about this? Nobody Except myself knew where I was going to, I can't recall saying anything of such to my brother.

Actually, Ned invited me for his official launching of his wine but I told him that I wasn't fine and we just returned from our honeymoon. i told him but I just stood like an image looking at my husband. I could not tell if he knew I  was telling him the truth or not. But what I was sure of was that, nobody knew where I went to. Could it be that he has been talking to Ned? Because this was the only way he could have known that Ned was lauching his wine.

When he realized that I was becoming scared of him. He smiled and moved closer to me. " I know you can't lie to me, I trust you more than anything on this earth but the only thing I will beg you of is that you should never think of cheating on me. Is that okay with you? He asked me as he pushed me closer to his chest.

" Yes, that's fine. I responded with fear. I forced myself out of his arms and went into the bathroom to have a quick bath of which I meant not to have, as I poured the water on my face, and as it ran slowly to my feet, I remembered the day I said yes to my husband. 

As I wept, I noticed that the door opened slowly. Immediately I started pouring more water on myself again because he had come to check why I was taking longer than I ought to.

" Are you fine? He managed to ask me

" Yes, I'm good. Why? I asked him.

" Nothing, it's just that I came to check on you. I've been waiting for you to be by my side but you've been taking so long to come out. As the wonderful husband that I am, I thought of coming to check on you.

" O! I exclaimed loudly. I'll soon be done, I managed to say with a shaky voice. I prayed silently so that he wouldn't come closer to check if I was weeping.

When I was done bathing, I walked sluggishly into the room to put on my night wears. Meanwhile, my husband went outside while I was bathing and it seems that he was so much engaged in a serious conversation with someone. 

I walked closer to the window to eavesdrop on the conversation but I didn't hear a word from him, he was so sensitive to notice my presence that he took several steps farther so that I wouldn't hear him. 

" Do I even care about whoever he's talking to?" I asked myself as I slumped on my bed. He should do whatever he likes, it's non of my business.

The following morning, I woke up but was surprised to see that my husband has gone out. " What the heck! Where could he have gone to so early. I walked briskly into the sitting room to check if he was there but he wasn't, I busied myself with the house chores so that I can ask any one that comes out of their rooms if they have seen him gone out.

We lived in the family house. Donald's Dad was a rich man so he had built a house where his entire family can live. We live under the same roof with his father and mother, his sister and their grandmother. Sometimes, Grandma's sister comes to the house to visit but I haven't seen her before. I've only heard about her but hope to see her one day. When everyone was up, I asked if anyone has seen my husband but none agreed to have seen him, I kept cool and waited for him to return.

Desmond never returned to the house until it was evening. When I asked him about his whereabouts, the only words that came from him were " I went to attend to an important issue" 

" Is that why you have refused to take my calls since morning?" I asked him.

" Yes, I've been in a series of meeting that's why I wasn't able to answer you. I'm sorry about that.

I looked at him, smiled and walked away " it's fine, I told him as I shut the door.

Few weeks after I met with Ned, my mood changed. My husband noticed this and I guess that he has already knew what was running through my head. 

The fact that I was already married was the part the pained me most. Since marriage was for eternity I had no other option than to stick to Desmond. I found it difficult to accept the bitter truth. However, I made a promise to myself to love my husband in other to forget about my eternal lover. I knew that it will be difficult but there was nothing to do to change the situation.

Just 4 months Into our marriage, I woke up to meet a very hot argument in the house. My husband was so mad at what was being discussed. I had no idea of what they were discussing so I had to wait for him to come into the room to tell me what the subject of argument was about.

When he finally came in, I asked him to tell me what the issue was.

" Most times, I wonder if my head uses his sense of reasoning ,Donald started harshly. I made an attempt to tell him that those harsh words weren't meant to used on his father but he shut me up with just a scaring look.

He wants to bring his other son to the house. 

Other son? I asked in disbelief

" Yes, he has a son with another woman.

" Wait, wait, wait I don't get it yet. Your dad has a mistress? Is that it?

" Yes babe. He has a mistress but they're no longer together. He left her to get married to my mother and after so many years, they met, I think they reconciled and the issue of the pregnancy she had back then was raised. That's when she opened up to him that she had a son for him.

What? I shouted in surprise.

" To worsen the case, he wants to bring him to our house. He's planning a grand welcome for him, he wants to officially introduce him to his friends and clients. I don't want to hate my Dad and he shouldn't make me to hate him because if I do, that will be for eternity.

" I understand how you feel dear, but you just have to relax your mind. I think you shouldn't bother about if he's going to change his mind or not because from the way you're sounding, it's as if, he is not bent on changing his mind.

" Is that all you have to say? He asked in a very high and angry tone. As he shouted, I never knew that the other persons in the house heard his voice. Immediately I heard footsteps like that of those running towards our room.

" Open the door!

" Open the door! They shouted simultaneously

I went to open the door, but it was sparkle; my sister-in-law and her mother.

" What's  happening? I asked since I was confused about their sudden appearance.

" Come outside first! Mother screamed but I felt reluctant to come out since I was still trying to figure out what was happening. As I looked confused and non chalant about coming out, sparkle walked with speed to where I was standing in the room, and pulled me out. I felt a sharp pain in my elbow region. Oouuch! I screamed as she continued pulling me. She pulled me out but walked into the room.

 I tried to enquire if anything was wrong from my mother in-law but she was mute, all of a sudden tears filled her eyes and she walked away. ' what are they not telling me?" I asked my self in confusion. The door to the room was still locked, so there was practically no way for me to go into the room nor hear anything that was Said. I decided to place my eyes very close to the door to listen.

After listening to their argument for more than 30 minutes, I burst into an uncontrollable tears. My husband came out of the room but he angrily walked past me. When sparkle came out of the room, she was in tears too. I boldly stood up to ask her some questions about the authencity of what i  heard.

" Sparkle, I want you to make me believe that what I heard from you and your brother is a lie. Sparkle kept mute as she used her right hand to hold her mouth so that she won't burst into tears to worsen the situation. she held my hand and we walked into the room. I was prepared to hear the worst from her at the moment. 

" Nora, before i will tell you if it's a yes or a no, i would love to tell you how everything happened and what led to what you saw today or what you heard. Firstly and most importantly, i am not Desmond's blood sister. I am an aunt to him. I am a step sister to his mother. Please don't ask me how, i know you might be wondering how it happened but that's a story for another day.

Desmond had a sister like every other person but she died when they were still kids. it happened that they had an arguement one day they were playing, Desmond who was so hot tempered decided to fight his sister back since the case was settled in favour of his sister. He went into their room, peeled a banana and dropped the peel carelessly on the floor, he made sure that it was positioned on a place where his sister would walk past.

Unfortunately for her, she came  running, then she fell as a result of the banana peel that was on the floor, her head torn and blood was gushing out like a running tap, she was rushed to the hospital but she couldn't make it. 

When we returned home that day, we told Desmond about what had hapened to his sister and immediately, it was as if his brain shifted from it's position. He started shouting " there's blood on my hand! This he shouted severally. At first we were scared, so we had to take him to the hospital too so that we can also avoid any form of complication, it was then we discovered that what happened to his sister has affected his brain.

Since then till now, Desmond has not been the same again. At times, he acts as if he's about to run mad and sometimes he acts strange, that was the reason we ran to your aid when we heard him screaming.

My eyes were already teary by now. It has been made clear to me that i have married a man that is partially crazy. What a world? i asked myself quietly. Does Ryan know abut this before he pushed me into this? will i continue to live like this till death do us apart? What if we have a family tomorrow, how are we going to handle the kids? All these thoughts ran through my head as i lost myself in the arms of Sparkle, waiting for her to keep cool so that we can have further discussions about it because it hasn't made sense to me yet.

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