
Chapter 5

Ausha's POV 

"AUSHA Buendias," Yanna shouted loudly, in my ear waking me up. 

"Y-You're the daughter of! What? Why are you yelling Yanna?" I asked her annoyed as I rubbed my ear deafened by the loudness of her scream. 

You can shout, right? If you don't get bored then it's really in my ear. 

"You're an idiot Yanna, who do I think Raven is?!" she asked curiously with a silly smile on her lips. 

"Who is Raven? Why would I think that I don't know?!" I promise I'm annoyed. 

"I know you, I'm just saying goodbye, it's because your mind is on another planet," she said and raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Leave it to you," I tormented her. 

"Oh, come on, let me go first, right? My BOYFRIEND is already waiting for me," Yanna said with a farewell smile, and stood up, emphasizing the word BOYFRIEND, as if she was making her face me. 

She has a boyfriend and I don't have one. She is Yanna Maria Cleofe, my best friend since we were kids. 

"Go away, maybe the village is impatient to wait for you," I said as I could, and turned my eyes to the computer screen. 

"You really are the best, won't you come with me?" she asked, putting the things in her bag one by one. 

"No, you know I have a lot to take care of here at the company, right?" I said and my attention was focused on the computer, busy typing. 

"Why don't you tell me you're going to do overtime? Best?" 

"I don't have a choice, Yanna, there are a lot of things that need to be taken care of, so I'll just lie in bed, I won't get anywhere." I reason out.

"Why do you have to work overtime? This is your company." 

You heard right when our family owns this company, Buendia's Company, a well-known and famous company throughout the Philippines, we also have many hotels and resorts in different parts of the world. 

"I don't need to rely on my family all the time, since it's with us I won't work anymore? I won't stay in their power forever." Look, when she kisses me first, she's used to it and me. 

"You really have a lot of excuses, what? I'll go first, bye best!" she shouted as her quickly left our cubicle. 

I just smiled and continued what I was doing, I didn't realize the time passed quickly, I looked at the wall clock hanging in the middle of the office assigned to our department, it's 12:00 a.m.? 

How fast does time pass? 

I just yawned for almost a week without stopping my overtime, I hardly had any rest, while my older brothers did nothing but spend and spend, men know nothing to do but waste money, while I saved and at the same time I help Daddy here at our company. 

Mom was dead when she gave birth to me, I grew up eager to be cared for by a Mommy, sometimes I just ask myself. Why do they have a mother? Why am I not there? Why didn't Mommy live when she gave birth to me? Sometimes I question my God why he let my Mom die? 

I yawned and when I decided to buy at the coffee shop near here, I immediately put my stuff away, I turned off the computer and left, only a few people were working overtime with me, the others were forced to work overtime because they have an extra salary, even I want to save so I work overtime sometimes, I got out of the office and took the elevator on the 16th floor of my office where I was assigned, as soon as I got on I immediately pressed the ground floor, after 5 minutes I was on the ground floor, I quickly left the company. 

The coffee shop is just a walking distance away, it's just a corner away, I was thankful when the coffee shop was open, the guard opened it for me. 

"Good morning ma'am," the guard greeted me with a smile. 

"Good morning too," I greeted him back, it was rude of me not to greet him, right? 

I immediately went to the counter, there were two people there, Mary and Judy, I know them because every time I have overtime I buy here or sometimes hang out. 

"Good morning Ma'am Sha, what is your order?" Mary asked politely. 

"1 Cappuccino please." 

"Coming right up." I just smiled, I can say that Mary is one of my admirers, because she is a working student, she studies and works at the same time, her father had a stroke due to his motorcycle accident.

When Mary finished, my stomach suddenly started to boil so I bought something to eat.

"Her's your order ma'am Sha," she promised politely. 

"And 1 slice of chocolate cake please," I added. 

"Copy ma'am." 

I took the coffee and sat down at the far end of the coffee shop near the window. After a while Mary brought me the chocolate cake I ordered and I thanked her. 

While I was eating, a man came in wearing a jacket, black pants, converse shoes, and a white shirt with a gray jacket over it. 

I can't help but look at him, he has a side view of me, his jaw line is perfect, his adams apple I can see it has increased because of swallowing it, my throat feels dry, I don't know if it's because of the chocolate cake I'm eating or because of his adams apple, I looked down at his six pack abs, I can see it freely because his jacket is not zippered, and because the white shirt is close to his body and the big bulge at the bottom his pants maybe he has a big pet? It's just in my mind. 

He must have felt that someone was watching him so he looked around the entire coffee shop and when he was looking at me, I immediately looked away from him and focused my attention on the chocolate cake. 

You're embarrassing Shasha, maybe he knows I'm looking at him and worse is lusting after you, I preached to myself. After a while the man was leaving so I looked at him and that's when I was surprised that he was also looking at me and his forehead was wrinkled. 

I couldn't make out his face because of the jacket he was wearing with a hat, the only thing I noticed was his plump and red lips as if he enjoyed playing with them—it's just that Ausha, your brain is really getting worse. 

He took his eyes off of me and went out of the coffee shop, he walked to a motorcycle parked in front of the shop, he hung the plastic bag where he ordered, he immediately put on his helmet and quickly revved his motorcycle. 

*Brommmm Brommmm* His motor is making noise. 

Suddenly my eyes widened as I realized something. That man is the guy who stole my first and second kiss in El Trinity Mall! And I asked where he was earlier? 

Damn him 1 billion! 

I just finished eating and paid for it immediately, Mary wanted to return the change but I refused and gave it to her and she thanked me because she said it would help her somehow, I just smiled at her and went back to the company. 

It was past 3:00 a.m when I finished my coded papers for tomorrow, I put away my things, turned off the computer and left the company, I couldn't help but stretch my body because of the fatigue, I was drained ah I just said in my mind. 

When I got down from the building, I immediately hailed a taxi, luckily there was a taxi passing by the area, rarely does a taxi pass this morning. I don't want to use the car that Dad gave me because that's all I need for gasoline, gasoline is expensive now, so it's better to commute because I can save money and avoid hassle somehow.

When I got to the house, the light was on in the living room, the whole house was quiet because it was too early even the maids were still asleep, I had an extra key to the house so I could enter freely even in the morning. 

When I got to the room I immediately fell on my soft bed, I was about to sleep but I remembered that I hadn't changed my nightgown yet, even though I was wide awake I forced myself to get up and go to the bathroom to clean up I just went out of the bathroom with a towel on. 

I faced the mirror and looked at my whole body, I took off the towel and it fell on the floor, I had no cover over my whole body, no one could see me because he was the only one in the room, took I just put on my underwear and a pair of pink nightgowns, when I was done I immediately jumped into bed and quickly fell asleep. 

My sleep was disturbed because of the loud noise coming from the other room, even though I didn't sleep enough I got up, I looked at the alarm clock on the side of the table after nine in the morning, I went to the CR and mumbled, going out I was about to go to the room when I heard a growl coming from Kaven's room. 

Omg, Kaven is having sex in the morning, there's no shame in it—I didn't finish what I was going to say because of the strength of the woman's moaning. 

"Ohhh! Kav, ahhh! hurry up, I'm cumming!" 

All of a sudden, my ears were covered and because of their noise, I quickly left the room and went to the living room, it was better than listening to Brother Kaven and his girl's rudeness. 

I caught up with Nanny Charlotte who I consider my second mother, she was the one who took care of me when I was just a baby and Nanny stopped when she saw me coming down the stairs. 

"Oh Ausha hija? Why are you awake so soon, didn't you say that you worked overtime, maybe your head hurt because you lacked sleep?" I just smiled at Nanny Charlotte. 

"It's okay Nanny, I'm sleeping pretty well, don't worry about me." 

"Are you hungry, do you want me to serve you something to eat?" she asked as she stood up but I immediately stopped her. 

"I can take care of myself Nanny, has Dad already left?" 

"Well yes, your Dad left early because he said he had an important meeting to attend, but your Dad didn't even have breakfast." 

"Alright Nanny, I'm going to eat," I said goodbye. 

"Why don't you want me to prepare you something to eat?" when she asks again. 

"No longer Nanny, okay," I knew and headed to the kitchen. 

After I finished breakfast, I immediately showered and got dressed. When I first decided to open my social media account, it was almost never updated because I didn't like social media because I was focused on work, I saw that Yanna went online and chatted with me. 


Hey, are you coming in now? 


First of all, Yanna, my body and head hurt a bit now. 


Is that all right, take a break? 


Hey, how are you doing on your date with your boyfriend, did you get a score hahaha?! 


Why don't you have that, I'm really annoyed with the village head. 


Oh? Why did you and your boyfriend not want to be with each other and have you become a slave now? 


It has a hook! 


Flirting? Are you sure maybe the suspicion is wrong? 


It's true, isn't it? When we women suspect, it's 99.9% correct and another time I saw him with someone in a mall, he was with a woman. 


You know his cousin just went along, don't suspect right away, Yanna, did you ask your boyfriend about what you found out? 


I don't want to annoy him yet. 


Try to talk to your boyfriend, Yanna. I just advise you as a friend who is like a sister to me. 

Yanna and I ended our conversation immediately. 

*Ringgg Ringggg Ringggg* 

My cell phone rang on the top of the table, I looked to see who called and it was my dad's registered name. 

"Hello Dad?" 

"Ausha, I know you're awake and resting, but can you come to the company today?" Dad's voice shows that what he has to say is important. 

"W-Why is there a problem with our company?" I asked nervously. 

"I can't tell you on the phone, come here first hija I can trust you?" he asked, there was certainty in his tone. 

"Alright Dad, I'll be there in 20 minutes," I said while glancing at the clock on my bed side table. 

I immediately turned off the cell phone and quickly got dressed. When I arrived at the company, Secretary Juana immediately stood at the secretary table and immediately greeted me. "Good afternoon Ma'am Ausha, Sir has been waiting in his office for a while now." She was usually happy and smiled. 

I smiled at her too. "That's it, thank you Secretary Juana." 

Secretary Juana knocked, and opened the door a little and looked there before speaking. "Sir, Ma'am Ausha is here." 

"Let her in," said the man's baritone voice. Secretary Juana opened the door, I thanked her again and went inside, it was immediately closed as soon as I entered. 

Dad's luxury and cozy office appeared to me, there is a bookshelf on the side of dad's desk, the wall of dad's office is a glass wall so you can see the big and chaotic city below, it is on the 40th floor and it is the highest of the company Dad built it. I looked at him as if he was rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Good Afternoon Dad. What are we going to talk about Dad?" I greeted and sat on the sofa reserved for his guests. 

He lowered his hand of the paper and held the sense. "About your Engagement," he said bluntly and directly. 

My eyes widened and I heard what Daddy said, did I hear right, who am I going to marry? How? 

"W-What's that again Dad? A-About engag—oh God!" I'm not processing what Dad said in my mind. 

Dad took off his reading glasses and looked straight into my eyes. "About your engagement, to Mr. Lance Callen, the engagement will be held at our house next week and you can't do anything about it," he declared seriously. 

Meanwhile I was left stunned, I don't know what Daddy smoked to get me married to Puncho Pilato whom I don't know, does Dad do drugs? Maybe it's the effect of him being alone and at work that's why he tripped me up? Jesus Christ what happened to my dad? His crazy man, not in my own language in my mind, while stunned I couldn't believe Dad.

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