
Chapter Two: Wedding

The wedding was a rushed and a small affair. Most people did not want to come because they did not want to see this lucky person.  This chosen one.  This woman who would have it all. Have the respect, the power and the wealth.  Not forgetting the crown.  They were jealous of all the things she'd end up having.

Those who were there wanted to finally put a face on the mystery of this wife.  This queen of theirs.  But they had no such luck.  The queen's veil did not reveal anything.  Not even when they kissed did she get to be seen by the people. 

It frustrated people even the more when she and the king retreated to the inside of the palace.  Leaving everyone with opened mouths.  It had been a lake wedding.  The whole reason the kingdom was called Emerald kingdom was because of the lake. The shine, colour and beauty of it only reminded people of emeralds. 

"Why won't she be seen?" One complained.  She was here only for the big reveal of the queen.  Only to just be like those who had not attended.  She and the rest of them all was in the dark.  The queen was still unknown.  Not even her name was revealed by the priest when he told them about their vows.

"I wonder what the big secrecy is about!" This was Mona Diya, Michael's mother.  She was very livid.  Not even her son told her who the king was getting married to. Now this wasn't right on her books. She felt betrayed.  Like she was supposed to have been the first one to know.  In her mind she is more important than the rest in the king's mind and heart. She has more right to know.  She was after all Mona Diya. The mother of one if not the greatest knight of the kingdom. She had more status than the others who were beneath her. 


    This secrecy and unknowing made her feel anxious. She didn't like to feel anxious. She always wanted to be on top of things. Which wasn't happening at this moment. A whole wedding happened in public today but it felt like it could have been done in secret because there really was no difference in anything. It felt like everything was done in secret anyway. 


    No one knew or saw the now queen of the kingdom. This was disturbing. 



    Why was the queen being hidden from her people? Did they not need to know who their king's wife? Did they not all need to know who their queen who could rule if the king was no more? It was all so mysterious and so suspicious. 


    Mona fanned herself with her hands at just the thoughts coming to her mind. 


    "Who is this girl?" Now she wasn't just asking because she was curious. She was asking because she was a little annoyed by the whole thing. Because now she could see things another way around. Maybe this new queen was looking down on them. Why wouldn't she show her face to them? Maybe she thought she had a too good of a face to be seen by just the common people of Emerald. 


    "Will I never!" Mona screamed causing those around her to give her only a once over because they did not get shocked or surprised by her outbursts she was known for them but that didn't stop them from checking in on her from time to time. 


    "Mona what upsets you like this Mona dearest?" One of the checkers asked Mona who was already upset this question. This only fueled her rage to come out to the serious amount. 


    "Mind your own business!" Mona shouted before she stormed away. 


    Leaving the others again not shocked but puzzled at most. They really did not understand what Mona thought of herself. And they never cared to know. But it was evident to everyone that even if you didn't ask Mona would show this character of hers without warning. 

* * * 

The bride,  the mysterious bride was followed by her groom to his bedroom.  The door was closed and locked by the king. Who seemed very intent in not revealing his wife's identity. 

He linked his hands together.  Looking at the wife he had married nervously.  She only smirked her red lipstick being shown.  "What is this?  You show fear now?  But husband you have already married me. Show happiness.  Show delight." Her voice was like a lullaby.  A sweet lullaby sang softly to a child's ear. It was very pleasing to hear. Most would be caught up in her voice and not actually look at her face. The face that everyone has been dying to see. The face she she hasn't revealed. 

Arthur's face was one of worry.  Fear and anxiousness.  He looked like a dying man who just wished to die faster than he already was. He addressed the room. "I have married you not out of love.  Or adoration.  I want only one thing from you." He paused for a little while to get his wits.  "An heir.  Your mother promised that only one night with you would offer me an heir. Did she lie to me?"

The queen smirked.  "My mother never lies...well sometimes she does but it is all in good reason.  I promise you though you will get your heir."


The queen knew her status.  Her mother had trained her well.  This was to get an heir for the king.  Not about love.  Or even marriage. 

She slowly laid herself on the white covered bed. Her eyes closed. Because even though she had acted so unafraid.  She was frightened.  This would be her very first time with a man. She had been told by her mother all there  was to be done but it was very good advice to someone who knew what to expect.  And she did not. 

The king took some time before getting on top of her. He too was shook by this.  Oh gods!  He wanted this whole night to be over and done with.



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