
My joy


I walked to my room feeling down about the possibility that Beatrice would raise an alarm that Mandy was a hybrid and put all of us in danger.

Beatrice was as evil as they come and the birth of Mandy had changed her completely.I had seen it in her eyes when I left her room.She bluntly put it out there how she hated the fruit of her own womb.

It was like evil found a new light to shine through her and she was gladly embracing it. Her actions were warranted yet I understood but her anger was directed to the wrong person.

I had walked into her room where she gave birth to find her refusing to even look at the baby. It was as if the child carried a plague.I had to take her from the doctor and hold her myself.

The woman had all sorts of judgmental looks over my wife's reaction to the child she had just birthed. I could not fault her. It was insane how she had so much hatred for someone who had come out of her. Her own blood despite circumstances.

I have found a person to help me take care of Mandy. She had to ensure she grows up well since Beatrice has made sure to act like she has one child.Dorcas had practically raised Seven and so I found her fit to take care  of Mandy.

A slight knock on the door jerks me out of my thoughts. 

"Come in," I said, adjusting the little person in my arms.

"Good evening my King, you sent for me" said Dorcas standing by the door.

"Yes come on in" I responded 

She stands and waits for me to speak but my attention is on the most beautiful person in the world.I think my thoughts  took me to a different time because she spoke and snapped me back to reality.

"My King, what did you want me to do for you?"she said, looking at me with her head slightly bowed.

" Sit down please" I said pointing at a chair for her once I realized she had been standing all along.

"This is Amanda, I need for you to please give her the same attention and take care of her like you did Seven" I pointed out.

"As you wish" she said and I handed Mandy over to her so she could see her.

"She is so beautiful" She said once she had her in her arms. I knew then that Mandy would be safe with Dorcas. Her eyes had so much love for the baby in her arms.

"I will go prepare her room and return to get her." she said, handing a sleeping Mandy back to me.

I nodded in acknowledgement and she left the room, leaving me to my thoughts once again.I thought how difficult could it be for Beatrice to love this beautiful baby.She fussed over Seven and found no faults in anything he did.

It broke my heart to see a mother abandon her child but the Beatrice I knew had a heart of stone. Mandy was the most beautiful little creature to ever appear in the pack house. She was a peaceful one too.

She was my daughter if Beatrice didn't want her. I sat in a rocking chair and rocked her sleeping body, unable to stop. I must have been engrossed in what I was doing because I turned and found Seven seated and watching me.

"When did you get here?" I asked him smiling.

"A while ago, you where rocking and rocking, I think you fell asleep and woke up and rocked some more" he said giggling.

"Why didn't you say anything" I asked him again

"beca, because I didn't want to wake up the baby" he pointed out his reasons.

"She is beautiful ain't she?" I asked Seven smiling and slightly turning the baby to face him.

"She is like a princess" he responded, taking the gesture of showing him the baby as an invitation to come sit next to me.He jumped from the chair he occupied and sat on the arm of the rocking chair.

"Who is she?" asked curious Seven

"Your little sister, her name is Mandy" I responded to him flashing him a smile that was received well.

"So i am supposed to take care of her" he asked inquisitively

"Yes, you have to always, that's what big brothers do" I said to him

"She will always be safe with me" he said making the problem to his sister.

His eyes were fixed on her and he kept making her promises. I laughed from within but I was proud of the man I was raising. He was going to be a responsible big brother.

We spoke little Seven and I. He asked questions as expected of a five year old.Little Mandy was still fast asleep and this family was all I needed. I thought looking at the two people that completed the puzzle of my heart.

I did not notice Beatrice was standing by the doorway looking like a ghost had visited her and announced its stay.

"It has to go," she said, bursting my bubble of joy.

"Seven, go to bed, you will play with the baby tomorrow" I instructed him, kissing him on the forehead and redirecting my eyes to the woman who opened the way for Seven to pass.

"Which furniture are you referring to" I inquired

"The damn child Leo," she said, pointing at the baby.

"The baby stays but you can go if you want but if you are going to stay, you will need to learn to coexist with our child" I settled for my choice and gave out an ultimatum. I was not proud of what I was doing but someone had to fight for Mandy.

She stood quietly and kept looking at the baby who had found a home in my arms. She looked jealous.I motioned for her to join me and she looked at me with so much disgust. 

I had no desire to argue so I continued rocking the baby who was now awake, back and forth until she was fast asleep again in my arms.

 Dorcas at that time knocked to come and get Mandy so she could lay her down.

"First thing in the morning, bring her to me, I want to see her before breakfast am I clear?" I said looking at Dorcas.

"Yes my King" she said nodding in agreement.

I gave her the baby and kissed Mandy good night. Beatrice stood in the way of Dorcas making the poor woman so afraid she was shaking like a leaf.

"Let the woman pass Beatrice" I instructed her.She slightly moves and when Dorcas attempts to pass Beatrice pushes her in an attempt to drop the baby but I am fast before they drop, I already have them both in my arms.

I gave Beatrice a deadly stare, at that point I was sure she wanted to kill the baby by all means.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" I shouted and helped Dorcas out the door.

As soon as she carried Mandy and she was out and out of sight , a royal rumble between Beatrice and I began.begins

"I can't have her here" she said looking at me.

"Yes you can and you will and like I said earlier it's either you leave or learn to coexist with her. This topic is closed" I shut the whole conversation.

"Never, she will not rest as long as I am here," she said, threatening the little baby.

"You are disgusting how do you fight someone who is defenseless? Don't you have any shame?" I said giving her a disgusted look.

She was not moved because she laughed until she held her stomach. She totally disregarded me.

"Get out of here now" I said pushing her out of my room and shutting the door.

I was not ready to deal with Beatrice ranting about a child who is the new addition to the family. I was happy and completely overjoyed. The moon goddess had finally smiled on me and gave me one to call my pride and joy.A princess. I had no desire to ruin the moment.

I looked out the window and the skies had gathered rain. It started to rain and I took it that there were showers of blessings. I was blessed to have Mandy and as the rain began to fall, I prayed for her.

"May the goddess of love watch over you, may the moon goddess forever watch over you. may you be protected from your head to your toes all through the days of your life."

I made my way to my bed thought of all the good things I wished for Mandy. I fell asleep peacefully knowing nothing could touch Mandy and that she would get everything a princess deseves.

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