
chapter 7 - Baby Mama drama brewing

Chapter 7

Baby Mama drama brewing

It had been  there months since the branch tryst Sienna had with Appolo. Life has gone back to normal for them within a matter of days after what they did at the hotel. Sienna left without saying goodbye to Apollo and Apollo wanted to make Sienna pay for not leaving without saying goodbye when she had promised him she would say goodbye.

Woken up by sister the next morning because he had to drive both Garrett and Gemma to the airport so that they could go to their honeymoon. He was feeling obsessed and depressed at the same time. He was obsessed because I couldn't get over the fact that he wasn't going to have any more fun with Sienna and the depression kicked in when he realised that he had to sort out whatever problem he had with Lisa and focus on becoming a parent.

Within a week of him getting back to normal he opened his company and started working. His business had been thriving and he was hosting an event to thank his investors for helping him start his business. One of his biggest supporters was Sienna's father. Melech Morena had given him half the money to start his own business because he didn't want him near Siena anymore.

He had noticed that he had developed feelings for Sienna and when he had confronted him about his intentions with Sienna he denied his feelings for her. When he came to Apollo with an offer to buy him out ;  leave his  company, and get funding to start his business with access to some of his contacts , he took the offer.

On the week of the event ; Sienna had heard rumours about Apollo choosing money over her . She paid no attention to the office grapevine but this week something in her had told her something about how Apollo left wasn't  right . Her father had absentmindedly asked her to fill in for him because he was booked for a flight out of the country.  She also agreed to go not checking to see what the event was about and who was hosting the event. When she was done changing into her navy blue wrap dress and nude heels she made her way out to the event and only realised when she stepped out of the car that it was Apollo's event .

The last person Apollo wanted to see was Sienna. She hasn't returned any of his calls and she was ignoring him on every communication platform including SMS. Yeah try to send her roses for past three months but she returned them to him. He tried to call her contact her stalker on social media everything else to try and get her attention , but all he got was blue ticked  and no response .  He didn't know what he did wrong . The second Sienna stepped into the grand hall where the festivities were happening  his world stood still .  All the anger that he felt towards Sienna dissolved into butterflies in his tummy.

When he saw that Sienna had taken a seat where he had reserved a table for her father his heart sank because he knew that Sienna's father wasn't going to pitch . Jus as he was about to call Sienna a news alert came in about the deal he had made with Sienna's father. He knew that if Sienna saw the news flash / article she would feel betrayed. As he was about to go downstairs to meet her and talk to her he was stopped  by his girlfriend Lisa who's bump was already showing.

" Where do you think you're going?"

Lisa looked at Apollo and he could tell by the look on her face that she was green with envy. 

" This obsession that you have over a woman that can never be yours has to stop. You have a child on the way and I cannot stress enough that; he or  she needs two loving parents. "

" I know that Lisa and trust me I get it but right now I need to go mingle with the  guests if you don't feel like being social or hanging around I will understand you can go to hotel room I will do what needs to be done but I need to capitalise on this moment . "

"That's a lie. You need to capitalise on the little time you have with your mistress . "

"She's not that and take that back . "

" Oh I'm sorry your meal ticket. If you think for one second that she won't find out that you used her to get ahead and that you chose money over her , when you're sadly mistaken cause she's going to find out."

"You don't know her like I know her and you already passing judgement on her. She's got a beautiful soul and even though she has her walls up it's for a good reason."

"Don't test me. I will go to the press and tell them that you slept with her a day after your sister's wedding."

"I was only in her room because our rooms were next to each other and I had seen her come in so  I followed her in and we talked nothing happened we just talked I don't know what other explanation you want. "

"The truth. You will lie for her even if she didn't ask you to and that's how much you want to protect her but we both know that you guys did not just talk your bodies did the talking."

"Yes and that was a while back I haven't spoken to her even though I attempted to talk to her she doesn't want to talk to me so I'm with you and that shouldn't matter but it's seemingly doesn't matter because you're forgetting that I am doubting the paternity of the child you're carrying."

" What if this baby is yours ? "

" This is not the time nor place Lisa please . We will talk at the end of the event which is not long from now it's just only a couple more hours and we can talk I promise. Right now I need can assume that a baby will come into a world that is stable and not unstable. "

Apollo walked away but Lisa followed him downstairs and backstage  where they were doing microphone checks meanwhile  Sienna was talking to Toby and she was unaware of the tiger wave that was coming . 


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