
Chapter 2

Astria stared at her mother with a silent glare, weary that she may once again refuse to answer; just as she had in the past. Though this time she wasn’t about to accept anything less than the truth, it was time that Tuviel re-lived her past and told the girl everything that she wished to know; answering the questions that had plagued her entire life.

“Daughter ... This is not a subject that I ...”

Tuviel stopped abruptly and turned towards the door as a heavy knock sounded, saving her from the questions she was intending to avoid and allowing her to rise from her seat..

“Hello?” she called.

“Tuviel. It’s Jonathan. May I enter?” The voice responded instantly, his tone rough and erratic.

The girls mother frowned at the panic in his voice, though answered regardless. “Of course.”

Astria watched as the door opened, the Fera that entered breathing heavily as though he had travelled a great distance in a short time. She rose from her seat to greet the half Sabre cat, half man, his elongated teeth yellowed with age.

“Astria.” He nodded before turning towards her mother, his crimson coloured eyes wide with worry. “John wishes to speak with you immediately, he states that it is quite urgent.”

Astria took a step forward, speaking before her mother had the chance to respond. “At this late hour? Did he say why?”

The Fera's long hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail his jawline set into a neat smile, one that was clearly forced. “I did not enquire as to the reasons; I only came with haste.”

Astria sighed, why must they all keep secrets from me?

Ignoring the growing annoyance on the girl's face, Jonathan turned back to look at whom he had ventured there to see.  “I must insist that we leave now, he does not take kindly to being left waiting.”

Tuviel bobbed her head, her expression giving no insight into what she felt about the sudden intrusion. Though her daughter expected she was pleased with his arrival, allowing her to be excused from the conversation she so disliked, leaving Astria no closer to learning of her mother’s heritage and the events of her birth. The girl was no longer a child and yet believed her mother still sort to keep her as one, and no matter the outcome of their daily lessons she believed it would always be so.

Tuviel turned to leave the study. “Lessons are finished for the day, return to the hut and wait for me there.”

The girl sighed. “Yes mother.”

Astria watched as her mother strolled away with the Sabretooth, his golden take swaying slight in the breeze as they disappeared into the night.

“Great. Left alone.”

The girl stood frozen for a long moment, contemplating what she should do next as she had no intention of following her mother’s orders, no matter what consequence disobedience may bring. Toying with her ebony hair, she decided that it would be best if she sought the council of her only friend, knowing that she gave the best advice whenever Astria felt as though her mother was being unreasonable. And tonight, she needed a friend. She knew that the person she sought out would be awake at this late hour, her friend belonging to a species of Fera known only to come out after the sun had set. Quickly cleaning away the rolls of parchment and blowing out the candles.

Astria made her way towards the very edge of the swamp, glancing between the thousands of huts that made up the village. She passed John's tent within minutes and briefly worried that her mother would emerge and punish her, but all remained silent against the night air.

Once she reached the edge of the huts, the girl searched the treeline for Saya, glancing between ever branch. Saya was a rare breed of Fera called the Noctis, a human crossed with a bat: their instincts as an animal vastly controlling their personalities.  Feared by all other Fera for their first for blood, they were forced to live along the edges of the swamp where they were safe from judgement and growling beasts. But Astria knew that she would not be harmed as she entered their lands somewhat regularly in order to see her friend. Contrary to the belief of others, the bat-like creatures were friendly and welcoming, their diet largely consisting if rabbit and a substitute for human flesh that they call swamp bread.

“Sapphire!” a voice called.

Astria turned at the sound of her nickname, given to her by her only friend as her skin glowed a faint blue in the moonlight, giving the shinning effect of a sapphire. Though, the half-breed knew that all elves possessed such a skin tone, each one roughly glowing in the moonlight.

Saya landed just beside her, fluttering her three-foot velvety black wings against the wind. “What are you doing here? I haven’t seen you in a cycle of the moon.”

The girl shook her head, her smile genuine and layered with excitement. “I came to see you Saya, I missed my closest friend.”

“Your only friend.” The Noctis laughed in return. “I am pleased that you came, although I expect I am the reason you have yet to be married.”

“I have no intention of marrying anyone who would object to me seeing you. You are my friend and the only one I have.” Astria responded sharply, knowing that her friend wished for her to leave once more: obsessed with what others thought of their friendship.

The Noctis chuckled, “You have always been loyal. I know that you won’t abandon me, no matter what people say.”

“Then surely you could refrain from testing me on it every time we meet.”

“I make no promises.” Saya giggled.

“I thought as much.”

The Noctis paused for a moment, suddenly serious. “have you heard about the recent attacks?”

“Attacks?” she asked, her smile fading.

“The Fera settlement around ten miles from here has been burnt to the ground by the Deus, those who survived say they were looking for something.” Saya announced with a heavy sigh, her eyes thick with grief.

Astria gasped. “But why now after twenty years of peace?”

Saya shook her head, “I do not know, nor can I answer your question. All that I can tell you is the leaders of every tribe have banded together and are meeting as we speak.”

“What does that mean? Why have they come together now?”

“To decide the fate of our race.”

Astria's eyes widened, quickly realising what that could mean. “They’re going to declare war?”

“That remains to be seen, but this attack cannot go unnoticed.” Saya remarked. “I believe they will decide to retaliate.”

“Then we can expect war. But it doesn’t make sense, the Fera can’t possibly make a stand against the Deus, not with the abilities they are known to possess. Hundreds will die.” The girl stammered, beginning to panic.

“Yes, perhaps even thousands, but it is not my choice to make and they will not stand by while more of our people die. That would only make us look weak. Inferior.”

Astria shook her head, knowing that she had to convince her friend otherwise. “But in a way you are! You do not have the same abilities as them, you can’t fight against magic with swords and shields, you will lose.”

“I expect that we might, but I will still fight and there are races of Fera that can manipulate the earth and weather, some can even mould fire from nothing. We have a better chance if the entire race bands together. If we can get someone else on our side.” Saya argued, her tone rising against the silent night.

“But who? Who would be willing to lose Their own people to aid in a war that is not their concern?”

“I don’t know.”

“Please Saya, you can’t fight. I can’t lose you. Not like that.” The girl pleaded, tear welling up in her eyes.

“If it comes down to it, I will have no choice. I must fight.” The Fera squared her shoulders.

“Please, you must see reason.”

“I won’t abandon my people.”

“I’m not asking you to, I’m asking you to live.” Astria sobbed, the fear of losing her only friend saying heavily on her heart.

Saya smiled weakly, her eyes filled with tears. “You don’t understand because this isn’t your race, I will do whatever I have to in order to protect my people. Even if that means I will die.”

 “Saya!” a voice called, ending their conversation. “Its Zane he has returned from the meeting and requires our attendance.”

“But I’m with Astria, surely it can wait.” Hoped the Noctis as she turned to glance at the figure in the sky, her silver wings bright against the moonlight.

“This was not a request.” The stranger growled.

Saya turned back towards Astria as she sighed. “I have to go.”

“I know.”

“Goodbye dear friend.”


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