
Chapter 7: I'll Split Both Your Throats

“ We are not trying to play dumb with you milord but your son is under a spell ” Sharon went straight to the point. 

Silence reighed between them for some minutes as the Lord stared at them as though they had said something stupid and then they heard him chuckle which made them frown. 

“ What's funny ” Danielle asked.

“ My guards will escort you both out of my mansion, I'm letting you go because I am in a good mood ” The Lord said in a calm voice “ Sarah, make me blood tea ” He said to the servant who immediately left.

“ No, we're not leaving without doing what we came here for milord ” Danielle said and Sharon kept quiet and let her do the talking.

“ Little witch, do you have any idea of whom you're talking to hmm ” The Lord said standing up from the chair he sat on as he began to walk towards them with a mischievous smirk on his thin red lips.

He could see fear in them as he approached them and he chuckled inwardly at their bravery.

“ Yes I do....” Danielle answered. “ You're the Lord of this mansion ”

The Lord chuckled. “ Wrong ” He said and he was now standing in front of them with his height towering above them and they had to strain their necks to look up at him.

“ If you're not the Lord then where is he we need to speak with him as soon as possible ” Danielle said pretending not to be scared as the Lord was now standing in front of them and most especially staring at her and then she felt him grab her face in his hand but not in a tight grip and she gasped.

“ Of course, I'm the Lord of this mansion little witch and also the Lord of all vampires including your friend here but I don't fancy rogues like her ” He said and both their eyes got wide in shock when they heard what he just said. 

Did he just said that he was the Lord of the vampires ?

Which means that he was Lord Tristan Holand ?

Shit !!!

Raymond was the son of the Lord of the vampires ?

How come they didn't notice it.

Okay ! Things just got a little crazy here.

“ Surprised huh ? ” Lord Tristan said as his smirk got wider. 

“ We didn't know that you're the.... ” Danielle said but was cut short by Tristan.

“ Lord of the vampires ? I know ” He said and he released her face and slipped his hands into his pockets “ I've been under the shadows for far too long but I think it's about time I make an appearance ” 

“ Lord Tristan your son was put under a spell by one of our school mate because she want him to herself so we only came here to break the spell from him and we would leave after that ” Sharon finally spoke up.

“ My son is not under a spell, he looks fine to me and as far as I know he has been acting normal ” The Lord said.

“ How can you tell when you're not a witch ” Danielle said and Tristan pinched the space between his brows and sighed.

He wasn't in the mood of chit-chat.

“ Louis, Austin ” He called out to his guards who immediately came into the living room.

“ Yes Milord ” They said.

“ Take them out of the mansion and make sure they never return back here again ” He said to the guards as he walked back and sat on his chair and at same time the servant returned back with his blood tea on a tray.

“ Here is your blood tea my Lord ” The servant said raising the tray closer to him and he took out the glass cup and sipped from it.

The guard, Austin held Sharon and Louis held Danielle as they began to pull them out of the mansion. 

“ What ? Wait ! Please listen to us we are telling the truth, please we just need to see Raymond and free him off the spell that's all ” Danielle said struggling to get out from the tight hold of the guard pulling her out and she glared at him.

 “ Let go of me you brute ” She said as she bit his hand and the the guard yelled as he let go of her and Danielle began to run back to meet the Lord hoping to talk some sense into his thick head but unfortunately she was grabbed again by the guard.

But then Raymond finally came out from his room with sleepy eyes. It appears that he was sleeping and the noise coming from the living room had woken him up.

“ What's going on ” He asked his father with a confused expression on his face. 

“ It's nothing to worry about ” The Lord said as he conntinued to sip from his cup and he watched his guards dragged the girls away.

“ Wait, who are this girls ” Raymond asked confused on what was going on and the Lord sighed.

“ These two girls here claimed that they are your class mate from school and they said that you're under a spell ” He said.

“ Spell ? ” Raymond said with furrowed brows and he looked at the two girls being dragged away ” Wait ” He told the guards and they halted immediately.

Danielle and Sharon finally breathed a sigh of relief and they pulled out their hands out the guards holds glaring at them.

“ Don't you remember us Raymond, we're Muna’s friend from school ” Sharon said and Raymond's frown increased more. 

“ I don't remember meeting you guys anywhere ” He said and Danielle and Sharon looked at themselves.

“ Don't you remember Muna ” Danielle asked again but Raymond shook his head in denial.

‘ This is not good ’ Danielle thought in her mind.

Not only that that witch girl cast a spell on him but she also made him forget about them.

Shit !

Now Lord Tristan would see them as liars and lock them up in the cell but she won't let that happen. 

She was going to make Raymond remember them no matter the cost so that when they get back to school on monday they would tell him about what happened to Muna.

And just as she thought the Lord ordered for them to be locked up in the cell.

“ Seize them and lock them up immediately ” He said with anger laced in his voice “ I'm done with you two scheming lies to my face ”

“ Wait ? Raymond don't you feel a little strange with your body, didn't you notice any difference in you ” Danielle said when they were being taken away by the guards who were pulling them forcefully.

“ Let me go, I can walk by my self ” Sharon said to the guard who was pulling her only held her tighter with his vampire strength.

“ No, I don't feel anything except from the headache I'm having now because of the noise that was coming from the living room while I was having my beauty sleep ” Raymond said.

F*ck ! Danielle cursed in her mind.

Seeing that they were almost getting close to the door that led to the cell she looked at Raymond and her eyes turned white “ You gave me no choice ” She said and uttered the spell to free him “ Alohomora Gahiflahibius Fendrolumous Expelsectum ”.

The moment she finished uttering the spell they were both thrown into the cell and locked up.

“ Arrrgh ” Danielle groaned as she kicked the bars in anger “ I should have known that witch girl did more than putting a spell on him ” She said.

“ What are you talking about ” Sharon asked with ceased brows as she sat with her hands in-between her legs and her back resting on the cold wall.

“ That witch girl erased Raymond's memory so he wouldn't remember us that's why he couldn't remember Muna in class on friday ” Danielle said and sat beside Sharon.

“ We should have left when the Lord ask us to leave and now we wouldn't have returned back here in the cell again ” Sharon said.

“ Don't worry about that, we will be out sooner than you expected because I already freed Raymond from the... ”

“ Enough Elle !!! ” Sharon suddenly shouted that got Danielle surprised because this was the first time she was raising her voice at her.

Danielle had never known Sharon to raise her voice at anyone before as she was calm and hardly talk.

“ It's because of you that we're in this mess ” She said and Danielle was shocked.

“ Are you blaming me now ? ” Danielle said pointing her hand to her chest.

“ Yes, I'm blaming you Elle and how can I trust you with your spells if they worked or not when they didn't work on the guard so how I'm I sure that they are going to work on Raymond too ”

“ The spell I did on the guard was temporary so we could get inside or didn't you notice that my eyes didn't turn white because I just said the spell words causally but I can assure you that the spell I did on Raymond would work please just trust me ” 

“ I don't trust you anymore Elle ” Sharon said and Danielle felt tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

“ How could you say that to me Sharon ” She said in a cracked voice.

“ Muna is out there in God knows where with her mate probably she has fallen in love with him and we're here sitting in the cell because of her ”

“ Are you blaming Muna too ? ”  

“ Yes, I'm blaming the both of you. Raymond barely knew her, he was barely her friend. He is a new guy in school and I don't blame him for not being able to remember us or Muna ”

“ Have you forgotten that Raymond was the one who approached Muna first and secondly he is under a spell in the name of the moon goddess Sharon ” 

Back at the Living room...

After Danielle and Sharon were locked up in the cell, a few minutes later Raymond started acting weird and he started screaming as some black smoke like tentacles started coming out of his mouth and he fell on the ground shaking violently as white foam splurted out from the side of his mouth.

Tristan seeing this immediately rushed upstairs and knelt down beside his son who was still shaking and he held his shoulders while calling out his name.

“ Raymond ? Raymond can you hear me ? What's happening to you ? ” He asked but he didn't get any response and he immediately asked the servants to go call on their healer.

“ Get me Raphael here immediately ” He ordered and the servants scurried away in a hurry to call their healer and some minutes later Raphael, the healer came running into the living room and he immediately climb the stairs where Raymond was lying on the ground with his father by his side.

“ You called for me my Lord ” He said bowing his head a little and he dropped down his leather bag which had his accessories for treatment in it.

“ Check out what's happening to my son immediately, be quick ” Tristan ordered and the healer immediately started to examine Raymond's body.

Soon Raymond stopped shaking and was now laying still on the ground but the fact that he was still breathing slowly shows that he was alive. 

After the healer was done examining Raymond he looked at the Lord with a small smile in his face “ My Lord there's nothing to worry about, master Raymond is perfectly fine he just needs to rest and he'll be up by tommorow ” Raphael said but Lord Tristan wasn't satisfied yet.

“ Then why was he shaking and why was foam coming out of his mouth ” He asked with a deep frown on his face.

‘ That witch girl must have done something to my son ’ thought Tristan to himself.

Raphael stood up on his feets with his leather bag in his hand. “ While I was examining him, I noticed that he was cursed by some dark magic that explains the foam that was spurlting out from his mouth earlier before but now he's fine I can assure you that my Lord ”

“ Hmm, you can leave ” Tristan said to the healer who bowed his head and left and he ordered the servants around to carry Raymond back into his room so he could rest as the healer had suggested.

After making sure that Raymond was inside his room resting. He marched to the cell where he kept his prisoners in anger.

Back at the cell....

Danielle and Sharon were still arguing when they heard the sound of the iron door of the cell being opened and they both looked up to see the Lord himself standing in front of the bars with his two guards behind him. 

He had his hands in his pockets and they noticed that his red eyes were darker and he had a deep scary frown on his face.

“ I remember asking you both to leave my mansion while I was still in a good mood didn't I ? ” The Lord said with no smile on his face this time and when they didn't answer him he punched the bars angrily scarying them both to their bones.

“ DIDN'T I ? ” He asked again in a scary voice loud enough for them to hear and they immediately answered him.

“ You did tell us milord ” They answered in sync with their backs pressed hard against the wall.

“ And you ? ” He pointed at Danielle “ What did you do to my son ” He asked and Sharon gave him a confused look.

“ I didn't do anything to him, I only broke the spell from him that's all ” Danielle answered.

“ I ask again What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Son ? ” Tristan made sure to enuciate every words clearly for her to hear as his hands turned fist and shook in anger.

“ I didn't do anything to harm him I swear, I was only helping him ” She said.

“ Very well then since you both have chosen death. If my son is not awake by tommorow I'll slit both your throats mercilessly ” He said and left them dumbfounded as they both processed the words he just said in their brains.

“ This is what I'm talking about Elle, I don't trust you and your spells anymore and now you're going to get us both killed if Raymond doesn't wake up by tommorow morning arrgh ” Sharon said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“ But I... Thought I... The spells worked ” Danielle stammered surprised. She was sure that the spells were correct as she had memorized it all through the night even this morning.

So what could have gone wrong ? 


Alpha Jayden's Park House....

It was past seven in the evening and Jayden wasn't back to the mansion yet. Muna wondered where he went but that doesn't mean she cared infact she was glad that he wasn't back yet.

After she had finished eating she didn't know when she fell asleep and she didn't know how she got on the bed last night but only one person came to her mind.


He was the only one she knew in this mansion and that stone face Alpha of thiers. If only she had sharp nails like the vampires she would have clawed his face or if she was a witch she would have choked him to death with her magic powers.

But sadly and unfortunately for her she was a human.

She had tried to escape when she woke up but before she could get to the huge iron gates she was caught by the Alpha's warriors and brought back into the mansion and she realized that their Alpha had given them strict order not to let her out of the mansion.

Dexter had told her that not all the werewolves in the park knew about her arrival to the mansion and they didn't know that she was his mate yet so it was best she stays indoor for now.

She heard a knock on the door and she saw Dexter come inside the room with a smile on his face and she rolled her eyes.

“ What are you doing here ? ” She asked.

“ I just came to check up on you did I do bad ” Dexter said.

“ What are you my mother ? ” Muna scoff rolling her eyes as she walked to the balcony and placed her hands on the railings as the breeze blew her hair to face.

Dexter chuckled and he joined her in the balcony “ No, but I'm like a brother to you ” He said.

“ No need for that I already have a brother ” Muna said.

“ Really, you have a brother I didn't know that ” 

“ He's a sweet boy ” Muna said as tears rolled down her cheeks but she wiped them with the back of her hand “ But I didn't get to tell him good bye and I don't know when I'll see him again or my parents ” She sniffed and Dexter wanted to hug her and tell her it's okay but he held himself back.

“ You'll see him again and your parents too ” He said.

“ I hope so ” 

“ I thought the Gamma and Beta are always with their Alpha where ever he goes from what I know so what are you doing here ” Muna asked as eyes scrutinized the forest faraway from the mansion and she heard him laugh. 

“ Nice question ” He said “ But Alpha asked me to stay back and watch over you incase you try to do something stupid again ” 

“ Something stupid like what ? ” Muna asked narrowing her eyes at him.

“ Like you trying to escape an hour ago ” 

“ Hmm I see, so you're a watch dog now watching over me ” Muna said and Dexter glared at her for calling him a watch dog.

“ I'm not a watch dog I'm a wolf ” 

“ Okay you're a watch wolf ” She said and he sighed. 

“ Call me whatever you want to call me I'm just glad you're finally laughing now ” He said and she rolled her eyes.

“ You know you haven't told me your name ” He asked.

“ And why will I tell you my name ” 

“ I'm suppose to know your name since you already know mine ” Dexter said pouting his lips which made him look cute.

Apart from the Alpha, Muna noticed that Dexter was a cute guy also. His blonde hair and bright yellow eyes added with his tall height though he was not as tall as the Alpha but he was handsome too and friendly unlike that heartless Alpha. 

“ I feel so dirty and I want to take my bath but my clothes and my phone are back at home so how the hell will I change now ” Muna said changing the topic.

“ Um..I could lend you my clothes to wear tonight so when Alpha returns you can tell him about your clothes ” He said and she smiled.

“ Thank you, you're very sweet ” She said and he smiled back.

“ You're welcome, give me a few minutes let me go get the clothes for you ” He said and turn to leave but when he got to the door about to go out she called him.

“ Dexter ” She called him and he turned back to look at her.

“ It's Muna, my name is Muna ” She said.

“ You have such a beautiful name for beautiful girl like you ” he said and left and Muna thought of Raymond.

He had said the same thing too.

She missed him even though it was just a day she knew him.

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