
New Arrival

In a similar city a man remained before a big french window looking outside, subconsciously frowned his brows and excitedly paying attention to his subordinate report. 

"Master, sorry we didn't find that person," Alex Heartman said in his disappointing tone, which heats up the blood of his master. 

"You futile person, wouldn't you be able to track down a little girl," his master shouted indignantly. 

Alex knows the inside atmosphere and immediately bows in front of his master begging for mercy and being sorry to his lord. 

"Master, we are grieved," he said. 

"Apologies, will your expression of remorse be helpful for me? Will I find that little girl by your expression of remorse? Stand up and search again. I need to know the data sooner. This time don't frustrate me with the bad news," his master growled at him and turned back to face the large window. He was irate yet it was not his assistant shortcoming so he couldn't let his dissatisfaction out on him. 

"Presently, Escape from my sight at this moment," he growled again very loudly this time. His voice makes Alex's body shudder coldly. Sweat was all around his face. He is shaking gravely on account of his apprehension about his master. His lord is the genuine fallen angel. Alex swallows hard in dread. 

What's more, he hurriedly left his office promptly and shut the entryway delicately. He would not like to drive his lord more crazy when he is presently on his extreme. Any other way, what will befall him just he knows. 

Subsequent to leaving his office. He takes a profound weighty breath in alleviation. 

His lord is an most idiotic person on this planet. How might he discover an individual just by a drawing, even not a unique picture? No data, nothing else. In any case, my master needs me to find that individual. Is it true that he is insane? How might I discover an individual just by this, a little bit of information? Wouldn't it be out of line for me? However, who minds it, his master can't sympathize with his aggravation, he simply needs the exact information of that individual as soon as possible. On the off chance that he passed on in this mission he didn't really mind.  

It's a joke, don't take it seriously. It's anything but a risky mission in any case. He wasn't going to kick the bucket in this mission. However, this is perilous to some other mission. He sighed in hardship.

"I need to find that person soon in any other way my master will kill me," Alex murmured under his breath and went to his cabin and began dealing with this mission once more. It's been a long time since he didn't find that individual and his master makes this entire city topsy turvy to look for that individual. However, where exactly is that person? Alex wondered. 

All our mysterious agents have been attempting to find that person since the last eight years but all results will fail eventually. Also, as a result of this his master consistently chastens him over and over. 

"How about we just work, Alex! Perk yourself up! Try not to ponder whatever else. You wanted to find that individual. In any case, you are dead meat without a doubt," Alex said to himself and proceeded with his looking through work. 


Inside the cabin the man is as yet remaining before the French window, seeing the rest of the world. Also, drinking red wine is leisurely. He looked at the swaying liquid in the goblet and drowned in his own thoughts. He is Ryan Bond. The most extravagant man in this nation and even included as the top man on the planet. Each lady wants to be his better half since he isn't simply rich yet additionally the most attractive and brilliant man in the entire world. His eyes are profound like the water in the sea. He has the absolute best facial structure. The ideal animal on this planet. Each lady begins to slobber at him when she sees him with her unaided eyes. Everyone offers herself to him in his bed. In any case, he never cared about any of them, Far away from touching them. 

He isn't keen on any of those damn ladies. He is 29 years of age, the most extravagant, very rich person but still a virgin. Ryan likewise has an extraordinary impact in the military in any event, having his own army. He isn't hands down the most extravagant however the most grounded man in this world. 

He has everything except just needs a certain something: his affection. 

"Where are you, my little girl?" he said to himself and lost in his profound considerations till the time his secretary Ama knocked on his door and entered inside and helped him to remember the board meeting. 

"Chief, there is a gathering in the meeting lobby shortly. Everybody is sitting tight for you." 

"I know. I will be there in a moment. You go," he said as he strolled past to his seat to take his outer coat. In the wake of wearing it he came out of his cabin as he entered into the lift. 

In the gathering room, everybody is accumulated and trusting that his chief will sit down. So they can begin their gathering. Ryan enters the hall and takes his seat. Signal Alex to begin the gathering and with his endorsement, the gathering began. 


On the opposite side of the school, the class finished and both Emily and Lisa came out while talking with one another. 

"Hello, this is a particularly exhausting lecture. I disdain classes. For what reason do we need to take classes?" Lisa chirped out to Emily making a pouty face which made Emily snicker hard. 

"Hello come on, it isn't so exhausting on the off chance that you pay attention to the educator. You're simply wheezing In the class which makes you bored," Emily said while laughing. 

"Hello, you virtuoso, wouldn't you be able to sympathize with my aggravation? Studies are only a serious annoyance" Lisa said indignantly. 

"Alright OK. I will not snicker OK Miss Wheezing" Emily said furthermore, bursting into boisterous giggling. 

Lisa moped furiously. 

"Is it true that you are my companion or not? Try not to chuckle at me," she said with her pouty irate face. 

"OK! I will not chuckle at my baby, Miss young lady," Emily said while taking a gander at her watch and instantly slapped her forehead, "Goodness it's So late. I'm going, Lisa. I need to make supper at home. Any other way it will not finish on schedule then my stepmom again began her theatrics," She told Lisa this while grinning. 

Lisa's despair for her. 

She is in such a lot of agony however she is as yet grinning brilliantly, Lisa thinks and grins back at her. 

"Bye," the two of them bid farewell to one another and separated their ways. 

Emily went back home and began setting up the supper without putting on something else. At the point when she finished making supper. Brown's most renowned women Alina and Kylie both went into the lounge area and sat with legacy. Emily began serving and they started eating the food joyfully. 

Emily stands to the side and hangs tight for them to finish their food since they just gave her extras to eat. Also, she was extremely ravenous around then. 

Emily's stomach snarled boisterously which makes her bring down her head since she knows if Alina knows she is ravenous then she again began playing with her and genuinely she is extremely ravenous around then. She would not like to play with her. Since Alina simply wants to embarrass her at whatever point she gets a chance. It's her most loved timepass. She loves to see Emily in her hopeless condition. At the point when she cries she will be fulfilled and snicker at her. 

For what reason is my life like that? Emily wondered. 

What's more, it occurred, Alina heard Emily's stomach thundering. 

Not once more, Emily appealed to god.

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