
Chapter 3

     I sat on the bed staring at the cooler. I was hungry. I felt I could not deny The truth any longer. I had too many things pointing out I was not human anymore. If the cooler had the answer, I had to know. I needed the truth. I got out of bed, walking to the cooler, every Limb of my body shaking. I kneeled down next to the cooler, taking the lid off. There they were; 24; 8-ounce sized coffee cups of what I was sure to be blood. This was the same amount of blood that was in a human body.

      This took me off Guard. If I was a vampire... was I going to drink human blood, or could I just live off animals. "Hahaha!" I laughed out loud at myself, still hoping this was all a bad joke. I picked up one container, held my breath, and opened it. Nothing bad happened at least. As I released the air I was holding, breathing in new air, it all hit me at once. It was an intoxicating, sweet, pungent, aroma of what I could only describe as the smell of caramel apples. My skin was hot, my throat tightened, my sight a blur, I was swallowing the liquid Quicker than I could think. One by one the cups hit the floor as I threw them down. Being made of plastics they did not shatter, but instead made loud thumps against the floor.

     My stomach filled with satisfaction as I drank One after another. I felt the sweet taste of apples go down my throat, the desire to drink now gone. As I swallowed the last cup, something happened. My body felt aroused all over. My eyes closed. I felt as If my body was at the height of pleasure. I felt my heart stop, like I was having a heart attack. My chest ached, feeling tight. I grabbed it, trying to stop the pain. My mouth filled with a liquid that was not saliva. My teeth hurt, as I felt something push through. "It hurts!!!" I yelled out.

"Bear with it, you will be OK. The pain will pass."

      I heard a voice tell me, my eyes trying to see. I got a glimpse of a man standing over me. His face was round. His eyes were dark green, but like my eyes, he had a hint of dazzle in them. He had white skin. His hair was a golden blonde. It was short, but long enough you could grab a handful. He had a small mustache and beard. He looked like an older male. Maybe 25 to 30 max. I reached out towards him trying to grab his hand. "Help me please!" The pain was getting better, but the pleasure felt like it was climaxing. I closed my eyes again, ripping my shirt with one hand. My other hand, now laid in the man's hand, squeezing. His touch was soft. Not like a flower petal, but like cotton. It felt as if I was touching a soft stuffed animal. I did not know if it hurt more, or if it felt good, but I could not take it anymore.

"You will be fine. This is just the beginning. You are not truly a noble blooded vampire yet. In those cups was human blood, mixed with a little of my blood. I had feared you would not drink anything. I am surprised you lasted a whole day as a newborn. If you did not drink something soon, you would have perished."

      I could hear him speaking, soft and low. It was a gentle voice. Calm and collected. When he spoke, he sounded like he was from the 19th century... It was old timey. People I'm sure did not speak like this anymore. I do not know the date, but I had a gut feeling it was somewhere in the 21st century.  He talked the way I did, but there was still the hint of the 19th century in his voice.  My mind could not handle the pain and desire any longer, moans escaping My mouth. "Aaaaaaaaaa!!! Please make it stop!" I moaned for help.

"I cannot help. This is the process You must go through."

     He sounded like he was laughing as he spoke, though I could not open my eyes to see. His hand gripped mine harder now. The fulfillment of my pleasure ran from my head to my feet, putting every inch of me on fire. I could no longer feel my heartbeat, and my teeth felt as if they were sharp. I breathed in, feeling like I had just taken an aphrodisiac. I smelled things I had never noticed before. I heard sounds that we're not near. It was too much for me. I could not handle the pleasure any longer. I do not know if vampires could sleep, but my mind went silent, my body numb. I was calm. My body still. I laid there for what seemed like days, but it was only hours.

     When I opened my eyes, I was alone. I was confused about what had just happened. My body did not hurt anymore. I did not feel the need to breathe. My eyes saw the room in a different light now. It was like it was daytime all around me. I smelled my wet clothes on the floor. The stream outside. The grass in front of the house, and the sweet smell of cherries in the forest. I heard movement all around me. I heard deer, fish, birds, insects, squirrels, and even what I thought to be a bear. I set up, in what seemed to be mere seconds. I looked out the window; the moon was still in the sky. I felt alive. Like I could do anything. Besides me was yet again another letter.

      I do not know how much you will remember, but I turned you into a vampire four days ago. You refused to drink my blood. You had some of the abilities of a vampire, but was not yet fully one. I wiped your memory's hoping this would give you the ability to drink my blood. I put human blood in cups, then added a little of my blood to each cup. I knew you would somehow end up drinking one of the cups. To my surprise you drank all of them at once. Going four whole days with nothing to eat was not easy. I did not think you would last. I feared you would die in the long run. Ha, but you didn't! You will now need to go out and find your own food. Follow the stream. You will find a town. I wish you the best of luck. Anthony.

      I was beginning to dislike this Anthony fella. Did he expect me to go kill humans now? Was that how I was supposed to live now? As a murderer. I could not stomach the idea of me purposely killing human beings. Drinking blood was one thing. The idea of biting people did not even bother me, but killing people for food? How could anyone hurt an innocent person? 'Animal blood?' What if I could live off animals? It had to be possible... After all, blood was blood no matter where it came from. Why would it matter if it was human or animal?  I sat there thinking of possible ways of hunting an animal. It was worth a try after all, hell it may have never been done before! What if no vampire ever desired to keep a human alive? "What if Anthony did not care to keep a human alive?" I whispered to myself in shock at the idea. His dark green eyes looked at me. He was handsome. I had imagined I was blushing. The thought of his hand touching my own. I must admit, it was a feeling of concupiscence.



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