
Chapter 2: The big day

Today I will meet my fiancé, I cannot deny that it terrifies me.

I’m sure I’m not the type of woman he would like.

  Clara came looking for me to leave, I can’t believe what I’m about to do.

“How is she feeling today princess?”

“Eager to disappoint my future husband! I already want to see her face when she sees me!”

“Don’t talk like that princess, you are a very beautiful woman!... Besides, the prince already knows you.”

“What? How does she know me?”

“Yes, he knows you, but he doesn’t know it’s you…does she remember when she fell in the garden?”

“Oh no. That was embarrassing… Don’t make me remember, plus I couldn’t even see her face.”

We started the trip, although we were a bit far away, the distance did not help calm my nerves.

We entered the city of the king, we are very close. My heart began to pound and the strong pain in my stomach that accompanied me all the way still prevailed.

I asked the driver to stop the carriage, I will not bear any more humiliation, I will go and do everyone a favor.

I got off next to Clara, I lied to her saying that I wanted to bring a present to Queen Loren, I knew very well that I couldn’t get away from her so easily.

I waited for Clara to get distracted and then I blended into the crowd and started running with all my might.

I stopped in front of a store, exhausted… Damn, Clara found me!

“Princess, I got really scared when I didn’t see you”

I looked up, there was King Joseph’s castle and my parents just parked their carriage. I got so upset realizing I ran the wrong way.

Behind me are all my father’s guards, I had no choice but to go straight to the slaughterhouse.

Tears started to blur my vision, I really don’t want to. I asked God to have mercy on me, even though this may be his doing.


“I hope you enjoyed your last night as a bachelor, Prince Christopher.” Commented Frankie, his best friend patting him on the back.

“I just hope it’s worth it”

“Sure you will, though you’ll have to put up with your father-in-law, King Roberts is a real serial killer.”

“Don’t mention it to me, your comment is not encouraging at all, Frankie”

“Excuse me, Your Majesty! The king requests it at the entrance.”

“They’ve arrived! I’ll accompany you.” Frankie said.

The prince went to the main entrance and his parents were waiting to receive the guests.

The king and queen were at the main entrance, along with the prince who had just joined his friend Frankie.

King Roberts and Queen Margareth were already at the door, he kindly greeted him.

“Who are they?” Frankie asked, seeing some women climbing the last step.

The prince turned around to meet them…

One was an elderly lady of approximately seventy

Years old, dressed very formally, and the other woman, much younger, wore an aqua green dress and short shoes. She was a different woman than the one the prince was used to.

“I present to you my daughter! Isabella Herbert.” Said King Roberts very happily.

“Nice to meet you!” The princess greeted. Who was red as a tomato, besides being all sweaty.

The king and queen welcomed her, the prince had been petrified of her watching her. Then Frankie pushed him to get closer, the menacing gaze of his father had fixed on him.

Christopher was really handsome, just like in the stories he read. Isabella felt self-conscious and very ashamed. Suddenly the desire to run away was increasing, she looked at her parents as they enjoyed that show.

“Welcome Princess Isabella! I’m Prince Christopher.”

She was so nervous that she almost fainted in that instant. She didn’t want to look at the prince again, she didn’t dare to do it. His gaze was so deep that she took her breath away. She greeted him without turning to see him.

Everyone was attentive to see the first meeting of the new couple, but apparently it did not go as expected.

They both wanted to run out of that place, there was nothing that attracted them, the princess didn’t feel comfortable, she didn’t even intend to meet him. On the other hand, Prince Christopher looked like his soul had been torn from his body.

King Roberts with the queen seemed to really enjoy that episode.

Queen Loren interrupted that awkward meeting.

“Please come in, we have prepared a great banquet to receive you.”

Isabella felt the prince’s gaze at all times, watching her from head to toe. Her face and her expressions showed her disapproval. She kept her gaze down and felt an unbearable lump in her throat.

The prince marched behind her along with her friend. He didn’t comment, there weren’t enough words to describe what he felt when he saw his future wife.

He looked at his parents, who seemed very pleased with what had happened. However, King Roberts intimidated him with his serial killer look.

He knew he had no choice, the cards were on the table, this compromise would be the only way they could deal with the enemy. But he didn’t want to do it, he didn’t want to marry Princess Isabella.

“This is what you were looking for Isabella, she should feel very grateful. Do yourself a favor and change that face of tragedy.” Ordered his mother Queen Margareth.

“They would have asked me before, mother” The princess replied through her teeth.

Isabella felt very sad, she tried with a lot of effort to hold back her tears.

At this moment I walk through the flames, this is my end, from purgatory I went directly to hell. I’m sure my parents had planned this punishment a long time ago.

This is how they decided to get rid of me, without staining their hands with blood, and his executioner walked behind him.

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