
chapter three - Tys POV

An unwelcome visit

I have been traveling for two days now, avoiding crowded places, because I know word would have passed around that the Alpha's misfit son has been banished.

Definitely, members of other werewolf packs might consider me easy picking, especially rogue werewolves who might want to attack me for fun. There is a particular rogue werewolf who I expect to come looking for trouble, his name is Brutus.

He was a member of my father's pack ten years ago but he was banished after it was revealed that he was murdering innocent humans for fun. Since then, he has borne a keen hatred for my father and anything that has to do with him, me especially.

when he had been a member of our pack, he had hated me and found ways to be cruel to me.

He once bit me during a full moon and blamed it on the effect of the change. My father had turned a blind eye to that.

Now that he was no longer under any alpha, he was free to do as he please, including killing me if he so wishes.

Not that I was afraid of him, I am a very strong fighter, and fights with Rudolph has taught me invaluable lessons about fighting with werewolves, but I am a firm believer in not engaging in avoidable fights.

I haven't touched the money my mother gave to me, partly because I didn't need it yet and also because I was reluctant to. I felt uncomfortable spending it as I considered it part of my father, but I know that it will make my mother feel better about my leaving.

I would probably make a withdrawal when I get to New York.

The city posed a bigger challenge, so I am very eager to get there.

I hadn't known my destination earlier, until this morning.

I had wanted to leave as much distance between myself and my home, so much that I walked for hours, till night came and was very tired, then I had to rest in an abandoned shack till this morning.

I guess the shack was a farmer's.

I had overheard two girls this morning, talking outside the shack that there were many opportunities in New York City for young men who were willing to work.

One of them, had said her brother had left to work on the site of one of the tall buildings that were been built. I guessed the girl was the daughter of the farmer who owns the shack

I had left the shack to continue on my journey while they were still talking. When they had seen me, they had been shocked with mouth hung open, and when I had greeted them and apologized for using the shack, they had both smiled at me and shook their heads.

"you can stay as much as you like" said one, playfully touching her hair and batting her lashes

"you can come stay at my house, we have three empty rooms,mr..." the other had stylishly asked for my name. I had had no desire to tell them my name or stay a moment longer with them

"oh, I do not need to, I'm in a hurry. Thanks anyway for the invitation" I had replied firmly, while walking away.

"I'm Abigail, she's Mary... what's your name?" the first girl called to me

"nice meeting you" I had said in a tone that discouraged further conversation and continued walking away to the girls' disappointment.

I have always had that kind of reaction from women. For some reason, women always found me attractive.

Cass, my brother's mate used to say I have the face of an archangel, whatever that means, I do not know.

I guess I should be extremely grateful to the moon goddess for seeing fit to give me beauty that I never asked for.

Though beauty is not a rare thing in my family. My mother is a very beautiful woman, my sisters are the envy of the other girls in the pack for their beauty, and my brothers were cause for several fights among the women in the pack because of their strength, virility, power and physical beauty.

I have never been to New York City, my father did not encourage leaving the pack except for special occasions.

Our pack was located deep in the woods of Newark, Texas.

Werewolves tend to stay far away from humans, partly because it was a law to keep the humans safe from werewolves and because werewolves do not deem the humans worthy of their association.

I had liked going into the town where the humans lived, with Cassie, Thane's mate and Akira my little sister on weekends.

I was the only one who they dragged on their shopping sprees in the town, I would wait patiently in departmental stores for them while they bought clothes, shoes and bags, then they would drag me to an automobile workshop because they knew that is the only place I am most comfortable.

I've always loved cars since I was a child, I loved the smell of grease and the sheer hardwork involved in fixing the cars.

I would spend hours with the men, proffering solutions to car problems and then watching them fix the cars.

Those outings to the town were the happiest moments of my life. Cassie and my little sister had given me that, and I am most grateful to them. They had made my life bearable at home.

I walked for three hours before I finally got to the roadside.

I hoped to see a vehicle going my way. Not long after, I saw one and flagged it down, the driver of the truck stuck his head out of the window and hollered at me

"hey big guy, how'ya doing?" he was a very fat man, who wore loose fitted dungarees, a massive dreadlock and had plenty tattoos and piercings.

"I'm headed to New York city" I replied

"hmm, New York, I see. I'm headed there meself, hop in" he said jovially. I hopped in.

"I'm Kevin" he offered, I smiled at his introduction but did not offer back my name, I want to keep as low a profile as possible and I think Kevin is a man who if given an inch may demand a whole, he also liked the sound of his own voice a little too much.

I don't mind the man's talkativeness, it was the sort that didn't need any input from the hearer, so I turned him off and fell asleep.

Few hours later, we got to New York City. I was very amazed at the city. It was a city that was very much alive with sounds.

Having lived my whole life in a little town and even still secluded from the general population of not more than two thousand people, I felt electrified with joy, I felt assured that this was the city where I was going to find himself and reinvent myself.

"where in the part of the city are we?" I asked, Kelvin the driver

"Brooklyn, big guy"

"thank you" I said and gave him the fare.

I jumped out of the truck and bade the driver farewell. "Goodbye, big guy, and welcome to New York City" he said, all smiles.

I went looking for a serviceable hotel. I saw one far down a street. it was a disreputable looking building with tattered floors and rusting roofs . It didn't look like a place that could give you comfort, but I walked in and booked a room nonetheless.

The waitress at the entrance was busy painting her toenails when I came in, and didn't bother to look up when I greeted her.

I waited for her to acknowledge my presence, and when she didn't, I had to knock loudly on the countertop till she eventually gave a loud yawn to communicate how bored she was and then looked up.

"yes? how's can I help you?" she asked looking at me with interest, now that she had got a good look at me.

"I would like to book a room please" I told her

"how long is you gonna stay for?" she asked

"two days"

"seven dollars, thirty cents for each day"

I gave her twenty dollars.

She pocketed it "um... you want a blowie?, I is very good with that, I will give it to you for ten dollars" she said enticingly, batting her non-existent eye lashes.

I guessed blowie means blowjob, she wanted to give me a blow job for ten dollars, I almost laughed out loud.

I looked at her pinched face smeared with some kind of powder, and her smudged lipsticked lips.

I felt repulsed by her, she was the first female who made me feel revulsion.

I had been propositioned by females all my life and they had all aroused in me different feelings ranging from indifference to mild attraction and once, a short-lived obsession for the daughter of one of my father's friends, Karen.

She had given me one of the best fucks of my life at one of the grand hotels in the town and then ghosted me after that, probably because she did not want her father to know that she was having an affair with the Alpha's misfit son.

I sighed, all that had happened a long time ago. Now, what I felt for this lady was very far from obsession.

I looked at the lady and said very firmly "No, I do not pay for sex"

This surprised her, she fixed me with a very deadly stare "good night then" she said rudely throwing the keys of the room at me.

I turned and went in search of my room. I opened the door and almost ran out again.The room consisted of a bed which was surely full of bedbugs, a threadbare floor and an old black and white television.

My spirits plummeted, I laid on the bed self conciously.

I felt very tired and weary, and not bothering to shower, within minutes, I slept off.

I woke up the next day, energized, despite having slept badly due to the sounds of rats waking me up every damn minute.

I took a bath in the dingy bathroom, dressed up and left.

I planned to tour the city, to find job at a mechanic workshop. I had always loved getting my hands greasy and dirty in cars, now I would be able to do that without any restrictions, I smiled to myself and walked to the entrance of the hotel gingerly.

I saw the receptionist that propositioned me last night, at her desk, filing her nails this time.

"good morning" I greeted her, not really expecting an answer.

She gave me the stink eye and continued filing her nails. I shook my head and thought how true it was that 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'

I walked out into the pleasant morning Sunshine.

I noticed people didn't give me any special attention like they did in my home town, they didn't look at me with curiosity like the human people in my town, or look at me with disgust like some of the werewolves in the pack or even look at me with admiration and lust like the womenfolk do.

They didn't even look at me at all, they were all rushing to wherever they were going to, not meeting anyone in the eyes.

It was a breath of fresh air for me who had always felt conspicuous.

I was going to reinvent himself here, to take control of my life as from now, and take this city by storm. I have come to my destiny, I thought with determination.

I found a workshop after some hours of touring the city by asking a man I had seen at a park, playing with two kids I assumed were his children. The man had directed me to an establishment called Taylor and sons.

I had found myself at the front of a building filled with various types of cars.

Men were busy working on them. I approached one of the men, the one that looked like the boss.

"can I help you?" the man asked.

"yes, I want a job...I can fix cars" I replied

He raised one eyebrow and asked " Is that so? what do you know about cars?"

"well, I know enough to know that that guy is repairing the cylinder head gasket the wrong way" I said, pointing to a guy whose hands are busy working on a car.

The boss looked me in the eyes, I kept my eyes on him and never took my eyes off him. He averted his gaze first

"ok, smart pants, why don't you do it, if you are so sure about that" he said, directing me towards the car in question "hey, Jay, this guy says he would make this baby purr in five minutes, let's see him do that" he told the guy working on the car

"oh yeah?" Jay asked, lifting one brow in disbelief, he lifted his body away from the car and waved me towards it.

I bent, and started working on the car. In precisely four minutes, I went to start the car and it powered up with life.

I looked up and saw that all the guys at the garage had gathered and were all staring at me in disbelief.

Jay was the first to break the silence by coming forward and taking my hand in a firm handshake " I think you have got the job, mate. Is that right, boss?" he called out

The boss walked towards me grinning wildly "welcome to Tyler and sons, I'm Tyler...what's your name?" he asked, offering a handshake

"I'm Tys" I said accepting the handshake firmly, very happy to begin work.

The rest of the crew all introduced themselves to me. I shook all their hands and followed Tyler to his office to conclude the employment process.

Tyler told me to start immediately. He said the payment wasn't that great, but I can complement my finance by giving home services.

I didn't care about the payment plan, since I had enough money to keep me comfortable for a very long time.

So I just told him that there will not be need for that, all I wanted to do was just work on cars.

I started work immediately and worked till ten in the night.

It was a very demanding job, but I loved it. My coworkers were all great, none asked stupid questions about where I am coming from or whatever silly questions some people are fond of asking new faces.

Being at work for hours removed my thoughts from my family and made me feel very competent and almost complete.

I was the only employee left with the boss by the time I was done, the others had already left.

I bade my boss good night and left for my hotel.

Due to my tiredness, I didn't quickly notice that the receptionist was not at her post.

If I had noticed I would have known that all was not well and that I might be in deep trouble.

I opened the door to my room and immediately picked up the scent of a stranger in the room. I was about to switch on the light when I was hit with a very heavy object. I tasted my own blood and then descended into darkness.

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