
Chapter four.


I walked away from the little princess and continued on my stride until I came across two oak trees leaning together, their branches intertwined, bare of all greenery, creating a twisted archway. I walked through it and appeared back within my secret chamber. Nobody knows of my existence and I prefer it to be that way, for now. Is not the element of surprise one of the greatest forms of attack? To strike when the enemy is looking the other way? Then tear him and everything he loves to smithereens. I was born to rule and rule I shall but first I must take back what belongs to me from those slimey, false, cowardly royals. 

That little princess thinks I saved her life? How wrong she is. I've simply prolonged it so I can have my fun in torturing her daily, making her every breath a living hell. Until she begs me to end her but I shan't be so kind. Her screams will be music to my ears. He bloodied and bruised body a masterpiece. She will wail and moan, begging me to have mercy but more fool her for I NEVER forgive and shall never be merciful. I've heard that a broken heart can be more painful than the deepest wound. Then I shall make her fall deeply in love with me and break her heart and repeat doing so in an endless cycle until her heart and body can take no more of my torture and will expire. Poor child is so naive and it is that very same innocence that will be her downfall. I shall strip her of all of that and be the cause of her tears and heart-rending grief.  My heart swells with excitement at the thought, the royals will regret the day they ever came into existence. 

I thought back to when I kissed her cheek this morning, I heard her heart rate increase slightly at my gesture. If only she knew how everything that has ever come into contact with me, shrivels and dies. I had murmured a soft chant as I did so, casting a spell upon her. For when the time comes she won't be able to leave the castle. She will become a prisoner in a place she would've used to call 'Home'. 

I recall the look in her big azure eyes. Eyes so full of life and mystery. Like the sea, calm and beautiful but deep and treacherous. Swirling with colour. But beauty is just an outta shell, she is wicked within. They all are! But that expression comes to mind, "the eyes are the windows to the soul." If that even rings the slightest bit true, could she be an exception? No, she can't be. Even if she was it would not change anything now would it? 'why am I even considering this??' she will fade away and wilt like a flower one day, her beauty will not even last. 'unless I make it last?' but why would I? 

Frustrated with my jumbling thoughts, I close my eyes, extend my hands and begin to chant. My words come out as mad whispering before increasing in volume as the power surges through my veins, my blood boiling, until silence. I lower my hands. I open my eyes. Looking about me, I am on a balcony. I open the doors suddenly and stride into a cheerfully decorated chamber. Scrunching my nose in disgust, I look around, examining everything she possesses. There are flowers kept in vases dotted about everywhere, causing a sweet aroma to fill the air. Everything about her chamber is pure and innocent, alike to her. I hate it. 

The door opens quietly and my little kitten slips through. Her every movement is full of poise and such grace almost to be enchanting to men but not to me. She takes small steps as she enters the room, stopping suddenly when she sees the open doors leading from her balcony. "I'm sure I closed those" she muttered quietly before She quickly walks towards it, peeking her pretty head out before closing them quickly. I move to stand behind her, taking her in. Her sweet scent fills my nostrils as I feel tempted to smell her hair. I feel the urge to touch her. She turns suddenly and looks about the room, confusion evident on her face. I can see the wheels turning in her head but that look soon disappears almost as quickly as it came. Letting out a sigh she walks past me towards a soft cushioned chair that faces an oval shaped mirror. She looks at herself from different angles, pulling strange faces. " I wonder if I'm enough." She mumbles quietly to herself. A look of sadness crosses her features before she nibbles slightly on her bottom lip. Getting up again she makes her way towards her large bed and lays down upon it, exhaustion seemed to overcome her as she drowsed off to sleep. 

Once I hear her heartbeat begin to slow, I start to approach her more closely. Perching on the edge of the bed I lean in, taking in her soft features. A thought occurs to me and with that I lean down and press my lips against hers, she tastes sweet and delicate. I slide my tongue in longing for more, when she begins to respond our mouths become a heated mess, until she opens her eyes suddenly. I forgot she cannot see me, she looks around frantically, fear laces her features. "It must've been a dream or I'm going crazy" she muttered to herself not entirely convinced by her own explanation.

I licked my lips, my eyes focused on hers. I was hungry for more. Realising suddenly what I was doing I felt angry at myself. Turning around I said the word and reappeared back on my chamber. 


Two soldiers, clad in dark armor enter the room before bowing respectfully.

"Fetch Barrett and tell him to come immediately. I don't like to be kept waiting." 

They scurried off to deliver my message. I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging the ends in frustration. "That little minx!" I grumbled angrily. "Why did I do that!?"  

Thankyou again for reading, I'll try and update the chapters for a set time everyday, at least one per day at 7pm. Please rate and comment what you think 💖

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