

I turn startled by Roberts's voice which leads to me almost spilling the meal I was dishing out.

Stepping back as Roberts enters the kitchen, I drop my gaze. Being in Roberts's presence can be compared to being in the presence of a predator. He radiates pure sex appeal without even trying, it’s like he was born with it. I also always get tongue-tied by his presence,

He steps beside me to look down at the mess I almost created and because of the height difference, it’s like he is looming over me.

“I asked what you were doing Ava”

He repeats in a gentle voice.

“Mr Williams, I am sorry for snooping around your kitchen without permission”

“ I just wanted to feel useful and I came into the kitchen to see your untouched dinner”

“I microwaved it and tried to set the table”

“It’s also my way of saying thank you for coming to my rescue”

“I am sorry if I overstepped” I reply in a small voice.

My nervousness is coming across through my voice but I can’t help it. I feel overwhelmed but strangely safe in Roberts's presence, I love this feeling. I feel his gaze on me and then he steps back

“Ava you don’t need to do anything, I should be the one thanking you for not abandoning my son and calling me for help”

“Look at me Ava, your hair is beautiful but I prefer looking at the face of the person I am addressing”

He responds.

I look up and our eyes collide, I am once again in awe of how handsome he is. His eyes are so pretty, breaking the connection first he moves to sit at the dining table which I interpreted as my cue to finish serving his dinner.

As soon as I drop the plate in front of him he begins to eat.

Feeling good about myself I turn to leave

“Where are you going, Ava”

“There is enough for both of us, dish a plate and sit down and eat too, it has been a long day for both of us “

“Don’t worry I won’t bite “ He says, humor lacing the last sentence.

I look at him and my lips form a small smile, he has continued his meal. Moving to the kitchen, I dish a plate and join him.

After a while, I realized that for the first time in a long time especially after the kind of day I had. At home, my mother couldn’t care if I existed, except on the days she wanted to parade me in front of her endless stream of boyfriends as the best-trained child to prove to them she had maternal instincts. It never last, I have become used to the loneliness and that’s probably one of the reasons I condone Pete’s actions. I feel content in this little moment I am sharing with Robert. I look up at Robert as he stands with his plate.

“Thanks for the meal Ava”

“You can take the room next to Pete’s, the nurse will come in an hour”

“Lastly, I am Robert to you, not Mr Williams “

“Good night Ava”

He says before leaving the kitchen. I was still too mesmerized by him to respond, shaking my head to clear it of the daze I was in, I continued my meal with a smile on my face.

Waking up, I feel disoriented at the strange surroundings and the sound of my alarm going off.

Looking around I remember that I was lying down on the sofa of Pete’s room. I couldn’t find the courage to leave him alone with only the nurse.

Robert told me that Pete’s mother won’t be coming because she doesn’t want to cut her trip short but I had a feeling it is because this is not the first time Pete has gotten himself in this kind of dilemma.

It’s been two months since the day of the incident and although I attend some classes. I always return here.

The nurse Robert hired has been excellent at her job and Pete seems to be recovering. Slipping in and out of consciousness. My sore back isn’t my biggest problem at the moment, I reflect on these past two months and my now daily dinner with Robert but most of all my growing attraction to him.

I have developed an intense crush on Robert.

From that initial day onwards, I have made it a duty to reheat his dinner anytime he returns.

They are always maids and servants in the daytime but at night they go home. From what Louisa told me he doesn’t like staying in maids.

During our dinners, I brought up a presentation I was preparing for that I needed guidance on and Robert listened and gave me corrections. Robert also seems to have a great sense of humor. I feel comfortable and safe with him, I have never felt this way about anyone before. But he is my boyfriend's father and this is my problem. I am crushing on my boyfriend's father and that is not good.

Sighing out loudly, I move towards Pete’s bed and his eyes are open

“How are you feeling Pete,” I ask him.

“Like shit, I am hooked to these wires and I am too weak to do anything. I hate this “

“I hate being here and you are not helping matters”

“Why are you by my side if you can’t even help me, Ava?”

He barks at me, it is sad to know that even with this experience Pete has not changed, if any he has gotten worse over the past few days.

He has been requesting I smuggle in drugs for him or alcohol and I vehemently refused.

“I can see you are in a good mood this morning “

“Since you keep pushing me away, I will be leaving today”

“I can’t keep doing this back and forth with you Pete”

I reply, then leave the room.

Hefting my bag, I go down the stairs and exit the house.

Strangely, I will miss Roberts's company, when he lets his guard down he is a very charming man but this distance will be a good way to clear my head of these feelings. I can’t have a feeling fit my boyfriend's father, that just makes me worse than my mother. But why do I feel so sad at the thought of not seeing Robert again?

“Ava! Ava! please hold on ”

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