

Jessie was nervous as she stepped out of the cab and lifted the gym bag to her

shoulder. The sight of protestors marching near the gate angered her instantly. Don’t they have lives? Something better to do than harass a bunch of people who have never done anything to them?  Jessie paused next to the cab window and handed the driver three twenties.

“Keep the change.”

“Thanks.” He backed the vehicle away.

Her gaze studied the men and women as she headed for the gates. The NSO

Homeland was the main home for New Species and they also had a huge wooded area

they’d bought and named Reservation. She’d been here before but she’d never had to

walk through the front gates. She’d come in a helicopter, dropped off females and had

promptly been flown out, having never stepped past the heliport area. Now she was

going to live and work inside Homeland. It was rumored Justice liv

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