
[C4]The Siblings

Continuation of Milo's POV:

I followed Lyle into a modern living room. There was two boys waiting on one couch already. I expected them but on a separate couch there's another boy and a girl.  One of the boys got up quickly, he was sitting on the all males couch. He narrowed his eyes at Lyle. 

"What the hell is this?" He asked, walking up. "You of all people bring home more outside trash?" He hissed, exposing his fangs towards Lyle. "I already have to deal with you being here, and you don't even belong here!" I widened my eyes and quickly grabbed Lyle's arm, getting closer to him. The boy looked towards me in disgust then looked at Lyle in hatred. Another boy got off the couch and started to walk up. 

"Silas, how many times do we have to tell you that Lyle is not outside trash. He's our brother," the boy mumbled, tugging on the first boy's hand to try to get him to come away, but Silas yanked his hand away, glaring at the boy. 

"Everest, you know nothing, so why don't you shut up?" He hissed, making the other boy flinch slightly. 

"Silas, don't do this today." A boy on the couch growled. "I'm tired of your bull shit. This is Lyle's first fledgling. Why can't you put your feud a side to give him praise for his first time becoming a maker. If you can't do that to our brother then get the hell out of the night room." 

"You heard Sylar," Lyle growled towards Silas. "I don't need your praise anyways." Silas narrowed his eyes. 

"I'll give you more praise when you start telling the truth, you lying snake," he hissed under his breath and spat towards him before he walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. 

"I think Silas finally lost it," the one of the couch sighed out. 

"I'm sorry," Lyle whispered. "Forgive me, I forgot to introduce everyone." He said calmly. "This is my fledgling Milo. Milo these are my siblings. The only girl is Esther. The one by her is Sylar who's got a large mouth. The one who walked out was Silas and the remaining brother is Everest." I looked them over and then nodded, looking up at Lyle curiously. What did Silas mean by lying snake? Lyle isn't lying to anyone, right? I bit my bottom lip then gave everyone a nervous smile. 

"Hi," I said softly, watching as Esther giggled and got to her feet. She walked up to me and looked me over before she grabbed my hand. 

"You're kinda cute," she purred to me and smiled. "No wonder why my brother sank his fangs into you~ You and I are going to have lots of fun, kay? We'll start by giving you a slight makeover first though to unearth some of that hidden beauty." She kissed my cheek and pulled me into a hug. "You and I are going to be the best of friends!" I widened my eyes as she was practically squeezing me to death. 

"Esther, could you get a wardrobe full of clothes put together for my fledgling?" Lyle asked her. "If it's not too much trouble." 

"Of course I can! Want me to pick out clothes that I know you'd like on him or stuff the ladies would like on him?" She winked his way, giving a playful look. 

"Milo is an author, big seller in the human life. He'll feel much better wearing comfortable clothes. You can tell he's already uncomfortable in what I let him borrow." Lyle told her. "So, get him something he'd be able to relax in." She raised an eyebrow at him then nodded. 

"Alright, I'll get him a writer's closet," she hummed. "But! He's getting some nice clothes too for special events!" 

"Great idea," Lyle purred. "I wouldn't want him to have nothing to wear when we host gatherings." 

"Uh huh~ I'll get him something fit for a king's first fledgling. He'll have the ladies squealing, just like if he was a little fledgling prince," she purred teasingly towards him, making me blush. Ladies squealing? I've never even been on a date! 

"As long as we don't have them trying to steal him from me..." Lyle's eyes scanned me. Esther giggled at him. 

"That's why you'll keep him close by your side," she told him and then ran her fingers through my hair. "I might steal him from you though. He's really cute, and he's so innocent looking." She smirked at me. Oh man... I don't like that look. 

"Not tonight, he's only a day old. He needs to stay close with me." Lyle told her. 

"Awww... you do have a point though. I will steal him from you when he's a little older then," she purred and let me go, touching my cheek. "He's a real cutie." She smirked, looking me over. I yelped and quickly went back to Lyle, glad she let me go. Lyle wrapped me up in his arms and purred. 

"Let's sit down," he purred and dragged me over to a couch. I noticed then the curtains were open and exposing the night sky where a full moon was glowing into the room. I looked out at it with wide eyes and then relaxed against him. It's beautiful.... I smiled and then looked up at Lyle before I sat down right next to him on the couch, leaning my body into his as I felt safe with him. Esther watched us in amusement before she walked up to Everest and whispered something to him, making Everest laugh. 

"You already know that though," he purred in amusement to her. She giggled. 

"I know~ It's just that it's cute, isn't it?" She told him before she bounced over to Sylar and sat down with him. Sylar gave her a small smile before getting up. 

"I think... I'll go see how Silas is doing. We were all mean to him and I feel bad. He's our brother and I don't want to tear him apart because he's jealous Lyle is king. I'll be back later you guys." He left the room quickly. Esther watched him go and smiled a little before she watched Everest walk over and take Sylar's place. I smiled and leaned my head against Lyle, hugging his arm happily. His siblings aren't that bad... at least from a distance. 

"Oh I want you to get him a traditional black cloak," Lyle told his sister quickly. Esther looked over quickly and then nodded. 

"Uh huh," she hummed out and smiled. "I'll get him one tonight! He's got some old clothes here I'd assume." She got to her feet and bounced off towards the door. "I'll just collect them from the maids and get his size~" 

"Why don't you just ask him right now for his sizes in everything?" Lyle asked. She smirked. 

"Because the little thing is clinging to you, my dearest brother," she purred teasingly, giving a wink. "I'm not going to make him worry his pretty little head over it. I can just as easily get his sizes and surprise him with the types of clothes I get him." 

"You're the best," Lyle purred towards her. "Not wanting to worry my fledgling over something so little as that." She smirked. 

"That's why I'm buying myself that new purse I wanted with your card~" She giggled and quickly disappeared out of the room, shutting the door behind her. "OH MAIDS~ I NEED LYLE'S NEW FLEDGLINGS OLD CLOTHES!" I blushed and shrunk against Lyle before I realized that it was just me, Lyle, and Everest now. His siblings disappear fast.... I looked towards Everest before I looked up at Lyle and cautiously got up, feeling a little anxious about separating myself from my maker as I slowly walked over to a window to look outside. I wasn't even sure where we were... and I'm only going to get to see this place at night.... I'll never know what the yard looks like in the daylight. Outside was a wonderful garden with hedges that reminded me of the maze in Alice in Wonderland. I could hear an owl outside and a faint smell of dog lingered near the windows. 

"Last night went well, the Nero family was pleased with my views on the vampire resistance." Lyle whispered. 

"Oh? That's good. They'll be less likely to listen to Silas's lies about you," Everest hummed out. "Want me to get you a trainer for the fledgling? You're king after all. You need time to worry about king stuff, not raising a fledgling." I tensed up a little and gripped the curtains slightly. Be separated from Lyle? I widened my eyes and then tried to calm myself from the idea. I was originally going to part ways with him after becoming a vampire anyways rather than burden him.... It'd be for the best anyways! He's a vampire king.... I'm just a human trying to become a full vampire.... I bit my bottom lip, my sharper teeth accidentally cutting into my lower lip and making me bleed. 

"He's my first fledgling... I want to train him personally. If the council has a problem with my absences here and there then they can take it up with me personally. I'm going to be the best maker I can possibly be for him. That doesn't involve someone else training my fledgling. Besides... that would look poorly of me if I didn't train him myself. I'm not a lazy maker or too busy to not train him. Don't worry. If Silas keeps up his lies he's going to make this family look weak.... We need to do something about him." 

"Yeah, we do need to make him quiet down," Everest muttered. I felt my body relaxing at Lyle's words, soothing me. He's not going to hand me over to someone else.... "I'll see to it with Sylar about that.... Can I at least get him his own room? I want to help a little. It's your first time after all.... I've made at least... five," Everest whispered. "They get attached easily to their makers, especially the quiet ones. He won't want to leave your room if you wait too long, and when you finally settle down with whoever your soul mate is if you find them, you'll have a rough time getting him to sleep on his own." 

"I don't mind him sleeping with me. It's not as lonely when he's there. If the time comes I do find my soul mate~ He'll get his own room. He can have his room now if he truly wants it." Lyle said calmly. "I'm going to spoil my fledgling though." I heard Everest laugh a little. 

"That's kind of cute," he purred. "It's your choice. I'm sure he'll probably opt to stay in your room." I bit my bottom lip and stared outside. Should I say something? I mean... I'm right here... and they're kinda talking about me like I'm not.... Then again... I probably don't mean that much to anyone else here but Lyle.... 

"Milo, you want to sleep with me in my room~ Right?" Lyle asked me sweetly. I looked towards him and widened my eyes before I smiled. 

"Uh hu-"

"No you don't," Everest purred, giving me a smirk. "You should tell him no. Trust me." 

"Everest," Lyle said softly and shushed him. Everest frowned and looked towards Lyle. 

"I can't have a little fun with this?" He asked softly. "We all know you wouldn't let him get too far from you even if he did tell you no." I blushed slightly and looked down at the ground. Oh man.... Lyle's family is weird.... 

"That's only because I've experienced what happens when makers ignore their fledglings," Lyle looked towards me then. "Are you enjoying the view?" I looked up at him and bit my bottom lip. What happens when makers ignore their fledglings? 

"Uh huh," I whispered, glancing back outside then at him before I walked back to him quickly, sitting down next to him again. He placed his arm around me and leaned in towards my temple and kissed it softly. 

"When you get hungry or need anything else, let me know." He purred and looked towards his brother. "Or you might end up regretting it." I blushed and then nodded to him, leaning my head against him. 

"I will," I promised him softly and nuzzled up to his side, getting closer as I got comfortable. Everest watched us and smiled a little before he got to his feet. 

"Well, you have my support Lyle," Everest purred. "If I can help you in anyway, you know where I am. I'm going to go check in on Sylar and Silas, okay?" 

"Send my regards," Lyle purred. "I'm sure Silas will enjoy it." Everest smirked and nodded before he disappeared, making me jump slightly. He just disappeared! OH MY GOD, HE TELEPORTED! That's so cool! I wonder if Lyle can do that.... Lyle laughed and looked towards me. "One day, you'll have your own unique power." I blushed and looked up towards Lyle before I nodded. 

"Really?" I asked him softly, getting excited. 

"Yeah, we're evolved more then humans and are more in touch with this world. Sometimes traveling is quicker for instance.... sometimes temperatures are easy to control without thermostats. Whatever your power turns out to be, I hope you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed watching Everest use his freely in front of you." I nodded and smiled at him. 

"That's so cool," I whispered to him and then hugged him. I'M GETTING A POWER! SO WORTH BEING TURNED! 

"You probably won't develop your power until five years from now though. You're still a turning vampire." Lyle gave me a sweet look before he got to his feet. "I've got work to do in my study. You can come with me and I'll give you something to look at that might interest you. After all.... there are vampire authors." I widened my eyes at him. OH. MY. GOD.

"Can I be one?" I asked quickly, jumping up to my feet fast. Please, oh please, oh please! Is there a chance I can still write as long as it's within the supernatural world?! 

"I'll get you journals to record your fledgling years if that's what you truly want. When you're not a fledgling and you're officially a vampire in this world... we'll get you a laptop and let you become a published vampire author. Until then- journals." He rubbed my head and linked arms with me. "The next time we see my sister, I'll tell her you want journals and pens." I nodded and giggled slightly then blushed. I just GIGGLED! Oh man... Help me... I quickly looked away from him in embarrassment and went to pull away. What the hell?! I never giggle like that! AGH! He pulled me towards the doors and down the hall. I yelped and followed him, biting my lower lip as he pulled me along. He purred with amusement as he tugged me into a two story room with tons of books surrounding a desk. There was a huge spiral stair case going to the above level. Around the desk was comfortable couches with a coffee table in the middle. "Go sit down and I'll go get the books I want you to read." I looked at him and nodded before I walked over to one of the couches and laid down on it, watching him as I let out a sigh and smiled at the comfort of the couch. He walked around the room, going shelf to shelf- getting books down. He came back to me with five of them and sat them down on the coffee table. "Read these, I've got to go do King things." He walked up to the desk that had a pile of paper of it and sat down, giving a sigh. I watched him for a few seconds before I reached out and grabbed one, starting to read it. 

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