
Demonic Slut

"What are you talking about? I will never reject you." He muttered to her and inhaled her scent. He had just noticed her appearance; she was thin and bony. Her face looked tired, too, but that wasn't enough to deny her beauty.

"You won't, really?" Xylah was skeptical, and her beautiful eyes stared into his eyes.

"She's so cute," Liam whined with happiness. "Yeah, she is." Errol agreed

"No, I won't," Errol spoke firmly. "We will be having our mating festival at the palace tomorrow also…"

Xylah's heart skipped a beat in happiness. "Are you seriou…"


The sudden clapping interfered with Xylah and Errol's sweet discussion. "How sweet! Are you mates?" Eulla suddenly appeared in their view. Her figure was unsteady, so she stood by the wall for support; her face was also pale.

Xylah's heart skipped a beat, and it began to thrum in fear when Eulla asked that question because she knew that Errol and Eulla were close friends. And she didn't know if Errol would be…

"Yes, she is." Errol's face softened, and he kissed Xylah's hand. "Remember what I told you?" He reminded her when he noticed her panicked expression. He was surprised when he saw her panic after seeing Eulla, but he brushed it off thinking he was counting too much. "Goodnight," Errol said, making Xylah smile happily.

"Goodnight." Xylah nodded and left, waving at him.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Errol turned to Eulla and scolded her. He held her and began to lead her toward her room.

"I'm not sleepy," Eulla replied with a sad face.

"How sweet must having a mate feel?" She said sadly when she saw Errol's smile. "For someone like me who has been engaged since a young age, I can never know." She muttered sadly.

"I can't believe I have to live all my life with a retarded prince. Errol help me, please." Eulla says, suddenly grabbing his hand with a pleading look.


"He accepted us! He did." Xylah twirls around happily, jumping on her bed with excitement.

"Yes, he did." Rylee also said it with happiness.

"He said we would also have the mating ceremony tomorrow. Errol is so sweet and kind. He's really the sweet person we have been crushing on." She said with frenzy.

"So we have to sleep and be at our very best tomorrow so we won't disappoint Errol. Perhaps we can raise it with the minister about buying new clothes for us tomorrow; we only have old clothes." Xylah said. "After all, it's our engagement, and he wouldn't want us to disappoint the family."


"What you requested is not possible, Xylah and Errol are mates," Conan said with hesitation. Even though the suggestion was sweet, he knew it couldn't work out now. After all, they've also seen the scene where the two found their mate, which means the two can't be betrothed.

Corinne's eyes flashed with intense loathing. That bitch! Who knew she'd be so lucky and even find her mate despite the fact that she didn't go to the mating festival? To even think about it, her mate was Errol of all people. Why would she watch that family destroyer marry a good person while her own daughter marries a retarded fool? Impossible.

Suddenly, she smiled at herself. "You don't have to worry about that one, honey. Leave it to me. My question is, did you agree or not?"

Xylah was exceptionally happy when she woke up that morning, and she kept whistling in happiness. "Tell me how I can make my skin beautiful for him," Xylah asked.

"You've never asked about that before?" Rylee interrupted her with a snort.

"You don't want our mate to be unhappy, do you?" Xylah asked and grinned with happiness. She stood up and muttered decisively. "I'll go to father about…"

Before Xylah could finish her words, someone knocked on her door.

"Young Miss." A servant called respectfully

"Did someone in this house just call me, young miss?" Xylah's lips parted in disbelief, and she blinked her eyes in shock.

"Perks of having a good mate." Rylee grinned, and Xylah hurried toward the door.

"Young Miss. The Prime Minister asked to bring this to you." The servant said. Even though the beta servant's voice was filled with respect. In truth, she was looking at Xylah with contempt, but Xylqh didn't care.

"Bring it in," Xylah muttered and opened the door wide. But her eyes soon widened and her lips parted in surprise. "Waoh!"

Xylah's eyes almost popped out in surprise as she watched the servants continue to bring in beauty products and expensive clothes—something Xylah had never had before. And it made Xylah wonder if they hadn't made the mistake of taking it to her room instead of Eulla's.

"We have hit it big!" Rylee screamed in happiness immediately as the servant left and closed the door.

"Yes, we did," Xylah muttered, still in shock. Her eyes and mouth continued to count the expensive clothes, shoes, and beauty products the servants had delivered. "Fifty sev..."

"Shut up and stop dilly-dallying, Errol will be here soon. We don't want to arrive at the mating festival as the last couple, do we?" Rylee scolded the still-amazed and absentminded Xylah.


Xylah's golden hair fell straight to her back, her image was ethereal as she slowly descended from the expensive wooden staircase. She was dressed in a limited edition white bodycon. Her beautiful face was flushed, and her pink lips glistened as she walked down the stairs.

And her beauty made everyone's jaw drop in surprise. Corinne and Eulla glared at her in anger and jealousy. "That demonic slut!" They cursed in their heads angrily.

"Do you think he's already here?" Rylee asked Xylah nervously as she descended the stairs patiently while trying to get used to the heels.

Xylah nodded her head because she knew that Errol was always punctual. "He should be her…"

Before Xylah could finish her words, Rylee screamed due to excitement.

Xylah suddenly had the premonition that Rylee would cause her deafness these days.

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