


"Welcome back, son." My mother sang on the call. I laughed.

"Thank you, Mum," I said, forcing a smile. I leaned on the back seat as the driver brought the car to life.

"I know you are happy to be back." She said. I could sense her smiling from the other side of the call.

I wasn't happy to be back, I didn't want to return. I didn't miss anything here, but I had to return — for the hotel, and her. Now I had arrived, I was latently regretting it.

"Of course I am, I can't wait to see you, mum." I gritted my teeth.

"You can come over to my place now, you can tell me all about your girlfriend, and how your 5-year stay in Turkey was. I want to hear all about it. I want to hear how you met your girlfriend too, oh I can't wait!" She blabbed on and on.

I slapped my hand on my face.


I forgot that the lie I told her about having a girlfriend.

"We broke up Mum." I fibbed.

"No, no, don't tell me that. You told me that you were going to get married to her, you said she was the love of your life. In fact, in your words, you called her the one." She said.

I almost threw up, I called her the one. I really did take this lie to the next level.

"Well, she is no longer the one. We broke up."

I said, trying so hard to sound honest.

"I don't believe you, you love playing tricks with me. You told me that you both were going to return to America together, remember?"

I really should be taking notes of the lies I tell this woman because I couldn't recall all these, it occurred 2 years ago for crying out loud,  how come she remembered??


"You promised me, you promised me that you'd bring someone for me this time around. Do you remember that?" She interrupted.

"Yes, I do." I sighed, looking out the window, and observing the moving cars.


I was still looking outside. I didn't know what to say, I didn't think that was the first thing she was going to ask. I was torn between saying "Mum, I was just playing tricks with you" and "Mum, I don't want to get married"

I didn't know what to do.

How could I tell her that I wasn't interested in love, neither did I believe in it?

How could I tell her that the marriage between her and my estranged dad was what made me promise myself not to get married?

He got up and left us when I was only 18, he turned me into this cold-hearted and wicked person that was incapable of falling in love or even being loved.

How could I tell her all this?

"Adam?" She called, bringing me out of my thoughts.


"I'm waiting for your answer?"

I bit my lip hard, I couldn't say anything, at least not yet. I thought hard about what to say next.

"Mum, I'll see  you soon, okay? The general manager is calling me." I quickly said before she could say Jack and disconnected the call. I  sighed deeply.

"I wish I didn't return," I muttered.


"Take my things to my house, I'll be there very soon," I said to the driver before coming down.

"Sure thing, boss." He said, driving off.

I turned to look at the hotel. I looked up at the building sign which read, "THE LUSH HOTEL" in white bold letters; they were also cursive, it looked so beautiful. I smiled.

I was waiting for the manager to come outside, I called him when I got here. I was getting impatient because the sun was scorching. Then, the door slid and he ran out.

"I'm so sorry boss, welcome back." He displayed a wide-toothed smile. I noticed that he was holding a cup.

I nodded in acknowledgment, "What's that?" I pointed at it.

"Oh," He gestured it towards me, "It is yours."

"What is inside?" I asked.

"Iced mocha, your favorite." He replied.

I shook my head disappointedly, "Wrong. My favorite is an iced latte."

"Oh..I…I'm so.. sorry." He pleaded.

"And you call yourself a diligent worker," I said, grabbing the cup from him and walking inside. He followed behind.

When I entered the reception, I scanned around. Things changed, the pieces of furniture, the paintings on the walls, and even the tiles. It looked better. I was impressed. I was about to turn to ask Ben a question when…

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry." A female voice said.

I was confused when someone hit me, I didn't notice she was there, I didn't even notice why she was apologizing until I felt something cold around my shirt. I looked at it. The sparkling white shirt had a big brown stain. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. I turned to my side and studied the stain. I looked at her, she was standing in front of me.

"Are you truly sorry?" I asked, I was livid. 

"Yes, I am. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to step on you." She said with a shaky voice. I noticed that she was wearing a badge that read, "Receptionist" above and "Nicole" beneath.  She knew exactly who I was.

I didn't understand what she meant concerning my shoes until I looked down at them. I bit my lip hard and looked at her, couldn't she tell that she spilled coffee on me too??

"You also spilled my coffee on my suit too," I said, pursing my lips.

She looked at my shirt and gasped, "I'm sorry about that too."

She looked so short, so I leaned forward, "Would sorry clean my shoes and suit though? Would it?"

She shook her head slowly.

"Would you be able to afford them even?" I asked and she froze. I could sense that she was scared. Which meant she could tell how expensive my outfit was.

That's right.

"I…I'm sorry." She reiterated. She looked scared, that was exactly how she should feel. I decided to have a bit of fun. After all, I was the hotelier.

I stood upright, "If you are, clean my shoe." I commanded.

I noticed that she and Ben exchanged looks.

"What are you waiting for? Hm?" I asked.

"Let me help you, Sir." I heard Ben say before bending.

"No," I commanded. "She caused this, so she is going to do it," I added.

"Do you derive joy in doing things like these?" I  heard a voice say. I traced the voice and saw this beautiful-looking innocent lady behind the reception desk. Once we met eyes, I could notice a change in her body language. She liked what she saw. I liked what I saw too. 

I smirked, "Are you talking to me?" I pointed a finger at myself.

"Yes," She started. "You don't talk to people that way, that is wrong."

I scoffed. I couldn't believe this. I turned to Ben, "Who is this?"

He was about to reply but she interrupted "I'm standing in front of you, and I'm not deaf."

Wow, this lady has got some nerve.

"Stop talking!" Ben warned.

"Why? He was being rude, and we don't condone things like that."

"He..he is an exception." The lady beside me stammered.

She tilted her head towards her, "And why is that?" She asked. The lady didn't answer. She looked at Ben too, who didn't say a word. I was staring at her, I couldn't help it, she looked so good. I wished I could move closer to get a better look of her face.

"Well, someone should say something. Tell me why he is an exception." She said. She didn't know who I was, and that was why she sounded so confident, I was so excited to watch her melt once I tell her who I am. I laughed dryly and walked forward slowly, just to study her face clearly. I felt my trouser tighten. She was beautiful. She was perfect. She was wearing these huge geeky glasses which I could tell were recommended but that didn't stop me from noticing her beautiful grey-colored siren eyes. Her face was round and her lips were slightly thin but perfect, and her hair was dark, just like mine. 

Damn. I could stare at this all day.

Leaning my hands on the desk, I enunciated, "I am Adam Lawrence." and watched her face. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened a little. Dirty thoughts came into my mind when I looked at her mouth but I shook it immediately.

"Ring a bell?" I sneered.

She couldn't speak. I loved that. I loved seeing her grow scared.

"I'm so sorry about this boss, she is a new worker. She started working here 2 weeks after you left for Turkey." Ben said, running towards me.

"Ah, I see," I said, nodding my head. I leaned forward, looking at her badge. I heard her inhale sharply and held my smile.

"See you around, Miss. Valeria." I said soothingly then looked at her face again before walking away.

I've seen a lot of pretty ladies to last me for a lifetime, hell, I've slept with multiple ones but that face? That face was impeccable.

It was one of a kind.

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