
Great Mistake

CHAPTER-5 [Great mistake]


Mr Smith walked gently to his office and sat down on his chair. A few minutes later, a nurse came in with a coffee on the tray, a small glass table sat between two single chairs. Mr Smith cleared the table, leaving only the remote. The lady placed the tray on the table and left.

"Sir, they left with the device," one of his officials said as he ran inside the office still panting while Mr Smith smiled.

"If only they knew, they wouldn't have come to steal the device," He said curtly and took a sip from his coffee which made the official who was standing wondering.

"What did you mean by that sir?" the official asked calmly.

"They took the wrong device. by now they would have all been dead." Mr Smith said and his phone buzzed.

"Hello. I will be there shortly" Mr Smith said and left the office with the coffee still in his hand which shows that he's still around the hospital habitat.


"What happened to them?" Tony asked with a furious tone.

"They're all dead, they took the wrong device. It exploded when they initiated it" Lawrence said with an inconspicuous tone.

"what!!..." Tony exclaimed, looking furious. 

"I'm sorry bro. we have to find another way" Lawrence said and Tony stormed out outraged.


Mr smith places his right thumb on the scanning security

"Welcome Dr Smith, you can go in," the scanning security said and Mr Smith walked in.

Inside the enormous hospital is a huge lab. The lab was made for various experiments. Being a professional doctor had made him acclaimed in the whole city. He walked in monumentally.

"How is it?" Mr Smith asked one of his colleagues.

"It is still intact" Mr Fourie who Mr Smith asked replied curtly.

"Then why the call?" Mr Smith asked again, but this time in an exasperated manner which made Mr Fourie abashed for some minutes.

"You said you wish to sell the device to a lady right?" Mr Fourie asked him.

"Yes, you found any?" he objected back.

"Well, I have found one, but she's from  Rochelle city". Mr Fourie said with a smile boldly shown on his face.

Mr Smith inhales deeply and exhales for some minutes before he responds.

"Just make sure the device does not fall in the wrong hand," he said and was about to walk out when Mr Brown who was a bit far from them called him and he went to meet him.

"Smith, I know how you feel, you just need to calm down. We are going to make a huge amount of money from the device" Mr Brown said considerately while Mr Smith sighs.

"Yea I know, but my anxiety is for the device falling in the wrong hand," he said and used his white handkerchief to clean the sweat on his face despite the AC being turned on.

"Don't worry, it won't, I assure you that?" Mr Brown said with much courage and they both laughed as if he said something funny.



"My beloved brethren, success is at our doorstep. The device is going to be ours without any argument." Their leader said as they all sat down as they usually did, their identity is still unknown, no one knew about their existence.

"My lady, why don't we persuade some other creatures to join us, since we have the power?" one of them asked.

"Everyone is fighting for supremacy, the only creatures we can persuade are the vampires. But they had been killed by those wolves." Their leader replied.

"I think some still exist," another one said while their leader's eyes glowed in bewilderment.

"Where are they? How did you know?" she asked her menacingly as she stood up from her throne.

"When you sent me to find out about the demigod, Luckily for us, they were both females," she said Buoyantly.

"Don't worry, no need for haste. When we obtain the device everything will be ours. Then we can be able to change the future" their leader said with a feeling of contentment but dejected within when she mentioned the word future.


Courage and bravery leap to mind first when we think of heroism. It's difficult to achieve anything truly heroic unless you're up against daunting odds. Being a hero doesn't mean you can't be defeated, but you must never give up. Heroes keep fighting till they win, till they die. Your determination, courage, passion, confidence and selflessness is what made you a hero.

The five heroes could be seen using their various powers while Mr Richard and his wife were watching them. They both sat down on one of the wooden chairs sipping their chewed vodka. They sit close together as they watch Susannah, Carson, Ella and Dave being smashed by Eddie. 

"He is yet to discover his full abilities," Mrs Richard said, impressed with Eddie's capability while Mr Richard smiles inwardly.

"He needs to be well trained for him to discover his full abilities, even though he ran with lightning, he has not learned how to use it," Mr Richard said while Mrs Richard sneered.

"Yes...but are you sure he can make things right, I mean he's too young for this" Mrs Richard said doubtfully.

"It is not how big you are, it is what lives inside you" Mr Richard responded curtly.

"Come on, guys are no match for me," Eddie, still in his human form, said, though his claws were out. Carson, who had already changed into a wolf, charged at him but was cut with a bare hand and threw miles away. Susannah cast some spells on him, they were all astonished as it didn't work on him. He dashed toward Susannah, kicked her off her feet and landed her on the ground, mistakenly one of her bones broke and she groaned in pain. Eddie saw this and quickly changed back to a normal human. He ran to meet her, then carried her up and sped into the building. Ella saw this and her countenance changed.

             ROCHESTER CITY

"The money you requested for had been transferred into your account, '' a young woman in her early thirties said to Mr Smith and his colleagues.

"We've received the alert," they all said in unison like they all received the alert message.

"Okay let me sign the paper," the lady said and a paper was given to her. She signed on it with a wide smile on her face which nobody noticed.

"Yes, but before that, could you please tell me your aim of buying the device with this huge amount of money?" Mr Smith asked with curiosity because the woman paid them more than they expected.

"I'm a businesswoman, I might not be the specific person to use the device. I may also sell it" the lady said, looking into Dr Smith's eyes.

"Okay ma, sorry for the question. I just don't want the device to fall into the wrong hands" Mr Smith said.

"No problem sir. thank you sir for choosing me as one of your merchants, I hope to see more of this device from you" She said and shook hands with them.

"No problem ma, we will always let you know," Mr Smith said with a smile on his face and the young woman exited the office.

"I told you it's going to be an easy business," Mr Brown said to Mr Smith and they all laughed.

"We've made millions today, that calls for celebration," Mr Smith said. If only he knew he had made one of the greatest mistakes of his life. 

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