
Chapter 2

Alan clenched his fist. His expression was scary.

Simon stood by his side, unable to understand why Alan flared up. As the Beta of the Alpha, he thought it was a good idea for the Alpha to find his mate during the mating ceremony.

Though Alan was not thrilled about the idea when he discussed it with him, but he felt it was the best way to meet with his mate so, he had convinced him into attending the ceremony.

Alan on the other hand couldn't believe his eyes. When Simon talked to him about attending the mating ceremony, it didn't sound like a good idea.

He agreed to it because his sole aim was to find a 'Luna'.

"Simon, was this the reason you wanted me to attend the mating ceremony? Was this your aim?" He asked, glaring at him.

His gaze was piercing.

Simon bowed his head down. Alpha Alan was visibly pissed. He thought of a way to pacify his anger.

"This is whom the goddess has chosen for you. It is not something to be angry about…

"What crap are you talking about? It is not something to be angry about?" Alan interrupted him before he could complete his words.

It wasn't the mating ceremony or finding a mate that made him angry. What made him angry was the person the 'moon goddess' chose for him.

He knew that the 'moon goddess' chooses who would become one's mate, but he did not expect a skinny and shy looking lady like Freya as the chosen one.

He stood while he stared at Freya who was sitting in a crouched position.

He was disgusted by her presence.

Simon sensed that Alpha Alan was going to do something rash if he didn't act fast. He had a murderous look in his eyes.

"I beg of you not to make any rash decisions," he started.

"I think it is best to keep her until you decide what to do with her," Simon pleaded further.

"The elders will be here in no time to see for themselves if you have found your mate. We shouldn't give that a bad impression," Simon explained. He was trying to calm Alan down.

Alan stopped in his tracks. He turned to look at Simon whose face was expressionless.

"Guards!" He called out in a loud tone.

Two slender bodied guys ran towards him immediately. They bowed slightly.

"Take her to one of the pack's rooms till I decide on what to do with her," he commanded, pointing at where Freya lay, weakly.

They hurriedly approached her and took one hand of hers, each while Freya tried to walk on her feet.

Alan watched as she was carried away. His heart was filled with contempt.

"Leave me alone," he spoke coldly to Simon who stood by his side, watching him closely.

Simon bowed slightly and left.

The pack members who were present there, continued with their feasting. They turned blind eye to what happened. To them, this was a celebration that needed to be enjoyed to its fullest.

The cold midnight air wiped his skin as he stood, staring at the moon.

Alan Boris as he was known was cold and somehow arrogant. His taste for women was not known since he never kept any by side. His appearance could be scary even though he has a good physique.

He was in deep thoughts as his gaze seemed to be fixated on the moon. His arms were crossed back.

After some minutes, a sly smile appeared on his lips.

Freya was seated on the floor. She wrapped her arms around her shoulders as her eyes darted across the room which was empty.

There was no furniture in the room, only a bed with a foam laying on it.

She was putting on one heel. She was dragged roughly to this room and had lost one of her heels in the process.

She thought of how she turned into a wolf earlier, she still couldn't believe it. She tried to shake it off her head, maybe it was just an illusion, but the more she tried, it appeared more vivid.

She sighed. She wondered why life started becoming tough for her since she lost her parents. Now, she was in a room and she couldn't figure out why she was brought to the room.

She remembered the words of Alan and it made her think deeply if he was truly destined to be her mate.

Though the words were faint to her hearing, but his voice was filled with rage, contempt and resentment towards her.

The only person that has been by her side since the death of her parents was her best friend, Reyna.

If she was in this position, then Reyna might be in something worse.

She stood up with a start. Staying here wouldn't be of any help to her. With such development of things she never knows what the Alpha has in mind to do with her.

She walked towards the door quickly but quietly.

She was nearly thrown off balance when the door flew open. Alan Boris stepped inside and shut the door behind him.

He had a cunning look on his face as he stared at her from head to toe.

She moved back in fright with each step he made towards her.

She stumbled and fell on her back. She sat up immediately with the fear that he might pounce on her if she remained in that position.

"I suppose this is yours?" Alan asked, looking directly into her eyes. He was holding the heels she had lost.

She shook her head.

"You don't dare nod at me! Is this yours?!" He barked and grabbed her chin roughly.

"Ye…yes," Freya stuttered.

"Good," he smiled.

He dropped her heels and turned to the walls. His back was facing her.

Freya watched as he loosened the rope of his robe and took it off. He walked to where Freya sat with slow but steady steps.

Freya couldn't look up to him, she bowed her head and fiddled with her fingers.

Alan bent to her position and grabbed her chin so that he was staring directly into her eyes. He pressed his lips into hers and kissed her roughly.

It came as a shock to Freya. One minute she was looking at a well carved and beautiful face and then, she suddenly felt something cold on her lips. Soon enough, her lips felt warm.

This was her first time kissing someone. It made her feel like she was in another world.

In her thoughts, she didn't realize that she had been placed on the bed in the room. Alan carried and placed her on the bed without her noticing, because he didn't disengage from the kiss.

She felt the warm hands of someone going through her thighs. She immediately stood up from her lying position. She crossed her arms over her chest, afraid of what might happen.

Looking at Alan, she could see some desire but she didn't know what it was.

Alan caressed her face. His eyes were filled with pure 'lust.'

"Is this not what you wanted?" He asked, caressing her thighs with his thumbs.

Freya was confused.

What did she want? What she wanted was to find her 'mate,' and that was because she felt she had stayed longer than expected without making a move to find her mate.

She pushed Alan's hands away. She made to leave the bed but Alan's strong grip didn't allow her to move.

"What do you think you're doing? Leaving? Who said you can leave?" Alan asked in an intimidating voice.

Freya tried to break free from his grip, but she was no match for him.

It made him angry that she was trying to break free from his grip. He dragged her and placed her on the bed, forcefully.

Freya fought, but he was too strong for her.

"You don't leave until Alan tells you to do so." He barked angrily.

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