
A Hand

Nicole smiled inwardly. She can feel herself is being weird. She wasn't being herself. And if she is startled by such, she cannot expect less from the people around her. She tried to sit comfortably. She was feeling sore. She felt her lower private parts ached when she walked into the drugstore earlier. But she tried to walk as normally as possible. She recalled something making her smile foolishly by herself again. 

"He was really big." She murmured. 

Her voice was too low that Fadz knew, though he could hear her, she wasn't talking to him, so he kept his silence. 

"But I think I want more of him." She whispered to herself.

Cautious if Nicole was talking to him, Fadz could not help checking on his Little Boss through the rearview mirror. Fadz Ling was not sure how to interpret the looks in Nicole. If he could be bold to speak, he would say she looked dreamy like an ordinary girl with someone that she fantasizes about in her mind. But then Nicole Parker is not an ordinary girl to be considered, so Fadz shook off his silly thoughts from his foolish head. He cannot be an idiot to invest time knowing things he is not supposed to know. He may be right but no one can confirm such a fact, and neither did he need to. Besides, Nicole is also a teenage girl. She may really have found someone that she likes. He just wonders who could be the poor guy to be bullied by her. 

But Fadz was not totally mistaken, Nicole was indeed thinking about Mike. She was also looking dreamy as she vividly recalled everything that had happened between her and Mike at the gym earlier.

Nicole wanted to call him over to her place, but she didn't want to look desperate. Besides, she is still sore. She had to make her poor pussy heal first before she can ravish him with all her heart's content. She looked at the paper pouch from the drug store. The pharmacist said she should take it within twenty-four hours but she worries she might forget so she took the pill with bottled water from her mini ref in the car. Then she searched on the web how to deal with her sored private parts. She had a rough idea, but she still searched to make her thoughts properly corrected and guided. She will have to get the most effective formula if she wants to indulge her cravings. 

Just the thought of it makes her giggle in her mind. She felt totally silly. She shook her head in annoyance and disbelief. Looking around, she realized they will arrive soon. She called her Nana Eva on her phone. 

"Nana, I need to bathe, please prepare warm water on the tub for me. I will be home in about ten minutes from now." Nicole politely requested. And she cut the call when she confirmed her nanny got her message. 

Fadz was not surprised by that. Nicole always spoke the very same way to Eva, her nanny. Fadz even thinks his boss has a dual personality. She could and would be very kind and affectionate but only towards Eva. They are like mother and daughter in their love and respect for each other. Nicole isn't even treating her own mom half the way she treats Eva. But Mrs. Parker doesn't seem to mind, they are even more grateful to Eva. 

Eva is older than the Parker couple, she is almost like Nicole's grandmother so it appears like Eva and Nicole are sharing a grandmaternal and granddaughter kind of love and relationship. Quite sweet actually. But only to those who can see this side of Nicole because she is totally a scary little witch apart and afar from her Nana Eva. 

They arrived at the Parker's residence just like Nicole estimated, ten minutes after her call with Nana Eva. Fadz got off the car first and opened the door for his little boss. He had made it in his mind to call her his little boss as she is so fierce. Ma'am or miss didn't quite suit her. He was scared for every brief moment when she grabbed him by the arm. 

"Walk me to my room." 

That was all she said in her usual commanding tone and started walking. Not slow pace but not the usual way she would walk. And she doesn't even like being touched, now she is grabbing his right arm with a good grip as they walk up the stairs. Fadz noticed she was having difficulty walking. He wasn't sure what to do but he boldly suggested after fighting himself not to say the words as it might anger Nicole instead of taking his concerns the way he was trying to deliver them. 

"I can carry you up on my arms or give you a piggyback if you want." He timidly suggested. 

He was so nervous knowing he already made a bad mistake while driving on their way home, now he is offering an outrageous idea of carrying her or giving her a piggyback. He must have gone really mad. Does he hate his life and want to end it sooner than nature was planning to do with him? 

Nicole paused for a moment. 

She was actually thinking, if she wanted to save herself from getting even sorer walking, she should take Fadz offer of help. But she doesn't like being touched. She wanted to slap her own backhead, she was more than just touched by a man she doesn't even know the name yet. And that is the very reason she is having difficulty walking right now, but where is he? He isn't around to help her walk or carry her to her room. 

Fadz is here, obviously scared of her, but is offering help. He is neat and clean and would surely take good care not to drop nor hurt her along the way. She chose her rational thought, and annoyed with herself, she asked Fadz to carry her. 

"Take me to my room, I don't want a piggyback. Just carry me," Nicole demanded.

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