


A handful of nights had passed since finding this very strange rose quartz and I was growing ever curious as to how it had gotten into the running stream—and how the water was very warm and how it quickly became freezing cold after I had removed this stone.

Although the forest in which I now lived right next to was secluded I was no stranger to the occasional visitor who was walking with their pet or exploring the land, it was a possibility that someone had simply lost it and that is how it came to be…but it had a strange feeling that this was not the case. —Alas I did not have the time to dwell on the matter as this evening was special, it was a full moon, and I wanted to see the moon as I looked up at the sky while I stood in the small clearing in the woods.

I may not believe in the kind of magic that is told in books, take Harry Potter for example, but I do believe in the magic that is Karma and I may even have a childish soft spot for believing in the supernatural.

When I was young-under six and before my mother left us to go to god knows where, my dad taught me a tale of a fairy full moon. He told me that if I were to leave a pair of shoes outside in the moonlight, a fairy would leave the gift of a stone or a gem for me to find in the morning.

As a child, I loved this tale, and every full moon I would leave my shoes outside…but only once did I find a small ruby in the sole. I think that is the point at which I became an earthly being on some level. It was the moment I realized I wanted to look after all the wonders the earth had to offer. 

Although I was not going to leave my shoes out for the fairies tonight.I looked at the grandfather clock in the living room and found that it was already half-past eleven, if I was to make it on time for midnight I had better get dressed.

I didn’t have school tomorrow as I didn’t start classes until next week which just so happens to be the week of Halloween. I also didn’t have to work tonight either—I had gotten a job three days after moving here since I wanted to keep busy, and I didn’t want my grandparents having to pay for everything I needed. I wanted to help out. 

When I do work I work almost every night from five o’clock to midnight but when I start school it won’t be those hours. It would change to right after school till eight o’clock at night for four days a week.

I scurried off to my wardrobe in search of some warm clothes. I hurriedly put on my pure white long sleeve thermal shirt and pulled on a white and light taupe plaid flannel shirt on, and I put on a pair of skinny jeans, I slipped on my Wellington boots.

Before heading out the back door of the town house I picked up the quartz—I had no idea why but I picked it up….it felt right to bring it along with me.

I made my way to a clearing in the forest of evergreens. There was one large rock surrounding frosted wild mushrooms and dead daisies. It was as perfect as it could possibly get in this weather. It’s just simply a perfect place for me to look up at the beautiful full moon.

As midnight struck and the moon shone at its brightest I decided to place the quartz upon the rock. I looked up toward the moon and asked where it had come from and why it had chosen for me to find it.

I waited in silence, the earth cool beneath my boots and the tall grass ticking the small gaps of bare skin of my legs where my jeans had holes in it, that is until the quartz was not on the rock anymore.

Hmmm…that was odd, I definitely left it there and nobody was around to take it. I would have noticed someone there. And there wasn’t.

Suddenly a little glowing light, I presumed was a firefly, but in this weather, it was extremely unlikely. It appeared in the distance.

Being curious I walked towards the light but upon arrival, it had gone and went further in the distance.

Was the moon answering my question?

Was I on a wild goose chase?

Had I finally reached a level of crazy even I didn’t understand?

I continued to follow the little lights growing ever more inquisitive as to where they were guiding me. I felt like I had been following it for hours and maybe I had been but I continued. I was so focused on the lights that I was not looking at where my feet joined the earth and suddenly I was falling.

I was falling so fast. I must’ve bumped my head or passed out from the speed of falling as suddenly I was encased in darkness and my unconscious mind was left to wonder.


I heard my body hit the ground but I could not open my eyes. I took a deep breath. How had I survived that fall?

I didn’t understand how I was still alive but I was thankful and sent my silent thanks to the sun, the moon, and the gods—anyone who was listening really.

My eyes still would not open and I could not move, it was as if I was frozen in time like a memory or a picture. 

I had lost my ability to move and I had lost my ability to see but I could still hear and that was a good sign. I laid there for what seemed like centuries on the ice-cold wet ground until I heard footsteps.

They were heavy and unforgiving, echoing around me.

All the hairs on my body stood to attention yet I still couldn’t move or flicker my eyelids open. I was scared of who the footsteps belonged to and I was not ready to die-where nobody could find my body and bring my family peace.

I heard the footsteps cease and now it was so eerily quiet, that I was sure had I been fully conscious I would’ve buckled under the tension. 

My mind felt heavy and I slipped into a fully unconscious state only being able to make out mumbling before the feel of being lifted off of the ground.

What have I gotten myself into?

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