
Chapter 12

When class was over, I found a note in my locker.

Football practice until 4. Sorry.


Of course he got recruited in the football team. I mentally groaned and sighed in faint annoyance. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for the dude but I do not have a good experience with the football guys in this hell hole.

I guess I’m doing my homework early then.

I took a hold of the thick ass book for history and business studies. This is a pain in my ass, I mean look at these shits. Who in their right mind would even have the time to create a book this fudging thick?!

I finally finished sorting out the things I wanted to bring with me to the bleachers and took my files out to shove in the papers I got from my lectures. Cue mental groan here. I’m so going to fail future tests if I don’t get my shit straight ASAP.

It took me a few minutes after looking around that I realized it was quieter than usual and hushed tones were
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