
Chapter 13: The Castle

After waiting for 30 minutes the guard finally came back with another man. The man was wearing a suit that made him look like a butler.

Su Lan stepped out of the carriage and walked up to the man.

When Su Lan stepped out everyone there looked at her with amazement. Su Lan blinked thinking why everyone was staring at her.

Su Lan: "Nice to meet you, I am Su Lan, the daughter from the prime minister's household."

Butler: "Cough... nice to meet you. The king has invited you to have an audience with him."

Su Lan: "Is my father with the king currently? If they are in a meeting I can wait or can I leave my father's lunch here?"

Butler: "Yes, the prime minister is currently with the king. Please come with me."

Su Lan: "Please hold on for a moment."

Su Lan ran back into the carriage and switched her basket from her space that contained the lunch and followed. On her way to have her audience with the king she felt numerous eyes looking at her.

Su Lan (in her mind): Is there something on her face or is her dress dirty? Why is everyone passing by gaping or staring at her?

As they reached the door of the king's office the butler stopped her. He walked in to tell of her arrival. After 10 minutes, Su Lan was invited inside. Su Lan walked in to see her father, Shun, and 3 other people.

There was a man who looked around 30 years old sitting in the main chair behind the office desk. He had golden hair and hazel eyes. A friendly but strict looking man that looked around 20 years old and a teenager around 16 years old. Su Lan walked over and curtsy.

Su Lan: "Su Lan greets your majesty."

After she finished and looked up she found everyone still staring at her. With question marks on her head she looked at the father. Her father frowned at the people looking at her and coughed loudly while releasing cold air.

The 2 younger men's faces turned red and looked away while the older man laughed out loud telling her to come forward. Su Lan walked forward till she reached where her father was.

Her father told her the older man was his majesty and the other two were the 1st and 2nd prince of this kingdom.

Su Lan whispers to her father and asks if there was something on her face because everyone was staring at her as she walked past.

Everyone in the room's magic or sword level wasn't low so they could hear her whisper.

Her father's face became pitch black and his majesty was laughing with one hand slapping the table.

Su Lan was confused and started to frown.

King: "I always wanted to know how Shan's daughter looked. Now I know why he hides you away. Rumors really couldn’t be trusted."

Su Lan frowned and thought she had rumors on how she looked too? How come she didn’t know?

The king smiles and continues, "I heard you were making food for Shan and Shun so I got curious and had you brought here. Which one of my sons do you like?"

Su Lan tilts her head to the side and face showing her confusion.

King: "Whichever one you like you can have as your fiancé."

Su Lan and Liu Shan's faces turn black.

Su Lan: "Your majesty, thank you for your offer. Both of the princes are outstanding but I am just a 13 year old kid."

King: "No problem, we can have you choose one as your fiancé first and get married later."

Su Lan: "Thank you, even if I agreed I am sure the princes wouldn't agree to an arranged marriage with a kid they just met."

Both princes at the same time: "I don't mind."

Liu Shan: "I mind! You two don't think that just because your father and I are childhood friends I would allow you guys to steal my daughter away!"

Su Lan (looks at her father with a face saying): Father what are you saying? How can you just say it out loud even though that is what I think too. Also isn’t the important part is that he is the king?

Liu Shan (looks at her with a look): It's fine, father got it under control.

Su Lan (in her mind with a mini version of her banging her head on the table): How is this under control?! They are the king's sons and you said this is in front of the king!!!

Liu Shan: "Xiao Lan, what did you come to the castle for?"

Su Lan (gave him a look that says): Are you sure this is the right time and place to ask this?

Liu Shan: "It's fine, Jin wouldn't be angry over something like this."

Su Lan: "Jin?"

Liu Shan: "His majesty."

Su Lan's mouth started to twitch.

King Jin: "It's fine (laughing). So why did you come today?"

Su Lan: "I wanted to have lunch with my father and Uncle Shun."

King Jin: "That's all?"

Su Lan: "I wanted to ask if I could take a break from my lessons for a week and if I could head out to town..."

Liu Shan: "Sure, but bring some guards when you head out."

Su Lan: "Ah, but I can protect myself. I don't need guards."

King Jin: "Oh, I thought you don't have magic and you certainly don't look like you use the sword either."

Su Lan: "....."

King Jin: "Shan?"

Liu Shan: "Xiao Lan can use magic. Even if she can't, she has her medicine."

King Jin lifted an eyebrow: "Didn't you say before she couldn't use magic?"

Liu Shan: "She could suddenly use it after she fainted from tasting a type of medicinal plant last time."

King Jin: "Oh, why didn't you tell me before."

Liu Shan glares at him: "Tell you! A person who disappeared for 2 week to go on vacation with his wife while dumping all his work on me!"

King Jin looks away from Liu Shan and smiles at Su Lan.

King Jin: "What food did you bring?"

Su Lan blinks.

Liu Shan: "Don't even think of stealing the food my daughter made for me!!!"

Su Lan: "... I made more so father would be able to share with his coworkers."

King Jin: "Great, let's eat then."

Liu Shan's face once again turns black. The office surrounding was blasted with chill air causing everyone to shiver.

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