

I stood in the shower's mist, my arms looped around myself as I gazed at the shower cabin wall. I was in a daze, in a mere matter of minutes, my life went from normal, to downright something out of a tv show. Something that I never thought would ever happen to me, let alone be something that could be actually real. This type of stuff only happened in Hollywood.

There was so much going through my mind, everything that had just been revealed to me was world-altering, literally. All this information I had just learned was baffling, and unbelievable at the same time. My thoughts were jumbled, basically tripping over themselves as my brain formulated them. I chewed on my bottom lip as I tried to make sense of them, but there were too many that it seemed like an uphill battle at this point. My world was about to change, for either the worst or for the better.

The men were somehow related to Maggie and me, whether it be indirectly or directly. I didn't like the feeling I got when they were around, it felt like I had to be on guard, but luckily, they had long since left. I never learned the blonde man's name, but then again, he never said it either. James seemed to be cocky, overly sure of himself in fact. I didn't like how he looked at me as if he were almost sizing me up like I was someone he would fight or something. I did my best to not look at him, James made me uncomfortable.

I groaned and roughly massaged my face, the water burning my eyes slightly. How could I be set to inherit this fortune they were telling me about? My grandfather should have someone else, someone who's been around him their entire lives to give this fortune to. But, why me? Why out of everyone this man could possibly know, why me?

They told me I would have to come out within the next few days to fill out paperwork, and visit with my Grandparents' lawyers to confirm my identity and a few other major things I would have to do. They stated all would be decided there, and that there was a lot more that needed to be told but they needed to catch their flight back. Maggie insisted that I go, it would be a new start for me and that I needed to take a break from work anyway at the very least. She also told me there's a clinic near there that I can apply to if I got bored, so I can work while I get this resolved. It could take a few months to get everything settled, from how everyone is explaining this out to be. Luckily, I have tomorrow off, but I would have to tell my head of staff that I had a family emergency and that I would be out of town for a week or two, possibly longer.

I hoped they would understand, especially on such short notice.


"What?" I urged, shocked at his answer. "Of course, things happen." The aged head of nursing responded, "I've been in your shoes before, kiddo. Plus, we have loads of PRN staff looking for hours. I'm sure we'll have your spot filled in no time." I blinked, confused at the response from my usually stiff boss. Typically, this type of short notice would have warranted a million questions and dozens of, "Find your own replacement.". But this was probably one of the most shocking things I have heard in the last 24 hours. 

"So, I don't have to do anything?"

"No. Isabella, this is some of your only family left on this Earth." He put his hand on my shoulder, "And, you've never missed a day in 5 years. Of course, you deserve a little break, and as you said, you'd be back. I'll make sure to send that little clinic the best transfer file so they know who they're getting." He gave me soft smile, before being called off by a fellow doctor down the hall. I scoffed, watching as my boss left me alone outside his office. "What the hell?"

I strolled down the corridor away from the director's office, reeling at his demeanor change. Ordinarily, Dr. Virgil Brown would have told anyone else to find their own replacement or disciplinary action will be taken.

But he's being empathetic? That was more terrifying than the blonde man from last night.

"What did he say?" Gabe demanded, pausing to talk to me on his way back to the ER where we both worked. He was more curious than I was at what Dr. Brown's reply would be. But, we were both wrong. "He told me that he would find my replacement." I shook my head, still in skepticism myself, "What?! Are you serious? I couldn't even get off for my niece's first birthday and you got this off?" I disregarded his words, still in a half daze. "I gotta go. I have to pack... I'll talk to you later, Gabe." I mumbled. I felt his orbs watch me walk toward the sliding doors of the front of the hospital. I felt as if I was walking on clouds, like this all was just a dream and I was just about to wake up.

In the span of 24 hours, my life has turned on its head.

Yesterday, I had a plan for my life. I knew what I wanted to do. And as it was at this exact moment, I had no idea what I was walking into. I could potentially be a millionaire-billionaire, I could have a mansion waiting for me a few states away. I could be the CEO of some important, wealthy company or something.

I had no idea what was going to happen to me. That gave me such anxiety that it was almost impossible for me to put my key into the ignition. "Get ahold of yourself!" I growled to myself, ruffling my messy hair. "Just stop it." I clutched the steering wheel, staring at my gauges on the dashboard, "It's just paperwork. All you have to do is sign and leave. Sign and leave." I echoed, reaching for the keys again, "Sign and leave."

I kept reiterating the same mantra over and over as I drove home, where Maggie was busy packing our bags to go to the airport. She appeared very shellshocked that my grandpa was passing or at least not doing very well anyway. No one said that he had a time limit, or that he was dying soon, I just assumed that was what was happening... Given the urgency of the two men's words from last night, I guessed that if I didn't come now, I'd never see what family I had left. God knows I didn't want to just have Maggie to remember, this was my one and only chance at finding out who I was. 

And I thought it was so strange that Maggie was so affected, I mean, she hardly brought them up. If I ever asked about any of my family, she'd give a broad explanation and then change to subject or just stop talking altogether. Don't get me wrong, I felt terrible, she was losing her father after all. She just appeared to not have a great relationship with him, or so I thought. Maggie never talked about our family, ever. So whatever happened to sever the bond must have been pretty bad. Or she just didn't like them, I really couldn't tell. All I had was a loose hypothesis I made based on what little I've been told over the years.

     I closed the door behind me, finally getting back from my place of work with good news, "Maggie, I'm home!" I announced as I tossed my keys into the little bowl by the door. "Oh, perfect! I got our tickets in my email! We leave tonight at 10, so we should leave around 8 to get a good parking spot and to our terminal so we don't miss our flight." Maggie emerged from her room at the top of the stairs. "Also, pack warm. We're going up North." My face fell, "How far North?"

"Vermont." My eyes bulged, "Ver- Vermont?! Maggie, why didn't you tell me we were flying so far away! The layovers are going to be terrible!"

"Oh stop," She waved her hand at me, "there's one stop. You'll be fine." Maggie came down the stairs to stand in front of me, "It's like a 4-hour flight. You'll be fine." She patted my shoulders and went to the kitchen, "Are you finished packing yet, or do you have some last-minute stuff to pack? I made sure to get our bathroom essentials and stuff."

I gaped at her as she made her way down the hallway where her room was, "You've got to be kidding me!" I growled to myself and stomped up the stairs. "Unbelievable." 

     We stepped off the plane in Vermont, the sky was overcast with ashen clouds and the sun hidden from view. I shifted my carry-on bag on my arm as we made our way through the small airport. Maggie was humming with enthusiasm, happy to be home to see her friends that she hadn't seen since we left when I was four years old. I couldn't share the same attitude. I missed the sun and the warmth.

"There should be someone here to pick us up-" Maggie seized my shoulder, making me gasp in surprise, "There!" She cried and rushed to a dark-haired man who was clutching a sign with our names scribbled in lousy handwriting on it. "That's your Uncle!" she called over her shoulder at me, leaving me to stand in the mixture of people alone.

Maggie left me alone with our suitcases to run up to see her brother. Someone she never mentioned, yet appeared so happy to see. I didn't even know I had an uncle.

The man stiffly welcomed Maggie, awkwardly patting her back as she cried in his arms. "Hello, Mags. Nice to see you're still young and spry."

"Never lost the childish spirit, even in my 30's." Maggie sniffled as I clumsily hobbled toward them. Their eyes befell on me, making me even more uneasy. "Isabella, it's been so long since I've seen you. You're so grown up... you look so much like your mother... But you have the family's eyes."

"Huh?" I made a face, a little weirded out by his words. "He means you have our eyes- the shape. You have your dad's eye color though. I would have killed to have those silver eyes." Maggie put her hand on her hip, wiping the tears out of her eyes, "Bella, this is Adam. I know you don't know him anymore, but you guys were best buds." Maggie beamed like a proud parent. I gave an uncomfortable smile in their direction as I crossed my arms, giving them a shrug, "We should get going Mags. Everyone's waiting to meet Isabella."

"Meet me?" I inquired as Maggie gathered her things and observed them as she strolled around Adam. "You left young, Isabella. You've changed since you were four." Adam spoke, holding his hand out to me. I glanced between his face and his open palm, "Let me carry your things."

"What about Maggie?"

"Let her suffer." He smirked, "I know she's a lot to handle, God knows how much I know." Those words made me feel so much relief. It was like he just knew, all the things that I was dealing with. I opened my mouth in shock, the look in his eyes showed sorrow and knowingness. It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders the farther Maggie walked away. "Thank you," I whispered, not knowing what else to say to him.

He just knew. After all these years, someone finally knew how I felt, with just a look and just a few words. I never felt so understood. I had a woman figure in my life, but I never had a father figure. Not that I had an issue with it, but it was so nice to have some estrogen removed. He gave me a soft, playful smile, "Are you hungry? I know that airplane food is awful." 

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