
Chapter 0013

“You want to cancel our engagement and then get a divorce, am I right?” Snow asked with a sneer.


Snow was born blessed with everything. She had looks and smarts, and she was also a girl boss. She had never suffered such a huge blow before.

If Harold had not threatened her with his heart condition yesterday, she would not have agreed to marry Kiran.

And yet, Kiran was so arrogantly demanding a divorce? How humiliating! She refused to take it lying down. She also liked it when Kiran warded off all her unwanted suitors.

Even if they were to cancel their engagement and get a divorce, she should be the one asking for it! Why was Kiran the one doing it?!

“I don’t mind canceling our engagement,” Snow said coldly.

“Do it, then.” Kiran took out a piece of paper. It was the engagement contract his master signed with the Xander family. “Take out your half of the contract.”

Snow crossed her arms over her chest and sneered as she said arrogantly, “Do you have any idea just how many things I’ve had to give up just because of this engagement?”

“Like what?” Kiran asked.

“I didn’t date anyone while I was a student, and I had to let plenty of good men slip through my grasp. Now, you want to cancel our engagement? How are you going to make it up to me?”

“You want me to make it up to you?” Kiran was stunned. Was she refusing to let him go?

“Of course. You have to pay up for making me waste my youth, don’t you think?” Snow scoffed.

“What sort of compensation do you want?”

Kiran only wanted to cancel their engagement and get a divorce. He did not want to have anything to do with Snow.

“Give me ten million dollars as compensation. If you give me the money, I’ll be alright with canceling our engagement,” said Snow with a sneer.

“Ten million dollars? This is daylight robbery!” Kiran said angrily.

“You saw how Fabian was willing to give me a limited-edition Ferrari just now. That car cost fifty million dollars, you know? I’ve waited for you for twenty-three years. Ten million dollars isn’t much.”

“You little…” But Kiran could not say anything else. He realized that she was making sense.

Snow scoffed in her heart and thought. “Even if you want to cancel our engagement and get a divorce with me, I’m only going to let you do it after I make you suffer!”

Anger burned even more within her when she remembered how Kiran had called her ugly and morbidly obese. She had even lost her first kiss to him.

“Are you sure you’ll cancel our engagement once I give you ten million dollars?” Kiran asked.

“I swear it.” But Snow was sneering. Clearly, she did not believe that he could do it.

She was of the opinion that Kiran would have a hard time getting even one thousand dollars, much less ten million dollars.

“Alright. I’ll get that money as soon as possible, and we’ll cancel our engagement.” But Kiran was confident he could do it.

“It’s not easy getting a job in the city. Do you have a job here? If you don’t, we have an open position for a security guard here. I’ll give you an annual salary of one hundred thousand dollars,” Snow said with a smile upon realizing that Kiran was accepting her condition.

“One hundred thousand dollars? I’ll only be able to cancel our engagement in a hundred years. Is that what you want? We won’t even know if either of us will still be alive!” Kiran said angrily.

“Having an annual salary of one hundred thousand dollars as a security guard is already considered high, though if you don’t want it, forget it.” Snow became even more prideful and sat down in her chair. “If you want to cancel our engagement, go earn money. I’m in a hurry to cancel our engagement too.”

Kiran seethed silently in anger and wanted to shout at Snow.

Right then, Snow’s phone rang.

When she saw the caller ID, she hesitated for a moment before she answered with a dark expression.

“Ms. Snow, I can’t believe how insensible you’ve been. I’m surprised that you came to me asking for money. Have you lost your mind?” A man’s cold voice came through.

Snow’s expression turned even darker. “Mr. Victor, I have here in black and white that you owe my company fifty million dollars. I don’t see anything wrong with my employees going to you to ask for money.”

“Oh, there is a huge problem with that,” Victor Ford, the CEO of Prospera Group, said with a snicker.

“What might that be?” Snow asked.

“You weren’t the one who came asking for money.” Victor laughed and said, “If you come and drink with me, I’ll even give you the ten-million-dollar interest. How does that sound?”

“You shameless b*stard…” Snow’s face was red with rage.

Xander Corporation was tight on funds at the moment. If Prospera Group did not give them the money they owed, one week later, Xander Corporation would suffer a capital chain rupture, and the company would be auctioned off.

“It’s just a drink, Ms. Snow. Drink with me, and the sixty million dollars is yours. I’ll be waiting. Haha!” Victor laughed and hung up.

Snow slammed her fist against the table. “That pervert!”

Kiran heard everything, and his eyes lit up.

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