
Chapter 4 Guess My Objective

"What's going on here?" gasped Gaspard Glen, who had just arrived with Bianca White, Gwyneth's stepmother. Their faces turned pale as they watched Gwyneth walk up to the stage.

Judy didn't even think about her own disheveled appearance, her mouth slightly agape in surprise. With her wet hair, she looked comically bedraggled.

Meanwhile, Liam stood to the side, tightly gripping a champagne glass until the veins on the back of his hand bulged. He thought to himself, 'What else has this woman been hiding from me?' as he frowned at Gwyneth standing tall on the stage. 'She's my ex-wife, and now she's a complete mystery.'

"Hello everyone, I am Gwyneth, the CEO of AMC. I am honored to have you all here to attend the acquisition banquet of Glen Corporation by AMC," Gwyneth said with a composed expression and posture on the stage.

As she saw the shocked faces of the Glen family members, the smile on Gwyneth's lips grew even stronger. 'I have been waiting for this day for too long.'

After Gwyneth's speech, everyone in the banquet hall woke up from their daze and quickly applauded and congratulated her. No one had ever thought that the mysterious CEO of AMC Group was actually the eldest daughter of the Glen family.

They were all curious as to why Gwyneth was acquiring her own family's company.

At that moment, as expected, Bianca grabbed Gaspard and rushed out of the crowd to the front of the stage. She was overcome with emotion, and her heavily made-up face had taken on a slightly monstrous appearance.

"Gwyneth, what are you trying to do? I know you're not in a good mood after divorcing Mr. Luther, but this is no time for games!" she exclaimed.

Gwyneth gazed down at her stepmother from the stage. The Glen Corporation mentioned had actually been founded by Gwyneth's own mother.

Years before, Gwyneth's mother had been in good health, but she suddenly fell ill. Despite three days of effort by doctors, she never regained consciousness. Less than a week after her mother's passing, her father introduced Bianca and Judy into the family. Judy was Gwyneth's stepsister and only six months younger than her.

After all these years, Gwyneth still remembered that day's scene. The mansion's door opened, and Gaspard walked in with two women behind him. He said to Gwyneth at the time, 'Gwyneth, this is your stepmother, Bianca, and your stepsister, Judy. From now on, we are a family.'

Gwyneth's father had married into her mother's family, and while he was handsome, he lacked the ability to manage the company. So, after Gwyneth's mother passed away, the control of the company naturally fell into the hands of Bianca and her daughter.

As Gwyneth thought about the time when her mother passed away and she was the only one by her mother's side, she slowly clenched her fist, her eyes turning a shade of crimson.

Gwyneth took the share transfer agreement from Wesley's hands and opened it up to show everyone. "Don't you know how to read?"

"What is this, Gaspard?" Bianca looked at the contract, completely bewildered. She turned to Gaspard for answers.

"Gwynnie..." Gaspard trailed off.

Gwyneth looked at Gaspard and snorted. She thought to herself, 'When was the last time he called me 'Gwynnie'? Probably before Judy showed up.'

"We're all family, why do we have to make things so unpleasant?" Gaspard pleaded, but his expression was sour. He never imagined that his own daughter, Gwyneth, would turn against him.

"Family? That's a joke, Mr. Glen," Gwyneth retorted, holding the share transfer agreement tightly. Her fingers were turning pale from the pressure. "When you and Bianca White plotted against my mother and stole Glen Corporation, where was the 'family' then?"

"Y-You're talking nonsense!" Gaspard and Bianca couldn't believe that Gwyneth would say such things in front of everyone.

But Gwyneth stood her ground, undeterred. "Karma's a bitch, isn't it? And this time, I'm here for revenge."

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