
Chapter Two

Xavier woke up due to his phone ringing ‘repeatedly’, he stood up, nude, from the bed. On his bed was a red haired girl named Trisha who he had spent his night with, he picked up his phone. It was his man Kruger calling. “You better have a good reason for waking me up this early if not...” Xavier said letting Kruger sort out the rest.

“My man this is urgent stuff” he said and immediately switched to Italian so that no one close by would hear their conversation.

“ (our warehouses in Puerto Rico, Pakistan and France had been invaded, our weapons stolen and our warehouses burned, these are the doings of the Spanish Mafia’s gang, we need to retaliate)” Kruger said and Xavier nodded his eye darkened in anger, he surely would revenge and get triple of what was stolen. 

“(I have news from Shefung and he informed me that there is an opening, the Spanish Mafia’s Warehouses in Indonesia have been located, I believe that is one of their primary grounds, I will send my men to exploit the place and I want you to go with them, take a flight, my Private Pilot would be at your beck and call, he would take you to the place, all the information would be passed to you in due time, so go and take charge)” Xavier replied  back in Italian

 “My man, are you so committed over there?” Kruger asked in English. Xavier passed a hand through his thick black hair moving it out of his eyes, 

“Well you see, I’m about to get married” Xavier said back in English and Kruger let out a chuckle

“When?” he asked,

 “bout’ three days time” Xavier replied and the other line became silent

“You didn’t even bother inviting me as your best man, I’m really hurt” Kruger said jokingly,

“Well I just made the decision, it was the request of my old friend, James. I wouldn’t have gone through it all if not for the fact that he is dead now and I feel like I owe him that last respect” Xavier said smirking

“Cut the crap, we both know that ‘respect’ or ‘caring about what people felt’ are not at all part of your characters, so tell me the truth” Kruger said, Xavier could imagine his friend smirking for being ‘wise’ and ‘calculative’, typical Kruger

“To tell you the truth, my Old man Jerkins has been bothering me on the issue of getting married, he said it would make me look like a ‘true man’, well if marrying can help me escape his bickering then I better get things over with” he replied. 

“So tell me, is she beautiful?” Kruger asked,

“There are many beautiful ladies in this world Krug, a single girl cannot move me, well I would teach her my ways and she just got to live with it” Xavier said,

“Congrats, my man, actually thought you might never get married. A good improvement. Stay safe, I hope to bring good news” Kruger said and Xavier finally ended the call to see Trisha now fully awake, walking to him nude, the chick was just never satisfied...a true greedy one, his type.


The so-called-lawyer had begged Xavier to give Amelia, Daughter of James more time to heal as she just lost her father and was suffering from the after effects, but of course, he refused, he could only grant the girl three days and after that...nothing. He knew fully well about the girl’s diverted inheritance and so like every other money monger, he knew that she would marry a stranger under any circumstances just to lay hold of that huge sum of wealth, he didn’t care. He had seen her pictures, she was beautiful, but to him that was nothing new, he already dreaded her stay with him as he knew well that she might have been a spoilt brat and that was one set of girls he detested, whiney and bothersome, her stance and posture was enough to tell him that she was the spoilt type.

His wedding was in by the morrow and he had made no preparations, this would just be like another party, nothing...special. His day turned out to be great when Kruger called informing him that they had just conquered the Spanish mafia’s warehouse in Indonesia and stolen their ammunitions, so he didn’t mind even as Old Man Jerkins, his uncle, continued bickering on how rude he was to request a mourning lady to get married in three days after her father’s death and how he was selfish for not caring about his and the lady’s future, after the long talk, Old man Jerkins turned and walked away.

His uncle was growing more annoying as he became older, first he lectured him about getting a wife and what others thought about a man without a woman leading them and now he was lecturing him about how to marry the lady, maybe he should go marry her himself  not dictating other people’s life, but Xavier had no problem with all these since at the end he always did what he wanted, and maybe he wanted to marry Amelia.

Xavier was tensed and he needed to let it out, he took his phone dialing a familiar number,

“Send your very best” were his only words to the receiver and he ended the call, twenty minutes later as expected, there was a knock on the door, “Come in” Xavier called as a beautiful Brown haired girl entered into his huge room. Xavier had workers in his house and they must have allowed the prostitute up to his room as they were used to this.

“I’m Vera, Nice to meet you” The prostitute smirked eying Xavier with a lustful gaze,

 “I have no time for pleasantries” came the cold voice of Xavier as the girl removed her long jacket and threw it to the floor, revealing the fishnet-leather outfit she wore which covered only a little of her body, her killer heels making small clicking noises as she walked to Xavier.


“Xavier, oh you son of a bitch!” Yelled Old man Jerkins, his uncle, “Wake up, you stupid piece of trash, you disgust me, sleeping with anything that wears a skirt! It is your mother fucking wedding day and you’re still in bed and worse with a woman!!” Old man Jerkins screamed and this frustrated Xavier, 

“Blake!” Xavier called out and Blake was quick to respond, “Take this man out of my room” he said angrily and Jerkins walked out before Blake could touch him

“Mother fucker” Old man Jerkins said before leaving the room.

Jerkins was the only person who could annoy Xavier and go scot free and he did abuse this privilege.

Xavier turned to Vera who he had just spent his night with. “Get out” he said and she obediently picked up her things and walked away. Xavier took a long shower then took his phone and dialed a number.

 “Kate, I want you to quickly inform the Catholic Church in the Filemogo area that we would be having a marriage there now and do a quick decoration. What is the name of the church again?” Xavier asked,

 “Saint John Catholic Church” Kate answered dutifully,

 “Yes, that one, make sure everything is ready” he said and immediately cut the call, then he called another number,

 “ I would like about twenty guests as witnesses to a marriage, only top guests, not more than twenty, then I would also need a best man and someone to walk my bride to the Altar, make sure this is ready in the next thirty minutes” Xavier ordered Dominguez and then he cut the call, leaving no room for questions, not until today had he informed anyone of his intention to get married. It was time to meet his wife.

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