
Never kidnap frustration

Cookie's standpoint

   Ursula laughed as she looked at my outfit, I was in a happy jam this morning because I successfully returned Yolanda a day ago. I decided to go out flashy but Ursula thought it was hilarious. I wore a crazy ripped rainbow jeans, white high-low keyhole top and yellow faux boots; I looked really nice. 'Shit, man!' Ursula exclaimed, again.

   'Are you sure you are okay?' I asked poutingly.

   'I don't know,'

   'Is there anything wrong with what I'm wearing?' I asked with a friend.

   'One, why not just wear a white top, white boots and carry a white bag instead of mixing the colors?'

   'Its rainbow jeans, how is it bad?'

   'That is the least of your problem,' she pointed out. She paused before breaking into a laugh. 'What the hell are you wearing for makeup? What kind of hairstyle is… oh my God… ha ha ha… how did you even get your hair to stand like…ha ha ha… Vee, you look like a clown faced rainbow Maleficent with extra and makeup.'

   I smiled proudly and smoothen my cool hairstyle. I was messing around with my hair and boom! My hair stood up like Maleficent's; I look spectacular! 'Isn't it beautiful? I did it myself,' I said proudly.

   'Obvi, you are in crazy mode, aren't you?'

  'Crazy mode? I don't have any mode,' I argued. She and many kept saying I have modes.

   'You have baby mode, cute mode, sexy, stern, just humorous, smart, deadly, angry psycho punchie punchie, elegant princessa, voracious snapper, cook freak mode—.'

   'Cook freak?'

   'When you are in cooking mode, you also have mommy mode, big sister mode, tomboy mode, grandpa mode—' she was ridiculous, everyone has a mode.

   'You are ridiculously amusing,' I scoffed.

   'Switching to saucy mode,' she smirked. I rolled my eyes and started laughing, why am I laughing again? 'Laugh laugh Viona raucous.' She laughed, I rolled my eyes, again. Oh, she was so trying to annoy me into changing my glorious attire. I would never fall for that.

   'Let's just go to school,' I said with nose up high.

   'Snooty mode,'

   'Stop calling everything I do modes!'

   'I've lived with you for two years, yet you never cease to fascinate me with your character!' She shrieked laughingly, implying another mode. I charged at her, she screamed and ran out of the room. I chased her outside to the lawn, then stopped to lock the door. 'Are we trekking together? Yesterday you were in cheetah mode and I suffered for it… aaah!' She screamed and laughed as I threw a pebble at her. She ducked and wiggled her butt mockingly.

   'Bitch mode,' I smirked. She returned my smirk. 'Not falling for it?'

   'Sorry, you're the only one that can score crazy.'

   'Well, Ursula,' I said with a sway of my hips. 'If we don't get to school on time, we will miss an essential test, and we wouldn't want that, would we?'

   'Since when did you care about books?'

   'Are you shitty me!' I exclaimed. 'I still don't care,'

   'The only mode you don't have is intelligence, you hate books and education either way and yet, you never fail. You are just too—'

   'Amazing? Extravagantly glorious, I know,' I said smugly. 'Tell me something I don't already know.'

   'You have a big head, an enormous one, and I think someone slept on your chest while growing up.' She tittered, the one insult that set me into my default setting but she's Ursula, don't care much.

   'You gotta be proud of your booby, isn't it, hon?' I asked smirkingly. 'Check this goody out,' I shook my main attraction, ass, baby! 'Do you have this motherfucker? Nada—'

   'In bed, my boyfriend will enjoy squeezing these tits. What do I need booty for? That's all poop, babe.'

   'Mm hm,' I said smirkingly. 'Cause my momma she told me don't worry about the size,' I sang loudly. 'Cause them boys like a little more booty to hold at night—'

   'Booty booty,' she sang our favorite part. We burst into laughter and walked like drunken girls. If we were in another street, people would consider questioning our sanity, but everyone already knew the two wacky sisters. Two years with me gave Ursula the happiness she needed. I could still vividly remember the time I arrived in Italy, homeless but with a secret account loaded. I set out to find a new apartment I could share to level the cost of expenses, and found her.

   When we first met, Ursula was shy, tattered, depressed. She never told me why, just a lie about her parents' death, I didn't bother to investigate. I liked her from the moment we met, and now two years later, we were both a better version of ourselves. 'From the top, sister!'

   'Yeah it's pretty clear I ain't no size two

   But I can shake it, shake it like I'm supposed to do

   'Cause I've got that bum bum that all the boys chase

   And all the right junk in all the right places…' I sang as we staggered along the street.

   'Booty booty,' she sang, hitting my butt.

   'I see the magazine working that Photoshop

   We know that shit ain't real

   Someone now make it stop

   If you got booby and booty just raise 'em up

   'Cause every inch of you is perfect

   From the bottom to the top…'

   'Cause my momma she told me don't worry about the size

   Not all boys like a little more booty to hold at night…' She sang while I backed her up by singing ‘booty booby’. It wasn't the original song, but it was fun. We sang different songs to ease our short trek to school, it was nice. We sang all the way to school, waving at those who cared to wave first.

   Our lockers were close to each other, so we stopped by to drop and retrieve some books. By we, I mean her. Books and I agreed never to cross paths. I give to them what belongs to them, and they give to me what is mine. In conclusion, Ursula was fetching her book from her locker and preaching about why I should always carry my books and stuffs I didn't listen to. I'd learned to tune her out a long time ago. I looked at the hallway, a big smile spreading across my face when I saw who was coming.

Finally, some entertainment!

   'Future husband, three o'clock,' I whispered. Her hand holding the locker stiffened for three seconds before a scowl blessed her face. He walked to us with a big, bright smile and one legged strides. 'Look at him go,' I purred in a singsong. She took her books and slammed her locker shut, aggressively.

   'Wow, what have you done to your hair and face again? Last week, you looked like a unicorn with vampire teeth,' he said with amazement as he stared at my wonderful hairdo. I giggled and petted my beautiful hair. He clearly thought I was the entertainment when he was.

   'Hi Len,' I giggled, why? I don't know.

   'Hey, Maleficent,' he smiled, adding a odd wink to it. Ursula visibly cringed and muttered something under her breath. I laughed at her antic. This was a regular for them. He comes, she gets annoyed and tells him to get lost, I taunt him and she joins me. The next day, the ritual starts allover again. 'Ursula.' He greeted curtly.

   'Len,' she grunted. 'I thought you had an accident last week, why didn't you die?' She asked with so much hatred. Yeah, you'd notice by now that Ursula is belligerent. She hates meeting new people, hate talking to boys, and is irritated by children. Everything about her is quiet and if it wasn't for me, she'd be what you call a lone wolf. Well, being a lone wolf isn't possible because Ursula was outstandingly beautiful and her curly blonde and jade dye hair pulled attention. Let me not forget the large boobs and the way she carries herself.

   'Ouch,' he smiled, 'you're still angry about the kiss, I see.' Ursula rolled her dark green eyes, irritation consuming the amusement that was there a minute ago. Len is one of the people she hates more than she hates me, not reading my books.

   'You don't just kiss someone like that. Are you sick.' so not a question.

   'I love you, I couldn't control myself…' I stood behind him and imitated his action and mimicked him silently. These were his everyday preaching, was used to it. He makes her angry, I entertain myself by trying to amuse her and brighten her mode. Ursula was trying not to laugh out. 'Why can't you give me a chance, babe? I can love you like no one on earth can ever love—'

   'Point of correction, Mr. Lover,' I said along with her, out loud. 'No one on this earth can love me more than me, so I have me to love me. Now, stop loving me and leave me alone, me love me enough.' We chorused. He eyed me from over his shoulder. Yes, he doesn't like me.

   'You are not my type,' I said, waving my hand like she likes doing. 'Go find yourself the bitch that will adore you because this hot ship isn't ready to stop sailing—'

   'Mm hm, tell him, sister.' She said with a black American accent. You see that right there? Her mode is officially lifted.

   'Sister, let's preach to him that dating is a sin, praise thy Lord!'

   'Hallelujah,' she said and nodded with eyes closed.

   'Why defile your body with the sins of the flesh? Why seek human desire when you can have it all in the Lord? It is written that our body is the temple of the Lord God Almighty… are you leaving during a service?' I asked as he walked away. Ursula twisted her lips before we burst into laughter again.

   'Shit! I love me,' she exclaimed in a singsong.

   'Me love me too,' I sang back. She shook her head and started walking off, I followed her. Len was ahead of us but I just couldn't help but admire his ass. 'Look at those cheeks!' I exclaimed, we burst into laughter. He knew he was the one we were laughing at, he quickly covered his ironing board buttocks and scurry away. Ah, good times.

   'Damn! That kid got the flattest ass a dude could ever get,' Ursula laughed out.

   'What are the odds of you marrying that man and seeing your kids with booty?'

   'With my wall of Jericho and that chalkboard, we'll be getting paper ass as reward.' We laughed again and turned into separate halls to get our classes done for the day.

Ted's standpoint

   I drummed my finger as I watched Carlos admiring the target, she was his type but he dare not speak. There were two ladies living in the house. Earlier, when watching them, the one with a weird hairdo and Joker's makeup really amused me; in fact, both girls are complete nut case. I was doubting the black one's connection to Lucius. They looked nothing alike. River's tracking has never been wrong, he was a hundred percent sure. I wasn't, but we waited.

   It wasn't very hard to know when they returned, if their raucous laughter wasn't enough clue. I wanted to get this over with. On our way to Verona, Carlos informed me about how a lady helped Yolanda and how he sent Lance and Barrow to retrieve her at her request. I hated the idea of them going, but my phone call with her convinced me enough. She was safe, and I needed to return to her as soon as possible to treat her myself.

   'That was hilarious,' a soft voice laughed.

   'He was busy flaunting his expensive-ass car when his pants were down,' wow, is that a human being's voice?

   'That voice…' Carlos said with a look of familiarity.

   'I hate arrogant men,' the first one huffed. 'That man is the kind of man that will forcefully control you in bed.'

   'Oh bebè, play with my jingo.' The lighter voice said with a weird accent that got them laughing. Wait, that voice…

   'I know that voice,' Carlos whispered with a snap of his fingers. 'That's the voice of the girl who saved Yolanda—'

   'The what?'

   'Vee, did you lock us out again?' Vee, the same name. It's definitely the same person.

   'No,' she chuckled. 'Just reluctant to open it because we have guests waiting for us inside.' How did she… I looked at River. He walked to the door and opened it, the rainbow haired was holding the black girl.

   'If you love yourself, walk in quietly.'

   'No,' the black one whimpered. The rainbow girl pushed her in and followed, River shut the door. Rainbow's eyes scanned over the room, pausing at Carlos.

   'Carlos?' She asked, peering at his face, she averted her eyes to me. Her eyes ran over my body, before she scoffed. 'You don't just come into someone's house and sit there so comfortably like you own the property.' I looked at Carlos, just to be sure, she was talking to me. He shook his head, silently begging me to ignore her. 'What have you come here for?' I tilted my head and watched her. She wasn't a bit scared by my presence, unlike the other one; the actual target.

   I jerked my head, instructing Sylvester to push her down to her knees. She still stood, with hands on hips, in fact. Before Sylvester touched her, she fell on her own with a gigglish laugh. 'You guys are cute.' Cute? I rolled my eyes to Marilyn, smirking at her and ignoring the other brat.

   'Marilyn Barley, am I correct?'


   'Lucius did a good job hiding you from me, applaud on his behalf.'

   'Please, don't kill me,' she cried. 'I didn't do anything, I don't have anything to do with—' River silenced her with a smack to her head. The rainbow immediately grabbed his hand and flipped him over her body. She grabbed a fistful of his hair and slammed his face to the floor. A girl is beating up my man, interesting.

   'Carlos,' he brought out his gun and pointed it at the girl. She released his head with a laugh. What is wrong with this one?

   'Sorry, I don't know why you think a gun scares me. I've seen missiles before, prick. Now, who's Lucius, Ursula?' I can see how she was able to save Yolanda. She had no single sign of fear, not a shiver, not an expression, not even tears. If anything, she looked really amused.

   'Her real name is Marilyn Barley, sister to Lucius Adam Barley, you must know him.' Carlos corrected. The look on her face said otherwise, she didn't know.

   'You are both coming with me.' I stated simply. Rainbow snorted. 'Excuse me, do you have something to say?'

   'Yes, what makes you think I'll go with you?' I snapped my neck to Carlos with a growl.

   'You are still alive now because you saved Yolanda. Vee, one more word from you and he'll kill you,' he warned. She rolled her eyes. I removed my silencer from my boot but before I could shoot her stupid brain, Carlos hit the gun and the bullet hit River's arm. Carlos quickly grabbed the gun from my hand. 'You can't, Ame, you owe her Yolanda's life. Please, for her sake, let her live, for now.' I inhaled, resigning the gun to him. 'Inject and tie them up, we are leaving.' And I'm going to regret this.

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