
XI - Past

Third Person's Point of View

Louis stepped on the gas as he drove the car faster. He is honestly worried about the woman since he found out from her mother that something bad has happened to her. 

“Damn,” he cursed, slamming the wheels because of the heavy traffic ahead. Of all times to be stuck in the traffic, it had to be when he's in a hurry. 

“Can you calm down? As if you can stop the traffic with that, idiot,” Kaizer scolded him but his hands have been shaking from fear thinking about what could have happened to Elaine. He has fostered feeling for her but he suppressed them every time they meet because he doesn't want to confuse her. 

To be honest, he knows Elaine more than her fiance but he can't do anything about that since he doesn't know if the feeling is mutual. If only he could take her away and live somewhere simply but the moment that happens, both of them will lose something very important and he doesn't want that. 

When they arrived at the mansion, Louis immediately went out of the car and headed inside the house. When he entered the place, his mother smiled at him while Elaine has no idea what is happening. 

“You're home, son. I'm glad to see you. How's your day? ” his mother asked and she came over to hug him. Kaizer was tailing from behind, confused with what is happening. 

"Tita, I thought something bad happened to Elaine?" Kaizer asked as he looked at Elaine and Louis' mom who was smiling at him as if she was teasing. 

“Actually, she only got a small cut when we were cooking earlier but I put betadine on it already. Don't worry, ” Louis' mother said as she let go of her son's embrace. 

Louis and Kaizer's jaws almost dropped at what the lady told them.

“I said that I will go home once I finish what I'm doing. Why did you use Elaine as an excuse to send me home? ” Louis asked with a frown. 

He wanted to go home to the mansion because he was worried about what his mother would tell Elaine, it didn't have to say that something bad had happened to Elaine just to get him home right away. 

“Why? Something really bad happened and she was injured. Do you think this is not bad news, Louis? ” her mother asked as she massaged her forehead. She does this to further harass Louis which is effective. 

“Fine, but next time, you shouldn't call like that. You're making someone worry too much when the truth is, it's not that a big deal,” Louis said as if he was preaching the woman for what she did. 

She only let out a peace sign before returning to his father's side. Even when his mother has always been childish, why isn't he still used to it? His mother always pranks him and he can't help but forgive her because she is very good at guilt-tripping him.

"Instead of standing there like a statue, why don't you greet your future wife?" said his mother as she ate the cookies and graham on the table. 

Elaine and Louis were the ones who made it. Fortunately, he was able to get along with the woman when it comes to his hobby. Every time he's at work, she would bake him cookies and send them to his office.

"No need to say it, Mom," Louis said because his mother is treating him like a young man again. For Pete's sake, he will be twenty-seven years old this coming March, but his mother talks to him like he is only 18 years old and he doesn't like it.

In fact, he became the dean's lister when he was in college because almost all the teachers there seem to know his family very well. He is a member of the school's football team that competes in university tournaments. He was popular in school, something that he hated because women was so annoying. They were always following him wherever he went, and not just that, they adored Louis too much that they even reached the point when they were willing to have sex with him.

What he wants from a woman is dignity, unlike those he met who almost gave up their virginity just to have him in their hands. 

"Hello, wife," he greeted as he slowly approached the girl who was busy talking to her father. 

She immediately turned to face him and shyly greeted him back. He pressed a kiss on her forehead which made the woman's father who was sitting next to her, clear his throat. He was left with no choice but to greet him as well. 

"And greetings to you, uncle," Louis said emphatically. He smiled at the old man who he estimated is in his 40s because of the grays on his hair brought on by old age. He has wrinkles as well and his body is quite thin.

Elaine is taller than Mr. Nativity since she inherited the stature of her mother who already passed away. 

However, he greeted him back. Mr. Natividad held Louis's hand and pointed to the front of his palm where he should place his forehead to teach the young man how to properly express respect to elders. 

When this was done, Elaine just laughed while Mr. Natividad said, "May God bless you, son."

Louis nodded because he was ashamed of Elaine's father. Kaizer approached the lady's father and waved at him. He gave Louis a teasing smile because he didn't know how to respect the old man. 

"How are you, Tito?" he asked. Elaine's father held his hand and told Kaizer the same thing he told Louis. The only difference was that he offered him to sit next to Elaine which he didn’t do to Louis. Fortunately, Louis' father was there to rescue him from the embarrassing situation. 

"Why don't we talk about Elaine and Louis' upcoming wedding at our private resort?" he asked all of them that his wife immediately agreed with. Kaizer sighed because he had the chance to be next to Elaine, but his uncle suddenly came out of nowhere as if he didn't want Elaine to be next to him. 

“You were just right, honey. The weather is very hot today. That would also be better so that we can fully bond with Elaine and her father. Is this okay with you, friend? ” Louis' mother asked as she smiled while looking at Mr. Nativity. 

Elaine's father just agreed to it because he also couldn't do anything especially since their marriage had been scheduled even before they were born. All he has to do is make sure his daughter Elaine is in good hands.

“It's good then. This is also a perfect day for Elaine to move her things at my son's mansion,” the woman said, smiling at Louis as if she is telling him she's got him. It's so nice to have a parent who will save you from embarrassing moments. 

“Does Elaine really have to move now, Tita? Shouldn't it be after they get married? She could be missing home, ”Kaizer butt in, scratching his head. He thinks that the old man will lose the only family he has when she has to move from home. 

“Oh no, son. Of course, because Elaine and Louis need to get to know each other better because their wedding is already approaching. She will also be better protected if she stays here. You know our family, we have many enemies around. What if she's suddenly attacked in the apartment where they're staying? There's nothing we can do to get her to safety right away. I hope you don’t think ill of my intentions, Kaizer. I only think about Elaine's welfare," the woman explained. 

She immediately drank the water from her glass because she said too much that her throat seemed to dry out. 

“Let it go, son. I know you just want to protect Elaine. Hacel was right. It would be better if my son stays here to reduce my worries about her safety,” said Mr. Nativity.

His voice is hinting disapproval in being separated from his only daughter but this is the best option that will ensure Elaine's protection. Not only that, it looks like her fiancé won't leave Elaine alone because it was only less than ten minutes after his mother said something bad had happened to her and he went home immediately to oversee Elaine's condition. He was amazed at what the young man did but he still would not give his full trust because his daughter is at stake in this matter. 

“Then you can count on my son for that. We will go first to our private resort. Let Louis come with you to help Elaine move things," Louis' mother stated. She waved goodbye at them and left. They were left in the living room. The silence was broken when Kaizer presented that he would be the driver, which Mr. Nativity agreed upon. 

They were just quiet on the ride when Elaine's father spoke to Louis.

"Are you serious about my daughter?" he asked while looking at the young man to make sure he will not get the answer wrong. Between them was Elaine who immediately grabbed her father by the arm to prevent him from asking questions. 

Louis just smiled and immediately replied to reassure Elaine's father. “I am serious about Elaine. Another, never have I thought that this marriage is on for the sake of the deal. I'm trying to connect with her so we could get to know each other," he said seriously. 

The old man just nodded at him and smiled at his daughter. “It's good then. Just don't hurt my child. I'm telling you. I will take her away from you when that happens," he warned Louis who in return, nodded. 

He didn’t know why he became like this: trying to be kind so as not to disappoint a woman. He doesn't do this, but as time went on, his perspective changed. Perhaps he liked her. He just hopes he won't have a change of view about her just because of something. 

What he hates the most is that it destroys his trust. He will not forgive himself if he makes the wrong decision to love the woman. 

When they arrived at the apartment, Mang Pedro greeted them, his lips painted red. "Why you brought a very handsome man," he said. Louis wasn't minding him that is why he hit him with the back of the fan he was holding. 

"And where are you going, pogi?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow. Louis stared at him after what he did.

"I don't owe you an explanation," Louis said annoyed. He seemed to not take it right and blocked Louis' way. Mr. Nativity then came in between to drive him out of the way. 

“He's my daughter, Elaine's husband. He is here to help her move things to their future house,” the old man said, making Mang Pedro's jaw drop. 

“Your daughter is too lucky. She always brings home handsome men. If only she will give me one of them." The old gay laughed.

“Oh hey, you're here too, boy. How about the two of us just go out on a date?" Mang Pedro teased Kaizer while acting cute. Kaizer ran inside the apartment but Mang Pedro chased after him. Actually, he has the same age as Elaine's father, but he acts like an annoying teenager.

"Let's go inside," Elaine invited. They saw Kaizer carrying a broom while Mang Pedro is approaching him slowly like a pervert by the roadside. Mr. Nativity cleared his throat, making the aged gay stop. 

“What now? I'm making this handsome young man's lips mine. You never let me enjoy a moment! ” Mang Pedro complained like a child restrained from eating his favorite candy. They don't have any second to waste because they still have to head to the private resort today. 

"Can you give us privacy first, Mang Pedro?" Elaine asked as the old man roll his eyes. 

He just gave them a forced smile and said, "Oh well, I'll just bring you a snack." Before he left, he gave a flying kiss to Kaizer who is almost on the verge of puking at Mang Pedro. He didn't think that this person even planned to flirt with him that he would never consider. 

When he left, Kaizer took a deep breath and Elaine laughed.

"You alright?" she asked. Kaizer thought of some joke to piss off Louis this time.

"Of course. I am facing the most beautiful lady in the world,” Kaizer flirted and imitated Mang Pedro's flying kiss. Suddenly, a slipper from Louis came flying and hit him in the face. 

"Are you planning to destroy my handsome face?" he hissed. He was about to kick his cousin when Elaine stopped him. 

“That's enough. You two are like children! ” she scolded them with her hands pressed on her waist. She looked like a teacher preaching to her two, naughty students because of the glasses she's wearing, making the two stopped.

“Okay, fine. I will help you fix your things,” Kaizer said. Louis immediately responded to the conversation. 

“If there’s someone who should help my wife, it’s me. Not you, dickhead,” Louis warned and the tension increased, even more, when Kaizer pulled Elaine. 

Mr. Nativity cleared his throat that stopped them both. The man pulled their arms and dragged them out of the room.

"I won't let you in until you two get along!" he told them. Elaine was happy with what she saw. It was as if at first, she almost cursed Louis for his behavior. Now in the present, he was like a meek sheep in the presence of her father. 

"Elaine, baby, help me here," Kaizer pleaded fondly, making Louis frown. He doesn't understand, but he seems to want to kill his cousin for flirting with his future wife. 

“Baby my ass. Don't you know how to fuck off? I will remind you again, Elaine is mine,” Louis said seriously. 

Kaizer ignored him and continued to call Elaine baby. Louis furiously pulled out a gun that greatly surprised Mang Pedro who was coming with biscuits and cokes. 

"Oh, how big!" he shouted, making the neighbors peek at them. Surely, the issue would spread quickly if their gossiping neighbors see Louis carrying a gun so Elaine went to him immediately. 

"Montemayor put your pistol down. If anyone sees that, they will definitely report it to the police,” she told him. The young man's mischief existed. He raised his gun even more. 

"Please, put it down!" Elaine pleaded. 

"I will put it down if you can kiss me in front of Kaizer," he promised. Shame dominated Elaine's entire body. The girl was hesitant to do that. Kaizer looked at her seriously, waiting to see if she would do what Louis said. He trusted Elaine, but he was surprised when she slowly squatted down and gave a damping kiss to the young man making him turn his back on them.

He loves the girl very much, but it seems that someone else already owns her heart. Kaizer thought Elaine liked him, he seemed to be mistaken. It was only one-sided for him. 

Mang Pedro immediately spoke and also comforted Kaizer. "Are you okay, baby boy? Do you want my kiss too?" he teased Kaizer, making him ran away from him again. Mang Pedro handed the snack he brought for Elaine and immediately chased the young man. 

Awkwardness prevailed between Louis and Elaine because of what they did when a woman approached them. “How did a beggar like you found a foreigner yourself? I thought you would live in the squatters for the rest of your life,” Karen insulted. The girl was slender and has the same age as Elaine. 

Karen has long been jealous of Elaine for being an honor student at school. Not only that, but she's also jealous because she was always with Kaizer. She doesn't want to see the girl stepping up from anybody so she always bullies her every time she passes by their place. 

"Excuse me, Karen, but we'll fix my fiancé's things," Elaine said. The woman immediately grabbed Louis by the arm which stopped him. 

“You better come with me. I will make you happy even in bed. That's where my house is.” She pointed in a medium-sized house near Elaine's. Louis just looked at her and removed her grip from his arm. 

"I don't date sluts," Louis said as he carefully led Elaine inside the house. Elaine's smile cannot be erased because of what Louis did. This was probably the sweetest thing he did to her. Karen was not done and immediately pulled Elaine's hair, making her glasses fall.

"You don't deserve to be married with the likes of him!" she shrieked. Louis pulled her hands from Elaine's hair and pushed her away, making her butt land on the hard and cemented floor.

“Why did you push me?! You better know who you're dealing with because I am the only child of the mayor here. So even if you don't want to, I can be a more suitable wife compared to that cheap woman!” Karen growled. 

Her veins almost burst in anger. Elaine, on the other hand, cried because of how painful her scalp felt. Her father came out when he overheard what happened, making Karen stop.

"What did you do to my child?" Mr. Nativity asked when he saw Elaine's hair loose from Karen's grip. 

“Call your dad. As if I am scared. Remember this, woman,” Louis said as he slowly pulled Karen's hair who was at the moment, still sitting on the floor. 

"What! It hurts!" she complained. 

Louis couldn't forget how the woman hurt Elaine and he felt the surge to hurt her too when Elaine stopped him.

"Please, Montemayor, just let her go," she begged, making him sigh. He is indeed marrying such a good woman. She had been treated badly, but she is still unwilling to retaliate. 

“If you ever lay a hand on my wife again, I assure you that my bullet will go directly in your head. Mark my words,” he warned and removed his grip on her hair. 

Elaine's father immediately went to him to thank him for protecting his daughter. 

"It's my duty as her husband," Louis said. He carried Elaine to her room to treat the wound in her knee when Karen pulled her. The room was a bit smaller compared to the one in the mansion, but just enough for two people. 

He slowly put her to bed. Mr. Natividad handed him the first aid kit. He was grateful for it. 

"Are you okay, wife?" he asked Elaine. She nodded as she slowly picked up an album under her bed. 

"Does that woman always do this to you?" he questioned again. Elaine just remained silent. Louis gradually coated her wound with betadine. When he put on the band-aid, he leaned towards her to see what she was doing. 

There was a picture of Elaine when she was young. Louis was surprised to see a woman who was very familiar to him. Because this woman is the one he always dreams of. The woman he trusted first. The woman who first gave him disappointment.

This woman is the. . . .

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