
Chapter three

His eyes had a coldness to it that somehow pulled me in as I stared at it. He had sharp jawlines complimented by a pointed nose and thin lips. His black hair was gelled back and it was clear that he never skipped a workout because of the bulging muscles contained in a blue tuxedo.

I finally realized my situation and hurriedly stood up. “Thank you” I said as I tried to regain my composure. He didn't say a word and only nodded, his face was still expressionless as he turned to Tyler and asked, “Are you going to start the party or do you want to settle your family issues first?”

Tyler cleared his throat and replied, “Yeah sure, I'll start now” he then turned to Nabita and whispered in her ear, “Don't worry Love, I will help you vent your anger out later. I promise” 

She nodded and walked away while Tyler turned to me and said irritatedly, “Let's go”

I nodded and walked behind him to the raised platform in the hall. As I walked I heard some conversations from people about Xavier and pricked my ear in interest.

“The Lycan family has continued to hold the royal crown for as long as I can remember. They rule the entire Werewolf community”

“Wow, the Lycan king is so powerful and very handsome as well”

“But he doesn't have a mate”

“Do lycans have mates? I heard they just pick someone they fancy and mate with them. Just like us”

“Where did you hear that? That's a lie. Lycans have fated mates, they only have one potential mate who they can mate with their entire life. I also heard that they die if their mates dies”

“I also heard they are very rare to find. Some Lycan kings died without ever finding their true mates and only mated other female to get an heir”

“Atlas, the Lycan's only weakness”


Conversations like these were all over the place and I listened with curiosity. I didn't notice that I had slowed down in my pace because of it. Tyler angrily grabbed my hand and pulled me along forcefully with a fake smile on his face so as not to look suspicious.

“Are you hell bent on destroying the pack's image? We finally get a chance to host the Gala and you are busy clashing with Nabita over unnecessary things and even getting the Lycan king's attention. I truly regret mating you” He ranted through mind-link so no one would hear him.

I felt my throat choking up as I heard his hurtful words. At that moment I just wished I could run away or disappear from there and never come back.

“The host Alpha and Luna look so good together”

“I heard them clashing with the Luna's sister earlier, I wonder what the problem was. They don't look like they ever argue with each other"

“It's three years now and no heir from the Luna, what could be the problem?”


I heard some people gossip and I just sighed sadly. What everyone saw was different from what I saw. I guess we were such good actors and actresses to keep up a loving couple facade for all these years. Goddess knows how much I wanted a child, that's why I tried so hard to look sexy for Tyler the other night. It was already three good years and people were beginning to ask questions. If only I had at least one child then I wouldn't be so lonely anymore.

We both climbed the platform with wide smiles and Tyler took the microphone and tapped lightly on it to gain the attention of the guests present.

“The annual gala has been one of the most important events that takes place every year. The event dated to as far back as three centuries ago, it symbolizes peace and unity among werewolves from around the world. It is a place to build connections, alliances and long term mateship. The Moriarty pack is happy to be hosting such a remarkable party this year and we were even graced with the Lycan king presence... Thank you King Xavier for showing up” Tyler said as he glanced at Xavier who stood with a blank expression by the corner. Eyes turned to stare at him and some gossiped but if he cared, he didn't show it.

“Even though this is a party, we always use this opportunity to have a general meeting with everyone so please stay put till the end of the party” Tyler added.

“The gala has officially started, help yourself to drinks and snacks by the buffets, chat and dance and have fun” I said into the microphone with a wide smile. Everyone clapped and cheered as we stepped down from the platform and went into the hall to socialize which involved fake smiles and unnecessary gossip.

30 minutes later, I retired to the buffet to take a small bite of food. I haven't eaten anything since I woke up. I picked up a plate and dished myself pizza and bacon before sitting down and digging in. I felt more revived as my stomach filled up a little. I looked around the hall and my heart began to fill heavy from the numerous happy faces I saw. 

Thoughts of last night's scene brought an aching feeling to my chest again. I suddenly felt like I was suffocating and would throw up the food I just ate. I stood up and decided to walk outside a bit for some fresh air. As I walked out of the hall, I thought of Tyler and Nabita. How would I confront them, what if they decided to declare their relationship openly to the world? I would be so humiliated and the pack would be put in a bad light. What if I lose my Luna position and Nabita is crowned Luna?

I had always suspected Tyler to be cheating on me, he never had any sexual contact with me so he was definitely doing it with someone else. And the occasional pangs of pain that came when he wasn't around, I always wondered who he was with but never thought he would hit it off with my sister.

I didn't know how to confront them, knowing Nabita, she would spread rumors about how I lied and deceived Tyler to mate with me. Her mother would probably help spread it even more just to spite and humiliate me. 

I remembered when I was younger, I was 12 years old when I was adopted and brought into the Netherland pack. I remembered Prisca's scornful look as Levi introduced me. She held Nabita, who was 10 at the time close to her like I was a deadly bacteria that could kill everything within 10 meters. According to Levi, he found me in the forest, asleep, dirty and tattered. He had woken me up and asked me for my name and my parents. I told my name was Uriah and my mother said they were coming back and I should wait for them. I kept waiting for them for 3 days and I was very weak from starvation. It took a lot of convincing for me to follow him, he had to cajole me that my parents sent him. I spent one week in the infirmary before I was able to walk and play like a healthy child. Alpha Levi would come around everyday to check up on me and make me laugh. After one week, he initiated me into the pack and announced his decision to adopt me. It was because of Levi that I tolerated Nabita and her mother sometimes. He was a good man and I was extremely grateful to him for taking care of me like his own daughter. He was unaware of my issues with Tyler, or else I knew he would have stormed into the pack and dragged me out himself. 

I didn't want to burden him with my problems, he had already done a lot for me. Plus he was still grumpy in accepting Tyler, he said he didn't like him because of his haste to mate with so quickly. If only I had consulted him before agreeing to Tyler, I would be here, mated with no love. Aside from that, it could cause hostility between the Moriarty pack and the Netherland pack, which I wouldn't want for mine and his pack.

I sighed and was too clouded in thought to notice I missed a step, I tripped and I closed my eyes awaiting the impart from the ground but it never came. Strong arms held onto me, saving me from falling. I opened my eyes to see the same pair of blue orbs who had saved me earlier.

King Xavier.

I hurriedly stood up and muttered a thank you. He chuckled and said, “This is the second time you are falling, good thing I'm around to catch you every time, but will there be a third time, clumsy?” 

I blushed and stammered on what to say, his gentle attitude did fuzzy things to my chest that I couldn't explain. I noticed his hands were still on my waist inciting tingles from where he touched. 

“Please let go” I said softly, surprised by the calmness of my own voice.

He didn't let go, his eyes were still fixated on my face, an unreadable expression on his face. I placed my hands on his and pulled it away from my waist despite the sparks that flew when we touched.

Just then, a familiar angry voice thundered from behind us, “What the hell is going on here?”

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