

I can’t wait for this week to be over.  I have been in Europe for four days and want to return home.  Now I see why my great-great-grandfather moved his pack from Ireland to Louisiana.  Don’t get me wrong, some parts of Europe are beautiful to visit, but I don’t think I will get that much time to play tourist.  I have known the alpha’s of these two packs for years and are on good terms.  It’s the she-wolves and female Lycans that are driving me crazy.  They have thrown themselves at me since I stepped out of the car.  I appreciate a beautiful woman, but hopping from bed to bed no longer appeals to me.  I still have not found my mate.  I know that it could take years to find her, and considering the life span of a Lycan is a thousand years, or more means that I have lots of time.  We shift into our Lycans for the first time when we turn 16, but it’s not until we are 18 that we can find our mate.  I turned 300 years old a few months ago, so after all these years and no luck, I wonder if I will ever find her.  

“They are like fucking vultures.”  Kyran mumbles.

“Yes, they are.  At least we leave tomorrow to travel to the next pack.  Alpha Phillip has told his pack to be respectful.  I think his luna told the girls to leave us the fuck alone and to not act like desperate whores.”  I laugh.

“That sounds like Luna Cassidy.”  Kyran barks.

Alpha Phillip is mates to my Aunt Cassidy.  She moved to France to be with him after meeting when his father and he came to our pack the day Aunt Cassidy turned 18.  From what I was told, they didn’t accomplish much in the meeting that day because Uncle Phillip’s Lycan took over so he could track down Aunt Cassidy.  Uncle Phillip is ten years older than Aunt Cassidy, but that is nothing in the world of Lycans.  My parents are sixty years apart.  Kyran and I pack up our stuff to hit the road when it is light outside.  I can’t feel too bad for myself, though.  The only one of us to find our mate so far is Cahir.  That in itself was a surprise.  We have known Tylania since birth, considering her coven and our pack share land and are our allies.  I thought shit would hit the fan when he walked into the room for his 18 birthday party and stomped up to her.  He threw her over his shoulder and walked out when his father stopped him.  Strangely Tylania wasn’t putting up a fight.  I have no idea how witches or warlocks find their mates, but she must have known Cahir was hers.  I stuff the last pair of pants into my suitcase and flop down on the bed.  I am still mildly jetlagged from travelling.  

“Tiernan it is good to see you.”  Uncle Phillip says.

“It is good to see you as well Uncle Phillip.”  I reply.

The three of us walk into the house to be met with yelling.  I must step out of the way as something comes flying past me.  I watch as a young girl comes running down the stairs in barely any clothes.  I can hear someone else upstairs.  I am about to ask who it is when I hear this:


The girl doesn’t look back or at us as she flies out the front door.  I look on the floor to see a rather heavy-looking paperweight.  That must have been what Aunt Cassidy threw at the girl.  Uncle Phillip lets out a hug and starts walking up the stairs.


Kyran and I are doubled over laughing at the scene by this time.  I am not surprised by my aunt's actions.  My mother is the same.  Neither of them let the pack sluts around the packhouse. It would make no difference.  Cahir, Riordan, Kyran and I made a vow when we were younger that we wouldn’t sleep with anyone from our pack.  It was Riordan’s idea, and at first, we thought he was crazy for telling us about it, but the more we thought about it, the more his idea made sense.  We didn’t want to cause issues for our mates when we eventually found them.

“Good god woman what have you done?”  Uncle Phillip asks.

“Oh hey baby, I was just getting rid of trash.  I found it sprawled out on the bed where Kyran would be staying.  I have moved him into another room.”  Aunt Cassidy explains. 

She squeals when she sees the two of us standing behind Uncle Phillip.  She might be tiny, but Aunt Cassidy is strong.  She hugs us, and I think she may have cracked something.  I hear Kyran let out a grunt during his hug.  She then shows us to our rooms and tells us she will keep the trash away.  

“She does know that she doesn’t need to worry about the girls trying to seduce us, right?”  I ask.

“Yes, but she doesn’t trust the girls.”  Uncle Phillips huffs out. 

I head into my room and set my luggage down at the end of the bed.  I flop down onto the bed.  I stare up at the ceiling.  I have no idea how long I have been lying there when I hear one of the floorboards squeak.

“You look sad.”  Aunt Cassidy says. 

“Honestly, I have no idea what I feel anymore.”  I admit.

“You will find her, and I believe it will be soon.  I have seen you and a woman together.  No, I can’t see her face, but I can tell you she is short.  There is also something about the colour purple within all my premonitions, but I am not sure what that means.”  Aunt Cassidy says.

“At least it is something.”  I mumble.

She pats my leg as she gets up and tells me that lunch will be ready in an hour.  My Aunt Cassidy is one of the few Lycans gifted with an ability.  She has premonitions.  I pushed myself up and let everything she told me sink in.  I like short girls, so that is a plus.  I drag my feet across the hall to the room that Kyran is using.  He opens the door as I go to knock.  I tell him what Aunt Cassidy told me, and we head to my uncle's office. 

“Oh, I forgot to tell you. I talked to Cahir two days ago.  He said everything was going fine and that no rogues had been spotted near our borders.  He also told me that Tylania’s friend arrived four days ago and that she was cool to hang with.”  Kyran says.

“That is good.  I am glad that she is fine with everything.  I am guessing she is staying at Tylania’s place.”  I comment.

“Yeah, Cahir says that Kynessie, that's Tylania’s friend, and Aisling is getting along great.  He said that it was kind of scary.”  Kyran adds.

Yeah, that is strange.  I love my sister, but she can be a handful.  While my sister loves to shop and can be the typical girly girl, she can also be one tough bitch.  She has no problem throwing down and kicking someone's ass.  She had put several girls within our pack in their place when they thought they could slither into my bed and try to seduce me into making them my Luna.  

Thankfully, everyone knows we will not bother with the women in our pack and the Dark Water Pack.  They are the royal pack that helps protect my family and me.  He shoves his phone in front of my face, and I damn near start drooling.  The picture is of a stunning Harley Davidson Electra Glide.  The bike is purple, and all the accents are chrome.  

“It’s a 1990 model, and no, he didn’t send a picture of Kynessie,”  Kyran says.

“Well, she has to be damn near perfect to ride a bike like that,”  I state.

He nods in agreement.  Any woman that owns and rides a Harley has already earned points in my book.  All four of us are into motorcycles, and we are all gearheads as well.  Kyran is the only one of us that has a sports car.  The rest of us have lifted trucks.  The two of us head down for breakfast, and I smile as I see my cousins sitting at the table.  They are a set of triplets.  Declan and Mael are the two boys, with their sister Amelie sitting between them.  They are 12 years old.  Uncle Phillip and Aunt Cassidy had a rough time conceiving children.  They finally conceived with some help, and that resulted in the triplets.  Unfortunately, they are the only children that they can have.  I don't know why or what the problem is, but they were happy with their three, and Aunt Cassidy was relieved that she only had to go through this once.

“Tiernan and Kyran!”  Amelie screams.

“Amelie don’t scream, your cousin and Kyran were coming for breakfast.”  Uncle Phillip tells her. 

She jumps into my arms and then launches herself into Kyran’s.  I am pretty sure she gave all of us a heart attack when she did that.  Kyran places her back on her chair. I laugh when I notice her brothers giving Kyran the stink eye.  They are extremely overprotective of her, and I am grateful for that.  I am known that Uncle Phillip also likes that his sons are overprotective of her.  I sit down by Meal and start to load my plate with food.  We have had a few meetings these last two days, but for the most part, we are here to relax. 

“Well that was a waste of time.  Is he always that fucking irritating?”  Kyran asks.

“Unfortunately yes, Alpha Jiahao is a dick.”  Uncle Phillip answers.

Alpha Jaihao is the alpha of the Lycan pack that spans the borders of Europe and Asia.  I have never met him, but from what I have seen and heard, he is a fucking asshole.  We finished our Zoom meeting with him, and he shot down every idea we had.  I could see his son in the background shaking his head.  It appears as if the son disagrees with the father.  I know the son is close to my age, but I don't know how old he is. 

“Why hasn’t he handed over the alpha title to his son?”  Kyran asks.

“No one knows.  His son Jin is older than you boys.  He is close to 400, but Jiahoa will not step down for some reason.”  Uncle Phillip explains. 

We look up when his computer receives a notification. Cahir wants to talk with us via Zoom.  This makes me think something is wrong.  Uncle Phillip clicks the link.  He leaves the room to talk with Cahir.  He is sitting outside.  I can see most of the backyard and hear several different voices.

-How’s it going?- Cahir

-Good, is there a problem?  I wasn’t expecting you to want a face-to-face while we are gone.- Me

-Nope, everything here is good.  I just wanted to check in.-  Cahir

I see Tylania in the background, which means Cahir is outside.  I watch Aisling runs by in a tiny tank top and pair of shorts.  That girl is going to be the death of me.  I look down as my phone vibrates, but a flash of purple catches my eye.  Not only do I damn near swallow my tongue, but Caturix, my lycan, whips his head to look through my eyes.  The girl is breathtakingly gorgeous.  She is a few inches shorter than Aisling, so around 5’5”, with long black hair containing streaks of purple and red flowing through it.  I can’t help but stare at her eyes when she turns to face the computer screen.  They are the most mesmerising shade of purple that I have ever seen.  Caturix is drooling as we watch the girl chase my sister around. 

-Who the hell is that?- Kyran

-That is Kynessie, Tylania’s friend.- Cahir

Both girls disappear, and I hear Caturix let out a whine.  The three of us talk for a while longer, but I can’t get the image of Kynessie out of my head.  She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.  

(We need to go home-Caturix)

(We will be leaving in two days-Me)

(No, we need to go now-Caturix)

(Why are you in such a hurry to get home?-Me)

(I feel as if we need to be there-Caturix)

He cuts the link before I can ask anything else.  I have never seen him react like that to any woman before.  Even the few that I have slept with, he never acted like that.  He would usually disappear until I was done.  I close all the screens on the computer and shut it down.  As we enter the living room, I feel someone touch my arm.  I look down to see a blonde standing beside me.  She is the same one Aunt Cassidy chased from the house last night.

“How the fuck did you get in here?”  I growl.

“I was let in.  I thought my friends and I could show you and your delta around.”  She says in a low tone.

“Forget it, we don’t have time for you and your friends.  Please removed your hand from my arm and never touch me again.”  I growl.

She stands there staring at me like she doesn’t know what I said.  She was trying to sound seductive, but all she sounds is desperate.  She recovers and tries to act sexy again, but all it does is piss me off.  Kyran tells her to take her friends and get lost.  They scurry out of the packhouse as Aunt Cassidy walks in.  Oh shit, they are going to get it now.  

“You ok?  You seem off since we talked with Cahir.”  Kyran asks. 

“Yeah, I am going to have to talk with Aisling about her choice of clothing.”  I state.

“I wasn’t expecting Tylania’s friend to be so fucking sexy.”  Kyran comments.

His comment hits a nerve, and I feel like punching him.  This is not like me, and I have no idea why I am acting like this.  I would ask Caturix, but he has a block up and is probably sleeping.  Kyran is right; she is damn sexy, but hearing him say that rubs me the wrong way. 

“She is a little on the short side for a Lycan.”  I point out.

“She isn’t a Lycan.  If I remember right, Cahir told me that Tylania’s friend is a vampire.”  Kyran tells me.

There is no way she is a vampire.  All the female vampires I have seen or met looked nothing like that.  They are usually taller than that and always seem to wear something over the top to try and seduce whoever they are after.  Their complexion is much paler too.  To be honest, most female vampires I have met were complete bitches and thought they deserved everything.  I will have to talk with Tylania when I get back.  

(Why can’t we stop thinking about her?-Me)

(I don’t know-Caturix)

(Could she be our mate?-Me)

(It is a possibility, but until we are back home and can touch and scent her, we won’t know for sure-Caturix)

(Damn, that is right-Me)

(A vampire as a mate.  I am not sure that has ever happened before-Me)

(It has not, but who cares what species she is-Caturix)

(You think the pack will accept her as our Luna if she is ours?-Me)

(Yes, they will accept her.  She is different from other vampires, but I don’t know why-Caturix)

With that, he cuts our link, and not soon after that, I hear him snoring softly.  This makes me anxious to get home.  I have no problems with vampires.  We are on good terms with the local clans.  I wonder if they would know who she is.  The vampire king lives somewhere in Europe, but I have never met him.  I know Dad has met him, and from what he told me, the guy is friendly and wants us supernaturals to get along as best we can.  I decide to reach out to him once I get home.  

“Sorry, I hurried to get here.”  Danny huffs.

“It’s okay, Danny.  This was an emergency, and I wasn’t expecting you to be waiting at an airport in France.”  I say.

Kyran and I climb onto the plane as Simon slams the door shut behind us.  Cahir called a few hours ago, letting us know he sent Tanner to pick us up.  There had been a minor attack on the pack and a few hurt.  No one was seriously hurt, but my father was one of the people injured.  Cahir told me he would be fine, but I told him we would return as soon as possible.  It is not even fucking light as we start down the runway.  Cahir told us they captured a few rogues and said they would be in the cells waiting to be interrogated once we got back.  Most rogues don’t bother with our kingdom or the pack since we are located in the swamp, but some get brave and come looking for trouble. Most don’t make it, primarily because of the wildlife within our area.  Who needs guard dogs when you have thousands of alligators swimming around?  I lay back and get comfortable.  The flight is long enough that I can at least sleep, and the seats are like beds; as I fall asleep, a vision of Kynessie filters through my mind. She might be my mate; we will meet soon if she is.

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goodnovel comment avatar
A little jumpy. One minute it's lunch time next minute it's morning and he's going for breakfast. he's talking with his friend in the sitting room next he's getting on the plane lol

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