
Chapter Two

Chloe’s POV

As I walked towards my room, trying to shake off the persistent scent and Layla’s chants of "Mate! Mate! Mate!" I was still surprised Layla was feeling this way, because it was all strange.

A mate? It seemed so unreal, especially at this point where it has been said I can’t have a mate. But Layla didn’t look like she was going to back down.

"Layla, please," I whispered, my voice strained with exhaustion and frustration. "Not now. I can't deal with this right now. I need rest."

But Layla kept on shouting, her voice echoing in my head. "Mate! We need to find our mate!"

I sighed heavily, rubbing my temples in an attempt to reduce the rising headache Layla was starting to give me.

It's just my fantasy playing tricks on me.

Would I say my mate is one of the guests I saw downstairs from other packs?

All the guests here are of royal blood. How do you expect my friend to be one of these people? I’m just an Omega.

Besides, who would want a mate like me? A mere servant in this pack, she was always pushed around and belittled.

Following the scent, I found myself in the

"Isn't that the hallway to the palace rooms?" I questioned her silently.

"Who knows, I may see another servant in the hallway," I murmured to myself. "Perhaps that's who the gods have destined to be my mate."

With resolve, I walked into the hallway, my steps cautious as I attempted to pinpoint the exact source of the scent.

Cringing, I halted abruptly when I reached the next door—tthe Alpha’s suite.

I knocked on the door firmly, ensuring that anyone inside could hear me. Receiving no response, I knocked again, louder this time, just to be certain.

Deciding to take matters into my own hands, I grasped the handle and pushed the door open. Layla leaped within me, her voice ringing out, "Mate!"

"What?" I exclaimed in disbelief. "Mason!!! My mate?? How?"

Frozen, my brain struggled to process the horrific reality unfolding before me: Mason, who was to get married to Amelia in months time was my mate??

Mason, who was facing the wall, suddenly turned, and he saw me.

"How dare you barge into this room like that!" he shouted, scrambling to reach for his clothes.

Amelia, who Mason has been grinding, spun around in shock. "What's going on here?!" she yelled, her eyes blazing with anger as she tried to reach for her clothes even as she saw me standing in the doorway.

My heart raced as I struggled to find my words. "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to interrupt," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mason's expression darkened. "You what?!" he roared, his frustration evident in every word.

Mason suddenly kept quiet. It looked as though he too felt the Mate bind that I have felt, and he had this surprise look on his face.

Amelia, immediately understanding what was going on, stepped forward, her hands trembling with fury. "How dare you come in here?!" she spat, her voice dripping with venom. "How dare you feel a mating bond with my man? You must have done something devious, but none of your tricks will work!"

With that, she slapped me across the face, and the sting ran through my skin.

Mason moved quickly to intervene, his eyes flashing with anger.

"That's enough, Amelia!" he snapped, his voice cutting through the tension. As he approached me, his expression softened slightly, but there was still a hint of anger in his eyes.

"I never want to hear this spoken of again,"  he said with fiery eyes.

“I, Mason, reject you, Chloe. I can never be your mate; probably the moon goddess has made a mistake," he said, his words like a dagger to my heart.

“Sir, I didn’t mean...

"Shut it!! You are nothing but a worthless Omega," he shot at me.

The words hit me like a physical blow, leaving me reeling with shock and hurt. Tears pricked at my eyes.

“I knew that I was destined to be alone. Why did the moon goddess decide to embarrass me like this?” I lamented in tears.

Tears blurred my eyes as I couldn't understand why the world just hated my existence.

"But, sir, I didn't mean..." I tried to explain, but Mason cut me off, his voice harsh and cold.

"Get out," he said sharply. "Leave and don't come back."

Feeling utterly heartbroken, I left the room, each step feeling heavier than the last.

Tears streamed down my face as I ran, not knowing where I was going. I raced out of the palace into the woods, not even thinking, until I reached the edge of the woods.

The night air felt cold against my skin. I kept running, not caring, even as the shrubs around me tore my clothes and started injuring me as I ran past them, just needing to escape the pain of rejection.

"I'm so tired of everything," I cried, my voice choked with sorrow.

Why is it always me?" I cried to the empty night sky, my voice filled with sadness.

Even Layla felt quiet and broken. My chest ached with profound pain as I questioned why the moon goddess would tease me with hope, only to cruelly take it away.

"I never asked for Mason or anyone, mate... I was okay, knowing I wasn’t fated for anyone. Why did this happen now? Why?" I sobbed, tears streaming down my face without restraint.

I started hearing faint music.

"Where is this music coming from?" I thought.

From the way it sounded, it seemed like there was a party not too far from where I sat in the woods.

"Guess I would just go there, at least to clear my head," I decided.

At this moment, I didn’t care if Mrs. Parker was looking for me. All I wanted was to forget about all of this.

"Maybe this could help," I said to myself as I walked towards the music, following the sounds.

After walking for a while, I arrived at the bar.

"Hey girl! Want some sugar?" one rough, haggard drunkard said as he sat near the door of the bar.

"If you knew what I’m going through right now, you wouldn't disturb me," I muttered to myself as I passed him and entered.

Immediately upon entering, I could feel people looking at me. I glanced around but didn’t see anyone familiar.

"How could you even expect to see anyone familiar?" Layla asked mockingly. "Who do you know?"

I didn’t even want to answer Layla. She was the one who caused all this for me from the start.

"But you knew that this wasn’t my fault, right?" Layla said, as if she were reading my mind.

"Can you please shut up and let me be?" I snapped, thereby drawing attention to myself.

The music stopped, and everyone looked at me, wearing a concerned expression.

"Layla, you won't make me go mad today," I retorted to Layla as I walked towards the bartender.

The music resumed, and everyone went back to drinking and making merry.

"Having a horrible day, right?" the bartender asked as I reached his bar counter.

"Yeah, I just had a rough evening," I answered.

"What drink would you prefer? It's going to be on the house," he said, giving me a wink.

I knew a bit about wines. I was close to the packhouse bartender, so I knew wine names to some extent.

"Get me a Carlo Rossi," I requested.

"Nice, you really do know your wine," the bartender remarked, looking impressed.

He poured the wine into a Bordeaux glass and handed it to me. I sipped my drink quickly.

I gazed at the bartender. It was refreshing and so amazingly good, but I wanted something stronger.

"I want something powerful," I grumbled as I set the drinking glass down on the bar counter.

"I can give you a tequila shot," the bartender offered.

"Sure, give it to me." I leaned forward as he handed me a shot glass along with a lemon.

"How do you take this?" I inquired with a grin on my face.

"Gulp down the shot," the bartender instructed. The tequila burned my throat.

"One more," I said as I repositioned the small glass on the bar counter. He offered me another shot, and I drank it as well.

"Why's a pretty girl like you drinking this hard?" a voice suddenly said from behind.

I didn't answer; I just dropped the glass as I felt dizzy, and I asked the bartender for another round.

"Miss, are you sure you haven't had too much alcohol? This is your third shot, and"

"Don't worry, give her the drink; put her tab on me," the man said as he came and sat beside me.

Who is this all confident, like he owned the place?

"Hi, I’m Aiden, Mind if I join you?” he asked.

I gave him a look, not sure what he was up to. "Why should I let you join me?" I asked, not really wanting to chat.

"I just wanted to say hi. I'm Aiden," he said, acting like my reaction didn't bother him.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I heard you. What's up?"

Aiden stayed friendly. "There is no need to be defensive. I just thought we could talk; maybe grab a drink."

His smooth talk annoyed me a bit, but I went along with it. "Oh, how charming! Why would I want to chat with you?" I said I was still not convinced.

Aiden laughed. "Don't worry, I can take it. What's your name?"

I sighed, giving in. "Chloe."

"Nice to meet you, Chloe. What brings you here tonight?" Aiden asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Had a rough evening. Just felt like getting out, I guess."

"I get that. A change of scenery can be good. Hey, they're playing one of my favorite songs. Wanna dance?"

Seriously? Did he really think I'd dance with him after all that?

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