
Chapter Two

Playing Alpha:

“Alpha.” the word chirped in her brain, she sleepy tapped Jace.

He rolled over and looked at her confused. 

“Answer the phone call.” She pointed to his head.

“Phone call?” Jace looked at her, his eyebrows frowned at her.

“Someone is saying Alpha.” She groaned rolling away from him.

“Umm..Alpha, that's your phone call.” Jace laughed, kissing her shoulder.

She looked at him confused and then she remembered.  She made a face and sat up trying to concentrate. She wasn't sure who sent it.

“Alpha.” Asher’s voice flooded her mind.

“Oh I don't know how you do this. And you’ve done it  your whole life.” Nora groaned.

“Hello?” Nora responded to him.

“Sorry to bother you Alpha, I know it's early but we were wondering if you are coming by today. We have a few things that need to be addressed and titles to be given out. We also gathered all the information Kip had but I overheard Alpha Jace’s Beta say the council had arrived so we didn't burn it. In case you need proof.” Asher said quietly.

Today.” Nora said out loud and not in a mindlink.

“Today?” Jace repeated.

“I didn't realize it was morning. I need to go play Alpha.” Nora groaned a little bit.

“Asher, I will be there soon. I overslept.” Nora mindlinked back her yawn coming through the mindlink as well.

"Thank you Alpha, see you soon."  Asher replied  back.

Nora stretched really big and then went to get out of bed. Jace wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back into him. His face nuzzled her neck. His lips grazed her mark and she felt intense tingles spread through her. She leaned back into him. She looked up at his bright blue eyes and ruffled hair. She smiled big. Her hand reaching up and brushing a lock of his hair out of his face. He moved his head kissing her wrist.

"So I thought you were against marking me?" Nora asked quietly.

"I was afraid I hurt you." He said leaning into her open hand.

"So what changed your mind?" She asked, her voice quiet.

" I think it was the goddess but I am not sure. A voice screamed at me to mark you. That it could save you." Jace said leaning down and kissed her forehead.

" I would have done anything to save you." He said quietly, his eyes looking to the door as they narrowed.

"I think you did when you marked me. I felt it and my wolf showed herself to me." Nora said as she too looked to the door.

Jace sat up waiting for something. Nora looked at him strangely. She didn't feel anything. Maybe her body was still recovering. 

What is it? She mindlinked Jace.

Jace sighed and rolled his eyes at her. He glanced at her and she was wearing a t-shirt and boxers of his.

"All right losers you can knock and come in." Jace said loudly to the door.

The door opened that second and in stumbled Matt and Dante. They weren’t in the room two seconds before they were rushing towards Nora. Nora looked confused as Matt crashed into her wrapping his arms around her in a bear hug. Dante laughed and captured her in a hug around Matt. 

"Thank God you're alright Luna." Matt said, squeezing her.

"I knew you were kickass but damn." Dante said, squeezing her once more and letting go.

"Matt let her go." Jace said again, rolling his eyes at them.

"Sorry Alpha. We are just happy she’s ok. We love her." Matt said with a shrug.

Nora looked at him and laughed. "I love you weirdos too."

"Luna, Dante's right, you were unbelievable. You saved us all, not even just our pack Kips, the Black Sands pack. Even  the Moon Light pack is grateful. They are all in debt to you." Matt explained enthusiastically.

" Matt, stop calling me Luna." Nora said, shaking her head.

"He may not." Jace growled slightly.

"And why not?" Nora asked, making a face as she did. 

"Because you are his Luna now. My other half, my equal. By calling you anything else it is disrespectful." Jace is explained firmly.

" In private may he call me Nora?" Nora said, annoyed.

Jace seems to plot it over in his mind as if deciding if it was ok. Nora's face was becoming more and more annoyed. Jace caught her face and sighed.

"Fine..only in private." Jace said his voice was full of authority.

" So…..Nora..- Dante waited to see if Jace would react before continuing.

"How exactly did you do all that?" Dante continued asking.

"Well I -

" We need to keep all of that quiet. The council is here..I don't need them finding out about her…abilities." Jace said to him.

"I need to brief the pack." Jace said, talking out to himself.

"Jace I need to get over to the Red Woods pack." Nora said quietly.

Jace frowned, she was right she did need to go but he needed to prep his wolves before the council started asking too many questions. He sighed deeply, he couldn't let Nora go alone but he also couldn't delay her. He looked at Matt and Dante and made a face. He needed Dant here for appearance and if anything went down he would need his back up.

“Matt I am trusting you to take your Luna and my mate to the Red Woods. If anything and i mean anything happens to her I promise you, i will-

“Alpha, I promise nothing will happen to my Luna, I will die before I let anything touch her.” Matt swore.

“We also have to plan her ceremony.” Dante said hearing Matt swear loyalty to Nora.

“Let's take care of the council first.” Jace said going over to Nora.

“Ceremony?” Nora said, looking up at him as she sat on the bed.

“Yes my pack needs to swear its loyalty to you like they did me. Normally this would be the moment I mark you but we have done that already.” Jace said, leaning down and kissing her forehead.

“Get dressed and go get your pack in order. I will see you soon.” He said to her standing up straight. 

“My pack” She repeated with disbelief and a smirk on her lips.

“Yes my Alpha Luna.” Jace chuckled, starting to make his way to the bedroom door.

“Matt wait outside the door till she's ready. Dante with me.Send out an order for the pack to meet in the hall,” Jace said, giving orders.

Matt and Dante bowed their heads to Nora as they walked out the door. Jace hestatied in the doorway. It was too soon after the battle, too soon after he had just lost her. He wanted to put her in a bubble. Wanted to lock her in these walls with him and keep the world out. She looked at him tilting her head asking what was wrong with the motion. 

“Stay safe my little hunter.” He smiled at her, the smile that set her heart on fire, throwing her a wink as he walked out the door. 

Matt pulled the car into the Red Woods pack house driveway. Asher was waiting on the front steps anticipating his Alphas return. His eyes glowed slightly as Nora stepped out of the car. Matt’s eyes glowed seeing Asher’s glowing. Ryker is ready to fight any minute. The glow of Asher’s wolf pushing to the surface causing him to be unsure of his intentions. Matt watched Nora walk towards him like royalty like nothing was wrong. She ignored the eye glow and greeted him. 

“Alpha.” Asher said, bowing his head and baring his neck to her.

Matt tension eased up a little seeing Asher submit to Nora. He was still wondering about his eyes. Matt was waiting for anything. 

“Asher.” Nora smiled brightly.

“I have gathered all the strong pack members and they are waiting inside to greet you. The rest of the pack will be by soon.” Asher explained.

Nora be careful I don't know why his eyes are glowing and I don't know if all members of Kips pack were simply innocent. Please be careful Matt mindlinked her.

Asher tilted his head seeing the mindlink happening and he did not hear it. 

“Alpha, may I ask a question?” Asher asked.

“You may.” Nora replied.

“You can mindlink with both our pack and the Cross River pack?” He asked surprised. 

“Yes, why is this not normal?” Nora asked, confused and glanced at Matt.

“Normally you have only one pack, you pledge loyalty too and then that pack becomes your world. You can only mindlink with them.” Matt explained looking at Nora.

``Well I haven't pledged loyalty to any pack.” Nora shrugged.

“It’s just not normally what happens.” Asher said quietly.

“Well we all know nothing normal seems to happen to me. Let me go meet the pack, let's not keep them waiting any longer.” Nora said, dismissing the comment.

Asher nodded and walked into the room. As Nora stepped in they all bowed their heads and bared their neck in submission.  She scanned the pack, her eyes looking over them. She wanted to make the right decisions. I know they were all waiting to see who she would pick as Delta and Gamma.  She didn't know if this was something she could do in one sitting. She also noticed that these strong ones were all males. A thought entered her head.

Dante, is Sarah coming to our pack? Nora said, mindlinking him.

Yes Luna she wanted to change packs, if the Alpha and yourself would grant it. Dante said the mindlink was quiet and unsure.

I will speak to Jace regarding this. She’s your mate. I don't see a problem with it. Nora mindlinked back.

She looked to Asher who was lining people up. She looked Matt cornered in her eyes. Was she really about to meet the entire pack one by one? Matt shrugged he didn't know what they should have been expecting either. 

“Alpha, if you could have a seat right here, I will get things started.” Asher said, tapping a large red chair. 

Nora looked at Matt who smiled weakly back at her before sitting down and taking a deep breath this was going to take forever. 

It was taking forever minutes creeped by as each member came up and introduced themself. It was like small little job interviews. At first Nora was keeping up but names and faces began to blur. She couldn't tell who was loyal and who was not to be trusted. They all said the same thing, something along the lines of I swear by the moon goddess my loyalty to you Alpha Nora and will forever follow you. They stated their names and at the end each one's eyes would glow amber. 

Asher, I don't mean to be rude but how many more do we have? Nora mindlinked Asher as another one pledged themself to her.

Each time one member would pledge themself to her she felt a small spark or surge course through her like she was gaining power or status from it. It was strange. She wonders if this is how it felt for Jace. If this was normal.

Alpha we have only four more of the male and warriors left. Asher mindlinked her back.

Would it be ok if we break for lunch before we start the remainder of the pack. Nora asked him, looking for a way out.

Matt looked over at her curiously, he could tell she was mindlinking someone but he was not in on the conversation and made a face to her about being left in the dark. Matt was really growing on her and she looked at him like a brother now. She smiled and made a face back.

Trying to find a way out for us so hush. Nora mindlinked him.

Matt smirked, shaking his head as he looked over the crowd. There’s more in our pack Matt mindlinked her back teasing her.

Of course Alpha I will have someone start preparing lunch so once we're done you can go eat. Asher mindlinked her back.

Thank you. Nora replied.

There’s more? I am not doing this over there. Nora grumbled through mindlink to Matt.

Oh we don't do it this way, you get everyone in a room and they pledge all at once. Done simple and easy. Jace has no patience for things like this. Matt replied back.

Oh Matt, I could hug you. Nora mindlinked back excitedly that she may have found a way to move this along.

She would run this by Asher during lunch and hopefully he would agree since she met more than half of his pack

The second to last man walked up and muttered off the pledge, something about the way he was talking caught her ear. She looked up to him. As he said his pledge his eyes glowed but they were still red. She wondered if you could lie when you said your pledge. No one seemed to notice the small mishap but Nora did. She watched the man walk away, he was huge with a board back. His hair was cut into a mohawk and he mumbled to himself as he left her sight.

Asher, who was that? Nora sent it to him.

That was Roger Alpha. Asher sent back. 

I would not choose him, Alpha. Asher added in the mindlink.

We will talk more about him later, thank you Nora responded as she watched the last man leave.

“Food.” Matt said, jumping up.

Nora smiled lightly as he held out his hand to help her out of her seat. She took it and began walking to Asher who was finishing things up.

“Asher,  join us for lunch so we can talk a little privately.” Nora orders.

“Of course Alpha.” Asher said with a nodd.

It was funny how his attitude had changed. When she woke up in the hospital room with him he was very cautious. He would answer a question with a question. He seemed guarded. Now he was willing to do anything she asked and was quick to answer. She knew he was grateful but she almost missed the sass.

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