

Rylan converted into a werewolf with big sharp nails.

He was looking very dangerous because of his wide chest and hairy body. He tore up his chest, drops of blood continuously falling from his flesh and he was continuously touring his chest. 

Tears came out from his eyes and his eyes turned bloody red, but he was thinking about only his people's lives and happiness and about Larena as well!

After bearing intolerable pain, he removed his heart from him and gave it to the priest.

Rylan's chest was in pain, so hard that he was crying because of it, and there were drops of blood on the floor.

After a few seconds, his visuals started deteriorating, he was not able to see things properly.

He tried to see things but failed!

He again tried to see the priest but the priest looked very blurry to him because of his impaired visuals.

His throat started drying, wanted to drink water but couldn't say anything.

His mind had collapsed, he couldn't understand anything that was going on.

Rylan felt that his soul was leaving his body and someone forced him to leave the body.

Rylan's soul left his body, and his body fell down on the floor, his big werewolf head collided with the table and his mouth started bleeding, he converted into a human.

By giving his heart to the kingdom, Rylan had died protecting his nation.

The whole kingdom drowned in the sorrow of the king and queen.

Here, Mason crossed the border of Rylan's kingdom and took a breath of relief.

As soon as he put the gem, he understood and realized that the gem of love is now powerless.

The hard work which he had done for the gem was wasted.

 It was hard for the Mason to believe that the gem is now just a powerless stone and nothing!

He started grabbing his hair and beat himself a little!

Mason was full of anger and he wanted to kill Rylan.

But a soldier of Mason's Army came to him and told him about the news which was spreading fastly all over the realm that King Rylan was no more.

After hearing the news of the death of Rylan, he felt happy inside but not satisfied.

To make himself satisfied he cursed the Rylan's kingdom that they would not see a ray of light and would have to survive their lives in darkness till the twin- flame-connected king and queen did not sit on the throne of their kingdom.

His curse went true, the whole kingdom was drowned in the darkness.

The priest took all the responsibility of the kingdom!

The people of the kingdom and priests took the statue of queen Larena and made it sit on the throne.

Larena Statue sat on the throne as if she was waiting for her king.

Priest converted Rylan's heart into a new gem, which was more powerful than the previous one because the new gem was made up of a full heart rather than a part of the heart, through some rituals.

The priest placed the gem in the room of Larena in a case, which was made up of mirrors.

And it was restricted to enter the room of the queen except for the priest.

The priest  told the people, ``Our king and queen will be reincarnated again, we have to identify them."

People of the kingdom started waiting for the reincarnation of the king and queen, as well as for their happiness.

The priest was taking care of the kingdom!

The people were still drowned in the darkness and hadn't seen a ray of light yet.

100 years passed,

There were two werewolves in Rylan's Kingdom named Shaly and Noah.

They were in love with each other.

They met at a small party for their family.

In the first meeting, they felt something special about each other and started attracting each other.

They started dating!

After dating for two years, Noaha realized that Shaly was the one who could understand him and would support him in the future.

Noaha proposed shaly for the marriage!

Shaly was so happy, and soon they both talked to their family about their love.

Their family agreed easily.

After some days

They married!

3 years passed, Shaly and Noaha wanted a child, but Shaly couldn't get pregnant still.

They went to many doctors and priests but everything proved useless for them!

Shaly started going into depression, Noaha always pampered her and made her understand.

They badly want a child at least, a single child, boy or girl.

One day Shaly felt sick and they went to the doctor and checked up on her,

The doctor said to Noaha who was standing outside and waiting for the report," congrats! Your wife is pregnant, and you will become a father very soon.``

Noaha couldn't understand anything. After some time, he realized he would also be a father and Shaly, a mother.

Noaha's heart was filled with happiness and he started dancing like a child.

He wanted to meet Shaly and tell himself this good news to her.

He went to Shaly who was taking a rest on the bed and her eyes were closed.

When Noaha saw her sleeping, he did not want to disturb her, but he went to her closer and kissed her forehead softly.

Shaly opened her eyes and saw Noaha smiling.

She asked Noaha," what happened to her?"

Noaha said," you are totally fine, my love."

Shaly couldn't understand why Noaha was smiling even though she was hospitalized.

She asked Noaha wonderly, ``Why are you smiling."

Noaha said to her while hugging her," you are going to be a mom and I am going to be a daddy soon."

After hearing those words from Noaha,she was happy and at the same time, she started weeping.

While crying, Shaly said, "this is the day for which we both have been waiting for 3 years."

Noaha said," yes! My darling!"

They both hugged each other.

The doctor came and asked Noaha if they have to check up on Shaly once more.

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