

Daisy. P.oV.

After that incident i went back to our table as if nothing like this happened. I could feel Zac stealing glances at me but I inserted myself in my family's discussion and ate food.

After Dinner when we reached home I changed into blue cotton shorts and blue camisole and went to sleep.

Next day when I woke up I quickly got ready and started surfing on the net about the information of my previous company. Due to untimely death my cousin and  father were not able to get hold of the important files which I have kept safe from them. During that time I never understood why I did it but I guess fate knew what was about to happen to me.

Due to my death many of my company's investors who were loyal to me stepped out as they didn't want to work with my brother. They thought that my death has something to do with them. My loyal investors already warned me about it but I was naive and thought that they were just being worried.

Due to lack of investors those fools decided to sell my mom's property.  They were not able to do it because after my death all those thing went to my maternal cousin Simon . My maternal relatives were the only one who were genuine to me. They tried to stop my mother from marrying father but she was too stubborn and they know that my mother's death has got something to do with them. They tried to warn me as I as a fool ignored them . But I had good relationship with my borther Simon and together we would go out so many times as my father hated me meeting my maternal family sowe did it in secret. I gave all my property to Simon because whenever my fake brother  Sartes was with me he would say he want to start his own business and don't want to rely on me. So I as a good sister did not leave anything for him but now I happy that I did it. He must me crying now. I am happy that after my death they got nothing and everything left to them was worth nothing.

Now i slowly  and carefully have to take revenge from them. So I closed the laptop and decided to read some case history  of some patients on whom I was about to perform surgery. Every week  I perform a  surgery for free to those patients who can't afford it.

When I done with it I heard my brother calling me downstairs for breakfast . I decided to wear Linea  belted grey dress with twisted neck. 

It comes up to my knee with it I chose to wear black wedges and put my hair into a bun.

After breakfast my brother took me to his office as mom and dad were attending some meeting and I don't want to be alone at house.

When i reached there everyone welcomed me. An office girl came to me and thanked me because I did the surgery on her father for free 2 years back when they were suffering through financial crises.

We both entered the office and I sat down in front of my brother freely and started studying the case history which I brought with them.

Then i heard someone entering. It was a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes . She was beautiful but i know her heart was not because she was  Selena the so called best friend of the previous owner of this body. I ignored her and hid my disgust.

When she saw me she brought a fake smile to her face and said

"Oh! Daisy its you. I missed you so much. Why didn't you contact me before leaving this country and you didn't even contact me. How can you do this to your best friend?"

While emphasising on Best Friend part. I saw her stealing glances at my brother and knew it what she was trying to do. Her banishee voice from before is still hurting my ears and her pouting looks like as if she has got a swelling after being hit on the face. I looked at her with a neutral face and pulled my hand away from her and took out my hand sanitiser and applied it on part of my arms which she touched. My brother tried to hold his laughter and she gave me a look as if she has been bullied. I then kept my things inside my bag and in a cold voice I said

"Who are you? "

When she heard this her demanor changed and her face became pale. She looked at me with shock and utter disbelief. Then I looked at my brother and asked him

" Brother when did you start hiring such unprofessional people who just  go  here and there and start spouting nonsense . I am disappointed in you."

With that I kept my head down and started reading my file. I could see my brother's gaze on me for sometime and then he turned to look at Selena and in a professional voice he said

"Ms Selena. I know that you and my sister studied in the same school but she doesn't know you. So next time please be sure to use your words before saying anything. Now pass me the files and you can leave."

Selena looked like as if she wanted to say anything but she reluctantly left.

The fact about her being previous owner's best friend because she herself told the previous owner to hide the fact. She told her that she wanted to become her secret friend. Previous owner was innocent and didn't have friends so she accepted and did so many thing for her. She even got scolded as she always gave her homework to Selena as a good friend. 

The previous owner was really very naive and thought that everyone was good like her family. But she will avenge her . This was just the start. Those who plan to harm her and her family she will pay them thousandfold.

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